10. Undefeated - Part 1

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Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm entering the solo competition venue and I'm really nervous for today. If we win then we're well on our way to becoming the best studio again. Despite the fact we're not going to Nationals.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This competition will be the first competition I go to a dancer in A troupe and I'm so excited!

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I feel nervous, and especially when I get through the door and realise that this competition is held in the same place as the Regionals Qualifier was and I just get so many memories flooding back.

Richelle stood there, looking at the stage and reliving the First Regionals Qualifier experience through her mind until Kate brought her back to reality. "Richelle! Come on focus!" She said, clicking he fingers as she got her attention. "Oh, yes sorry miss Kate"  She answered, The Studio Owner turned to Zara.  "Are you alright?" She asked. But it looked as if Kate was more worried then the both of them

Zara (Contemporary dancer) POV -
Kate is way more nervous and she's not even dancing today. She needs to calm down and stop over reacting.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Over reacting? Me? Hmm No. I don't over react... Do I?

Java Junction

Emily (Co-Captain) POV -
The Studio is pretty quiet today and as Richelle and Zara are with Kate and at the solo competition, She gave A troupe the day off but Michelle and I have come in. We're Co - Captains so it's our duty to stay around and help out...but first I need to talk to Michelle about Zara.

"So Michelle, I just want to ask you about Zara. She was giving Richelle ideas for her solo when I told her not to" Emily began, Michelle couldn't see anything that was wrong with that, "So. That's good isn't it? I mean we're all on A troupe and want to improve so I don't really see a problem"

Michelle (Co - Captain) POV -
I think Emily is taking this way to far. Kate put us on teams so we can work easier to be the best. But we're ALL on A troupe. She needs to calm down.

"I'm not having a go at you, I just don't want corruption on my team"  Emily said, "If she continues to act up, then I want to consider a trade on our teams" Emily Said, and with that she left, leaving Michelle confused.

Michelle (Co-Captain) POV -
A corruption? She needs to calm it down abit.

Solo Competition

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We're in the wings right now and Richelle and Zara are going to be going on stage soon.  I have not spotted the Gemini team yet but I have no doubt that the will be coming.

"Alright guys. You're going to going on soon so now is the time to collect yourself and get some water and everything" Kate said. The rules of this competition were very vague, they didn't specify if they needed to have costumes or anything. But there was a maximum of two dancers per team that we're allowed to compete.

"You Know, Maybe the Gemini team isn't coming after all?" Richelle wondered, turning back to Kate and Zara who were stood behind her. "No, We're just fashionably late & ready to win!" The evil voice of the first twin came from around the corner.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Spoke to soon.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Kate asked, sarcastically and not impressed to see them standing there. "Oh yes, Miss Kate we're just heading to the stage because —

'Please Welcome Your Regionals Winners, Team Gemini!'

"Were needed on stage to collect our trophy, we'll soon to collect our trophy, because we've already won!" The Second twin began to chuckle and high five his brother, Richelle scoffed and began to laugh Softly. "Just get lost, we don't need this" She said, leading her team mates to the other side of the wings.

Richelle (Co - Captian) POV -
Gemini bragging that they have already Won the solo competition is just totally uncalled for, is this is their plan to psyc us out, it's not going to work.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Watching The first twin from the Gemini team dance, is honesty quite weird. I mean they are so talented and they are clearly amazing dancers but I also just want to take them down.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This dancer is doing well, but I know Richelle and myself can beat them and bring the trophys home.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
In this competition, the judges award the top 5 spots at the end so we don't know how well the did until the end.

The dance finished and the first twin got a massive round of applause and standing aviation from the judges. It brought back memories from When they lost Regionals to Richelle, and she was coming up next. "Alright Richelle, Are you ready for this?" Kate asked. The Acro dancer nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be...

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I know that Richelle can do this. She's an amazing & experienced dancer with a fire inside that just doesn't burn out. She can do this... I know she can!

'Please Welcome Your International Champions — The Next Step...'

Next time - Richelle and Zara compete, James and Riley think back some years.

Soooo? What did you think? Is Richelle going to do well? please COMMENT and VOTE if you liked my work! Love you all!

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