5. Switch It Up

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Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I put word out about The Next Step audition and I'm pleased that we go a good turn out.

Emily (Co-Captain) POV -
Even though the studio lost, getting a good turn out means we still have a great Chance of getting back to the best level that we need to be at.

Rehearsal Room

Richelle (Acro dancer) POV -
I'm just dancing in the Rehearsal Room When Cassie and Amy come in, I remember this time a 4 months ago for Regional auditions I was dancing to intimidate them. But they start dancing with me and soon, like dave Ja Vu two other girls come in and begin to watch it.

"Hey, I'm Zara" She offered a hand shake to the other girl next to her, "Hey I'm Heather nice to meet you. Do you go here?" Zara asked, She was still fixed on Richelle, Cassie and Amy who were dancing. "No. I'm actually auditioning today for A troupe" She explained, "Oh Same!" Heather exclaimed.

Heather (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm starting to feel less nervous about this audition now that I know I'm not the only perosn new around here. But seriously, these girls are insane!

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
These girls think we're good, Well we are? Just because we lost Regionals it doesn't mean the next isn't open for business!

Studio A

All of A troupe and the auditionees were gathered in studio A for the star of the A troupe auditions. "Alright, Welcome to The Next Step auditions!" Kate announced, James, Riley and Daniel came out with her. Emily and Michelle were technically going to be a part of A troupe so that had to be with the auditionees.

"So let me tell you how this is going to work, we're going to have 2 rounds and the first will be the Solo round, then we cut it to 30 dancers and do groups Dances and from there we will have our team of 24" She announced, "Once on A troupe the 24 dancers will be spit into two groups of 12, where you will be mentored by Emily or Michelle - after this we will have the strongest team and only then can we compete!" Kate explained, "So get warmed up and you all have 30 minutes."

Studio B

Skylar (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm coming to warm up in studio B because I get distracted really easily and I don't want anyone in there affecting my Chances of getting on the team. But Noah comes In a few seconds later, I can trust him not to distract me so I let him stay.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm warming up In studio B When I hear this loud... Very British voice. At first I'm confused, but then I realised who it was.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Hello, So yeah. Ella is back


"Ella what are you doing here? Does Riley or Kate know you are here?" Noah asked, her was really confused about why she was there.  "Well no not yet, but I was hoping that you could take me to her?" She asked, "I really should be getting ready for the auditions, but the okay quickly" He said, giving in and taking her out.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I hope she isn't going to cause trouble because thats the last thing that any of us need right now.

Studio A

Kate was the only one with an objection to Ella being there, after all. She didn't know that Riley and Ella made up about what happened at internationals. But luckily, they still decided to let her audition for the team. But why would Ella come all the way from London?

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
The reason I'm here to help make TNS great again! That and the 6 month exchange I'm on with my School. But I do feel bad that they lost, it was all over the dancer news all around the world that the international champions didn't make it, and it's not fair.

"Alright dancers, can we all move out of the dance space because the solo round is about to begin" Kate announced, Emily was looking very nervous around the room, even though she was gurentteeed a split on the team, She would perform a solo to show she's working for the spot. But it was a long time since she last dance.

Emily (Co - Captain) POV -
The last time I danced was when I injured me knee at Nationals. My knee is now healed, I just need to ease back into it because I don't want to shock my body that's all.

"Okay, Let's begin!" The song 'Stand up' began to play and one by one. The dancers would go up to perform.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
As I do my Solo, I'm thinking about Amanda and the fact she's gone on the tour with Giselle. She's making something of her life and I'm so proud of her, now I just have to focus on my dance.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We need to get back to our old self! The Next Step Won Internationals and now we're just aren't going anywhere, this leadership thing better work.

Kingston (Hip Hop dancer) POV -
I've wanted to dance at the next step since they won Nationals last year, but now they lost Regionals, I did have second thoughts about joining the studio but in the end I was drawn to this place.

Thea (Lyrical Dancer) POV -
I feel like I'm dancing really well. I know my tricks have my solo mapped out, and I just have to dance at the next step.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Although Michelle and I have gurenteed spots on the team, we still wanted to dance anyway and this is a big deal to Me. But as I continue through the dance, I don't know how I coped this long without it.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
There is going to be a lot of dancers let down out there, but after our Regionals loose. We have to cut the dancers that aren't good enough to be on the team.

Next time - auditions continue, James and Riley catch up with Ella

So What do you think of this chapter? Comment and vote if you enjoyed, some of the characters are ones find on the tns season 5 page online so I added them in. Enjoy

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