35. I feel like im going to explode

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Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We're coming into the studio today for rehearsal and at first there is this random girl dancing. She looks familiar but then I can't quite place it. But as we get closer, u recognise her instantly - Thalia!

Thalia (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm back in studio A because I have an announcement to make for the A troupe dancers. Two dancers is going to be getting some very good news today!


Later that day, A troupe had all gathered around in studio to begin for rehearsals. But they were more interested in the fact an internationals winning dancer was in the vicinity. "Enough Questions, Thalia is here to talk to us about an exciting opportunity for you all" Kate explained, bringing the conversation to a close and getting on with business.

"Yes. I'm looking for a Two Dancers to come and join our world dance tour." She explained, although she had already spoken to Kate in advance about the idea of one of the team leaving for the tour. "Kate and I we're talking and have decided that Michelle, the spot has been offered to you and Alfie. " Thalia announced, but strangely, Michelle wasn't to pleased. Neither was Alfie, if he left then he couldn't mess with a troupe.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is great, if it was in a few more years. But right now my focus is on improving and getting back to being the best I can be and not to mention Nationals. I have to be honest and say it's not for me right now.

"Thank you. I'm flattered, but I don't think I can take it, I'm sorry. My mind is focusing on Nationals right now and the studio is where I want to be" The contemporary dancer explained, Thalia was disappointed that Michelle turned her down. But at the same time she could understand.

"Well then the spots are up for grabs - I'm here all day and I'm going to be watching over you all. Please remember after this tour, your gurenteed a career in dance. And my limit is two dancers in which I can take along on tour" Thalia explained, but it was time to start getting on with rehearsals. "Okay well I'm going to be seeing the 4 Person Dance today and Michelle you can have studio B for your solo" Kate said

Studio B

"Go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and turn 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm going over my solo in studio B when Kate and thalia come in. If this is about the tour I'm really not interested.

"Good news, Thalia has agreed to help with your solo for Nationals" Kate announced, Thalia smiled and nodded behind her. "I've hered that the studio's competing this year are 10 times better than last year so we need your solo to be incredible" Thalia explained.

Thalia (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
While I was in Poland I did learn some great new moves and I think that sharing them with Michelle could give them the extra edge at Nationals.

"Okay, sure let's get to work!" Kate, "I've got to watch over the 4 Person Dance right now so I'll be back soon - oh hey Amy. Why don't you help out with Michelle?" Kate suggested, leaving the room and heading to studio A. Thalia thought it fitting to go over and stike up a conversation. "excited about going to Nationals?" She asked.

Amy nodded, "Yeah. But just since we lost Regionals...I'm worried that we won't win" This was news to Thalia, "What you lost Regionals? How come?" A shocked Thalia asked, how could the next step go from a team that won internationals to a team that lost at Regionals. "I don't know. We just did. But I'm just going to focus on Nationals!

Studio A

'Come on everybody take control, everybody take control, this dance in on fire and we own the world...'

"That was good" a flustered and out of breath James said. The 4 person dance seemed to be going really well. "Just make sure that we all tumble at the same time whilst coming to the front otherwise it looks messy" He added, "Let's take 5"

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
When James Calls a 5 minute break, I'm pleased because my leg has been feeling a lot better recently. If I over use it then I could damage it. So I'm just letting it rest for a while.

"Alright dancers, how's it all going?" The studio owner asked as she came into the studio. "It's going really well. We're just taking a break. Aren't we?" Riley answered . "Well let's see what you got" Kate ordered,  "What now?" Richelle blurted out. Kate didn't answer, except with a nod.

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
Having to dance again is annoying. But I feel stronger so I'm just having hope it's okay and then I can rest all weekend.

Noah (contemporary dancer) POV -
Dancing in front of Kate feels great. I can tell she loves it.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
This really is a great no. I can't wait to perform with these guys at nationals. But more importantly I can't wait to dance this with Riley.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This dance does have a lot or acro and hip hop in the dance. But it's basically James and Noah dance the HipHop sections while Richelle do the contemporary and ballet. But there is some duet and solo aspects in there too.

Studio B

"Amy, that was seriously good!" Thalia exclaimed, they had taken a break from rehearsing Michelle's solo and they were now watching amy dance. "Thank you!" Amy said happily. "Would you like the tour spot?" Thalia asked openly, Amy smiled and looked at Michelle who nodded at her to say yes. "I guess so!"

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Thalia offered me the spot on the tour...oh boy. I think I'm going to explode!

Next time - A troupe needs two replacements. One for Amy but for who else?

So what do you think? I thought I'd bring Thalia back for a chapter. Any past characters you want to see and Amy is now going on the tour. I went to the doctor about my leg, they said I tore some fibres but I should be able to dance. COMMENT & VOTE if you enjoyed . Thanks!

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