14. Twist In The Tale

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
So right now, I'm rushing into studio A with Piper and Amanda and I'm so confused about what is going on. But when I get to the studio, I see all of A troupe standing together and Kate and Riley standing together with big smiles on their faces.

"Alright dancers, now that we are all here - I want to talk to you about the letter I just received... From The Nationals Board of all people" Kate began, immediately sparks and bursts of chatter began to escape from the clump of dancers. "The Nationals board?" Alfie questioned, "But we lost at Regionals.  We're not even going to the next competition which is Nationals"  he added.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
This is a big shock to us all, What is this letter about?

Kate hadn't yet opened the letter, she felt it was appropriate to open it when all of the team was there. She began to open it and read it out. "It says that we are eligible to compete at the Nationals Wildcard Competition" Kate announced, not entirely sure what that ment and she continued you scan the letter thoroughly.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
The Nationals Wildcard Spot is Open to all studios that made it to the finals and lost at a Regionals competition, its basically a shot for a team to still make the cut.

Riley (Co - Studio Head) POV -
Usually 64 Regionals Winners go to Nationals. But this year the board only produced 63, the Team that wins the Wildcard spot goes to Nationals as the 64th team in the competition!

"This is Amazing! Miss Kate we have to go to this competition!" Michelle said, it was obvious this was their shot at taking Gemini down and Getting to the top of their Game again. "I want to take it to a Vote and I really think that we should..."

All of A troupe raised their hands way before Kate had finished what she was saying. They all wanted to compete and go to Nationals, they couldn't just let this chance slip away like their Regionals win. "Alright. I'll go and Submit our names!" Kate said with a smile.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is unbelievable! We actually have a shot at going to Nationals,  do you understand how great this is for us all?!

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I feel great about the fact we may be going to Nationals. If we come together to Win at this Wildcard Competition, a few months from now we could never preparing to leave for Nationals and winning!

Riley (Co - Studio Head) POV -
I texted James to come into the studio and when her gets here I just run into his arms and yell to him about what happened because I'm so excited!


James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
I'm... I'm not quite sure what Riley is on about right now. But she's just jumped into to my arms and flattened my Shawarma into my shirt.

"What do you mean? We're going to Nationals?" James asked, putting his girlfriend down and trying to clean up the mess on his shirt.  "We got a letter saying that all the studio's that made it to the finals and can go to the Nationals Wildcard Competition - if we win, then we get to go to Nationals" Riley explained. "That's amazing! Isn't it?"  He said, giving her a hug.

James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
Knowing that the studio has another chance to compete and win again just feels great. Surely it can only go up from here... Right?

International Dance Tour Connections

Giselle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Amanda and I are walking back to the tour studio and we're greeted by our manager and he does not look happy.

"Oh, so you have returned I see?" He said bluntly. They could tell something was wrong, the manager was usually a happy and bubbly person, but not now. "Giselle and Amanda. I'm Suspending Your Contracts with Immediate effect - You've Shown lack of commitment to our tour" He said.

"What? There must be a mistake?" Giselle reasoned, looking at Amanda who had the same expression on her face. "No Mistake, we are just weeks away from leaving for our tour and your just walking out and not giving us any warning? Especially When the board members were visiting!" He yelled.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe this is happening! This is all Noah's fault!

The Next Step - Studio A

"We Can expect our next letter in the coming days about what the competition will actually consist of" Kate explained, A troupe was still so excited about the chance of going to Nationals. This year the competition was said to be on an entire other level, they had to attend and Win!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I hope that they will take this seriously! Most traditionalists hate anything to do with a Wildcard spot so we have to show that we deserve this and whatever happened at Regionals was just a bump In the road to Victory!

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm coming back into the studio because I need Noah to explain that I had to come back to studio and I wasn't just skiving of the tour. That tour is everything to me and I can't be suspended!

"Oh hey Amanda!" Noah said brightly as she came towards him. But she didn't look bright, she looked upset and a tad angry. "No, don't Hey Amanda Me. Giselle and I have been suspended from the tour with immediate effect!"  She explained, half shouting, half Calm.

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When Amanda tells me that She's been cut from the tour at the moment because I took her and Giselle away from the tour. This is all my fault!

"I'm so sorry! Amanda, What can I do to make it to right?" He asked, he felt awful. He loved Amanda and the last thing he wanted was for her to loose the tour she had now been working for a long time. "You have to tell them about that I had to come here and I wasn't just Skiving."

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'll do anything to help Amanda and Giselle get back on this tour! They deserve it, they have to get their contracts reinstated... They have to!

Next time - A letter from the Nationals Wildcard board arrives, Noah does his best to make amends with Giselle and Amanda.

So what do you think? There is a chance they can go to Nationals! COMMENT & VOTE if you enjoyed! Also I'm going back to school tomorrow so there may be a day or 2 between updates! Thanks you in advance

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