2 (52). Our Time

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It was the day of the A troupe auditions, Kate had very high hopes for an amazing A troupe that year in order to climb back to the top. But nothing could prepare her for what she saw when she came out to greet everyone in studio A.

"West? Eldon? What are you doing here?" Kate asked, She was both shocked and happy at the same time. These were two of the best dancers that The Next Step had housed over the years, it was great to see them back. "We're here to audition. Move it team? Right?" West asked, making sure he was in the right place.

West (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
To be fair Emily did ask us back, but I think we still would have auditioned anyway. A troupe used to be the best, and now we're borderline the worst. Something has to change.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
If dancers like West and Eldon are coming to audition, you know I think we just might be alright.


"Welcome To The Auditions For The Move it team" Kate announced, all of the dancers let out a round of applause to kick off the auditions for A troupe with a bang. "There is going to be two rounds to the auditions. First, Solos. Then we cut down to 20 Dancers and go to Choreo. Then we make the Further cut to 14 and that will be our move it team" Kate explained. This was the biggest team that the team would have.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
14 spots? I'm both very anxious and nervous because my spot could be taken by anyone.

"I'd like to welcome a very special perosn to the studio today, some of you may know her: Please Welcome my sister Pheobe!" Kate introduced her sister with a smile, The Yoga obsessed lady came into studio. "Namste! Namste!" She said with her hands In the pray position. "She is going to be our head Choreographer!"

Phoebe (Head Choreographer) POV -
When I saw that The Next Step lost Regionals and Nationals, I knew I had to step in and. I was teaching the dolphins in Dubi to sing when I got the news and I was like I have to save my sister and the studio, there is enough people teaching the dolphins to sing.

"Those of you that no me, no that there is NO speaking when I am teaching Choreography!" Pheobe explained, the studio was becoming a lot more stricter in itself now. "You all have 30 minutes to come up with your solo that you'll perform to us - begin!"

All of the dancers rushed out of the studio as if they were on some majestic challenge. They couldn't leave anything up to chance, A troupe had to be killer that year, whatever it takes.

Studio B

Dancers had come from far and wide to audition for A troupe, which was putting pressure on the old A troupers to keep their spots. Noah and Amanda had taken to studio B to rehearse for the solo, they both wanted to be on A troupe again. But they were interrupted by a person they never thought they'd see again: Kingston.

"Hey buddy, is this auditions?" He asked, acting so innocent and as if nothing had happened. Both Amanda and Noah looked at him in utter shock and disgust, he was no better than Alfie in their opinion now. "What do you think your doing back here? You left us and you think you can just walk back in?" Noah asked, his voice growing louder by the second.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Kingston was apart of our team, but then he just left us right before the Semifinals. How could he do that to us, as soon as he left I didn't trust him, and I don't trust him now!

"You really need to leave. I'm not the boss. But do you really think anyone will want you on the team after what you did to us?!" He asked, Noah was right. No one wanted him at the next step after that, so he was better of just leaving. Noah checked the time on his watch, "Come on babe. We need to get to the studio."

Kingston (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I've burnt my bridges with the next step; it's time to move on.

Studio A

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I was about to begin the auditions for the move it team when phoebe came into the the office with all these people. Who are they?

The women took out some ID that said 'Absolute Dance Manger', Kate looked confused and do did Phoebe, who introduced her to the studio head. "Kate, this Sarah. She's the Absolute Dance Manager. She wants to speak with you" The head Choreographer explained. The managemer took out some paperwork, "We thought we'd inform you that, The Next Step was cheated out during the finals at Nationals"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
What? Cheated out how? By who?

"The Geminis were paying one of the judges to raise the scores: The Next Step was going to be announced the winner but the final judge raised the Gemini score right before they announced the results" She explained, Kate was curious, what did this now mean?

"The Geminis have been stripped of their National title and The Next Step is the true winners this year" The manager explained, Kate and Pheobe began to smile. "I'm just sorry that the moment was ruined at the competition - we will be going to collect the trophy from Gemini later today." The manager left to leave the office but caught a glimpse of what was occurring in studio A and turned back.

"Are you holding auditions?" She asked, Kate and phoebe nodded and so did the manager. "Good choice, you need a strong team because you are going to internationals!"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I finally feel that this is our time, the studio is at its weakest right now, but it won't be long until the strongest again...

Next time - The auditions for A troupe officially begin.

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