43. On The Line (Nationals)

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Nationals Party

Amanda (Contemporary dancer) POV -
Right now we're all just in the Nationals party and just having a good time. Noah is amazing and his solo was great, but we owe it all to James and Riley for making he next round.

Ella (Contemporary dancer) POV -
Nationals back in the UK is so different. The competition is fierce! Michelle is going to have some tough competition in the next round, but I think that she can handle it. She has to.

"Oh hey. Miracle you're all here isn't?" The first Gemini twin said, as he came over with some of his team and Alfie to where Amanda and Ella we're sitting. "You know, it's going to be embarrassing isn't? Returning to Regionals so soon after winning?" Ella asked, giving them a sarcastic smile at the same time. "Whatever! Good luck. You're going to need it!

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
You know what. We do need luck, and so does everyone else in the competition. So I'm not going to get drawn into the Geminis stupid mind games.

The Next day
Absolute Dance Nationals — female solo

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Welcome Back to the absolute dance Nationals! If you're just joining us then we're entering the Female solo aspect of the competition, we're In for surprises today aren't we trě?

Tré Armstrong - SNR Network
Absolutely Chuck and the Female solo round is one of the most competitive rounds of the competition, and if the girls dancing this year are anything like the talent we saw last time around then we are In for an absolute treat!

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Well it looks like their ready: The first Solo if the day - Sarah from Superstar Dance Academy!

Rehearsals Space

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This year I'm Last in the solo category like I was last year so I do have some time to kill. But I know for sure I'm not going to leave the Nationals this time, I won't be arrested like last time around.

"Go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 That's good Michelle" Emily smiled, since as was an alternate for the team she thought it fitting to help the other members of the team whenever the needed help or someone to watch over them. "Really? Thanks" Michelle replied. "How long till I'm on?" She asked.

Emily flipped put her phone and checked the time. "It's 10:40am now so around 4 hours" She looked up from her phone to face Michelle. "Ugh, that's so long!" Michelle complained, "Gemini is up soon though apparently. I want to see their female Soloist" She added.


Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Well we've seen no slip up from any of these dancers, up next is team Gemini and considering what they did at the Regionals. We could be in for a real treat.


Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We're just in time to see the Gemini Team and their female solo. We're watching from the wings to get a good view, and right now she doing really well.

Emily (Alternate) POV -
The Gemini Dancer is doing really well, I hate to say it but if it gets to the point where we have to face them - I might be worried for our team.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Kate calls me to come to the lobby because there is a problem. It sounds pretty urgent, I hope nothing too serious is up, because we have no room for error!

The Lobby

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I've Just been to our dressing room. And Michelles costume for female solo is gone. The new rules sate that you can't use one costume for more than one routine and there are points deducted from your score if you don't have a costume at all. We are in so much trouble!

"Oh Michelle finally! Listen your costume for female solo round is gone!" Kate yelled, this was the one thing that A troupe didn't need at that point: Drama. If they went against the rules they could get disqualified or even have points taken away. They needed to find a solution. "I think it was stolen" Kate theorised.

"No its not" Richelle said, she just got off the phone from Skylar back at the next step. "It was left behind in studio A before we got on the bus" Richelle suggested, she put her phone away and began to start coming up with ideas. "Okay so there is still around 4 hours until Michelle has to compete for Female solo...it took us 4 hours to get here on the bus. So maybe by train it could be quicker?" She thought.

"What are you saying?!" The studio head asked, She folded her arms to suggest the importance of the situation. "One of us to go back to the studio and get it." Richelle said, it wasn't long before others were agreeing with her. But Kate didn't think so, "No way are you crazy?!"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Sending one of us back to the studio is a huge risk. If we advance then it's all fine, but what if we advance even if and someone has gone back to get them? We'd be a dancer down!

Emily (Alternate) POV -
Richelles Idea isn't the most practical, I mean any dancer leaving in the middle of Nationals could mess everything up. But the rules are so much stricter this year, and we can't risk disqualification!

"I'll go!" Emily stepped up. "I'm the alternate for the team, I'm not in any Dances. I have to go and get the costume!" She said, Deep down everyone knew that Emily was the best choice to get the costumes. "Okay. We have to get you to the station so everyone stay here!" Kate instructed.

Emily (Alternate) POV -
I'm the best person for the job, everything is on the line right now! I have to get back to the studio and get the costumes... I have to, no matter what!

Next time - Emily races against the clock to get the costume, but is held up by an old friend and an administrative error. Will Michelle dance at Nationals?

So what did you think? Will Emily get the costumes? Which friend will she meet? And what error is wrong?  COMMENT AND VOTE if you enjoyed! Thanks!

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