11 (61). Ready, Set, Match?

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Studio A

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Right now I'm just in studio A and the small group is rehearsing one final time before the qualifier today and I'm really confident that we're going to do well.

Eldon (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I think the dance is amazing and I can't wait to kill it at the qualifier.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm coming into the studio because I know that Eldon will be dancing, we have become much closer as friends recently and I just love to watch him dance. I'm going to be attending the qualifier in the audience for support.

"And hold, A troupe that was amazing, we're going to kick some serious butt at the qualifier today" Kate announced, happy and content by what she had just seen. Pheobe came out of the office a few moments later with piper who would also be attending the competition in support. "That looks great guys, I'm really proud of all of your hard work and before we go I want to get you all a juice, including you Miss Kate, everyone head to the Java Junction as the drinks are on me" Piper said kindly, giving a reward for the hard work they had done.

Before heading down to the Java Junction, Piper noticed Richelle by the glass windows. Ever since their row, her relationship with Richelle had been a little tesne. But now she was ready to mend that. "Can we talk for a second please?" The dance Captain asked, Richelle nodded and sighed as a response. "I'm going to be attending the qualifier today with Kate and the team. Pheobe is booked to work with the J troupers this afternoon, so I was wondering if you would take the A troupe rehearsal?"

Piper (Dance Captain) POV -
I approach Richelle about taking the A troupe rehearsal for while we're at the qualifier because I do feel bad about what happened and I want to restore my relationship with her.

"Sure okay. What do you need me to do?" Richelle asked, now getting up from her slumped position on the wall and standing more attentively. "We're going to hold auditions for the featured rounds but if you could start the team up on Choreography and ideas for the 10 person finals dance that would be great" Piper smiled.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I just want to help A troupe all I can, and I'm thankful to piper for helping me.

Java Junction

The atmosphere was great as they were about to leave for the Move It Qualifier. Piper had now joined them and brought the drinks like she said she would. "Okay. So you all know what you are doing and when?" Kate asked, everyone nodded as a response. "Great, I've got the costumes so I'll give them out later" Kate said, she began to get up from her seat. "Okay A troupe let's go win the qualifier!"

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't wait to dance at the qualifier, I'm so excited. Qualifier here we come!

Studio A

"OK A troupe, We're going to start working on Choreography for the 10 Person dance for move it" Richelle began, Emily who was now in a better state of mind was willing to help and try and redeem herself. "I think that we should focus on one style of dance" She said, Richelle was not looking to control everyone in that rehearsal, she was going to be a team player. "That's a great idea - does anyone else have an ideas?"

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This side of Richelle is very different, she seems way to relaxed. It just want her to shout at me or something.

"I think we should start of with a series of Acro moves, so can I have the best Acro dancers at the front?" Ella asked, but it was as if Richelle had forgotten her circumstances because she got into position to an aerial but stopped when everyone looked at her. "Oh... Right you ment dancers on the team... Okay"

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I am the best Acro Dancer, but I'm not on the team so I'll just walk it off and focus on helping the team.

10th Annual Move it Championships —Qualifier

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We're entering the Qualifier venue and something is definitely up. It's really empty and there isn't any billboards advertising the competition. What is going on?

"It's sure quiet for a qualifier" Zara said, looking around at the lobby that was echoing it was so empty. With luck, a security officer came past and this was A troupes opportunity to find out what is going on. "Oh excuse me, we're from the next step. We're here for the qualifier" The studio owner explained.

The security guard looked confused at this, "I'm sorry Ms, but the qualifier was held last week" Kate and the faces of all the dancers dropped immediately at the sound of that. "What? How can this be?" Michelle exclaimed. This was terrible news, what would A troupe do now?

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We missed the qualifier? How could we let this slip through our belts?

"What Now?" Harry asked.
"I guess we go home" Kate said, feeling very guilty and responsible for this problem, but she was the studio head and promised herself that we would fix it.

Studio A


Piper (Dance Captain) POV -
We can't believe that we missed the qualifier. Kate is on the phone to the board to find out what happened, and we're all in Studio A just waiting for the news.

Kate came out of the office after she finished her call with the board. "It seems as if that the first qualifier took place a week in advance. I just found the letter on my desk under some paper work, they sent it out but u neglected to read it. I'm sorry guys"

"Miss Kate it's alright, There is another Qualifier, we just have to make sure nothing gets in our way!" Amanda spoke up, trying to raise the moral of the team. She was right, The Next Step had learned one to many lessons and they wouldn't mess up agian!

Next time - News about the second qualifier spreads.

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