22. One Team, One Winner

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Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Right now Michelle has just come of stage and the Other duet is performing. I'm just so nervous because we are about to get the results -


Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so happy that I got my team into the next round. We only have to impress the judges in the trio round to get us the Wildcard spot at Nationals!

Riley (Co-Studio Head) POV -
I'm so proud of Michelle. She danced fantasticly and we only have one my round and then we can be the Champions.

The Next Step - Studio A/ Office

James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
I called James into the office because I can tell that something is going on with him and Amanda and I don't want him to ruin his relationship with her.

"So, What's going on?" James asked, He was reluctant to answer at first, but then he finally opened up. "She blames me for loosing her tour. I mean it was my fault but when I tried to get her back on it they offered me her spot instead." Noah explained. It didn't seem like a big deal to James however.

"But when I told her what happened, She brought up the Regional Loose and it all just got out of control." He added, James was understanding a bit more now. "Well have you talked to her? Has she talked to you?" James asked.

"No, We just end up in arguments" He said.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I know Amanda and I arent the usual typical couple, and that what worried me. If we don't make up soon, it could ruin our relationship forever.

"Just talk to her man. It will all work out" James advised in his usual chilled out tone. Noah looked down and nodded at what he had just heard. "Okay. Thank you" He said, getting out of the office.  "Can I use Studio B to talk in private?" He asked, before fully leaving the office.

James nodded, "Sure.  I'll stop anyone going there for say 30....an Hour?" James thought, which led Noah to some confusion. "Why? If you don't mind me asking?" James let out a small grin and raised his eye brows quickly.

"Oh!.... No, There won't be any of that" Noah said, finally getting what James was hinting at.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm going to talk to Amanda, yes TALK to Amanda and this is all going to be fine... I hope.

Nationals Wildcard Competition

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
32 team now become 4! We're 3 Dances away from crowning the Nationals Wildcard Winner and we have seen a lot of great dancing over the past few hours. But it's time to see which team will make it, as our 2nd team takes to the stage.


Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
So basically, all of the last 4 renaming teams dance their trio and the top 2 scoring teams, the judges take all of their scores and add them together for the winning total.

Ella (Contemporary dancer) POV -
I mean I scored 92 points in the solo round, the duet scores weren't formally announced so they just add the Trio and solo scores together and with 92, we do have a good Chance.

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