41. Wish You Well (Nationals)

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Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited because today is when we are finally going to leave for Nationals! I'm super excited to just get there and compete and just win. We are trying not to talk about Alfie ditching the team yesterday, we are just staying positive and focused on the competition.

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
A troupe is all gathering in studio A while we wait for the bus to arrive here and take us to the competition. All I can say is that you can feel the energy oozing out of every dancer in here and we are just super excited!

"Alright dancers. The bus is going to arrive here anytime to take us to Nationals. So is everyone ready?" Kate asked, She came out of the office dressed in her Sophisticated Competition clothes that she would wear to an event like Nationals. "We also won't be stopping on the way there so if you need the toilet I'd suggest now would be a good time."

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
If we hadn't won the Wildcard Competition, we would not even be doing this right now. So we have to be prepared and ready for anything in order for us to win the competition.

"Well I think the bus is here, so let's head out" The studio head suggested, this gave a sudden drive of energy to the dancers on A troupe. Nationals was so close they could practically taste it.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't wait, We're going to Nationals... And we're going to win!

Absolute Dance Nationals
The Lobby/Sign Up Desk.

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
We are arriving at Nationals and honestly I'm very excited! This is nothing like Regionals, there was other 8 teams at Regionals and here there are 64! And by the end of the first round half of them will be gone.

"So as we won last year, we don't have to wait in line. It says we get a line bypass?" Kate said, reading some information that she had on the document. "I'll just need to verify it with the check in people" She added, walking of the most empty desk and coming back a few minutes later. "That all checks out, it looks like we're finally registered for Nationals"

Seconds later, the Gemini team came abruptly into the studio. Alfie was looking as smug as ever as he walked past James and Riley as well as the rest of A troupe. Now that Gemini was there, it was time for A troupe to show how to really win at Nationals!

Absolute Dance Nationals

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Welcome to the 18th Annual Absolute Dance National Championship, I'm Chuck Anderson and this my lovely Co - Host, She's a dancer, she's been a judge. It's the one and only Trě Armstrong!

Trě Armstrong - SNR Network
Yes thank you Chuck, it's great to be back here at the Nationals and I'm just so excited to see the talent and dance we have in store over the next few days.

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
So of course, 6 rounds but this year, the new 4 Person Dance will replace the duets.
Male Solo, Female Solo, Small Group, 4 Person Dance, Semifinals and Finals. It's simple the teams compete one on one and the team that looses: That dancer and the entire team goes home!

Trě Armstrong - SNR Network
Well I think they might be ready to role Chuck, the Second Soloist of the Male Solos - Elliot from Joanne Chapman! Now you can see that Elliot is fighting to get his team into the next round.

The Nationals Stage was illuminated as its background canvas was a hazy shade of green contrasting the dancers all white costume. He did seem to be going a really good job, A troupe was watching from the Competetors seating area right at the theatre top of the auditiorum. "This guy is great. What place did they score last year?" He asked.

Kate could remember distinctly the events In which Joanne Chapman Was Eliminated from the competition. "We beat them in the Semifinals, right before Emily hurt her knee." The studio head explained, there was a sudden roar of applause as the solo ended.

🌟 🌟 🌟

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Our first elimination of the competition, goes to Rhythm Plus will be going home, and Joanne Chapman, Moving on here at the absolute Dance National Championship.

Rehearsal Space

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
After watching the first Male Soloist get eliminated just now. I came to our allocated Rehearsal space because I want to get some last minute practice. This is a really big deal to me because if I don't perform well enough, I will loose and my team will be going home.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I want to talk with Noah because we are both the soloists that will be representing our studio. I get the feeling he's a little nervous but he shouldn't be, I just need to remind him that it's OK and he needs to chill out.

Michelle called out to him which made him stop marking his solo and walk over to where she was standing. "Can we talk? I really want to check on your okay before doing your solo" Michelle explained Kindly, "I'm fine. I just don't want to get us eliminated in the first round" He said, already turning back to begin marking this solo through. "Yes. But don't panic to much, you danced at internationals blindfolded. This should be a piece of cake!"

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
After talking with Michelle, I feel a lot calmer about the situation. Maybe it's going to be okay after all!

Absolute Dance Nationals


Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Noah is up next, and I'm really nervous for him because the competition is a lot, and I mean a lot harder than it was last time around. Eldon did set the bar really high for us and I hope Noah can do the same.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is going to be my first time dancing on the Nationals Stage, I just can't mess this up, but with the team like A troupe. I don't think I could, even if I wanted to.

Next time - Noah Competes for Mr National Soloist, Pressure mounts on the team in a shock round of the competition.

A/n: So they are finaly at Nationals. What could be the shock round in next chapter? COMMENT & VOTE if you enjoyed, thanks for reading.

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