27. Over And Over again

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Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so pleased to be on this team going to Nationals! I just want to get out there and compete and get back to what I do best! Which is dancing!

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Being on A troupe is good. But Nationals isn't easy, they are in for a rocky path over the next few months!

Ella (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Finally we can get down to business. The Next Step Will win Nationals, I'm sure of it! Because this team is about winning and as I've said before: I'll do anything to make my team win!

Sloane (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I'm so happy to be on this team with Latroy. Regionals was tough, and I'm sure Nationals will be even tougher so i need to up my game!

Latroy (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I just made A troupe and my dad called to tell me he's coming to town. I don't know what he is going to say, but I don't know if I'm going to be at the studio for much longer.

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Being on A troupe again is going to be hard. But I can't wait to be at Nationals and win! This team is my home, and I just can't wait for Nationals!

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Being on A troupe feels great, but I was sure Amanda was going to make it too. But i don't know why she didn't! She's a great dancer, and I just don't want this to affect our relationship!

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I hurt my leg during the auditions and I've been taking it really easy since then. It does feel a little better but I hope it heals in time for Nationals or I don't know what I'll do!

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so happy to be on the team. Nationals is going to be amazing! The talent on A troupe this year is fantastic,  I'm proud to be apart of it.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited to be back on A troupe! After everything that happened with my leg, it's time for me to get fully back in the game. I want Nationals! And I'm going to get it.

Zara (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm so pleased and I can't wait for the next year!

Kingston (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I can't wait for Nationals! I'm going to take it to the top!

(Order of Dancers Left to right)
(Emily, Zara, Alfie, Richelle, Noah, Michelle) (Sloane, Latroy, Ella, Kingston, Piper, Amy)

"A troupe that was amazing! Well done, right gather round because I got a letter from the Nationals board!"Kate announced, she was happy for the team to be finally going to Nationals. This was the second chance they needed and they had to make the most of it. "It says 'Greetings Fellow Studio Head. After your win at the Wildcard Competition you're well on your way to Nationals! But you won't get far without a leader. Please submit your dance captain by the end of the week'"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
When we first opened up A troupe for this year, there was originally 24 spots with 2 Co - captains. But I want to start afresh with a new captain for this season. I think a new leader will be a great thing for the studio if we want to make it to Nationals.

"So who wants to be dance captain?" Kate asked, looking around at everyone for an answer. "Well. Can everyone have a think because we need to know who we're going to submit by the end of the day." The studio owner said. But for now get warmed up and Daniel is going t teach you the first group dance of the year!"

Java Junction

Latroy (Sloane s Boyfriend) POV -
I'm meeting with Sloane in the Java Junction because I really need to talk to her. My dad is coming today and I don't know what he wants. I know Sloane doesn't like him, but I have to talk to someone about it.

"So isn't great we both made A troupe?" Sloane asked with a smile as she fixed her hair to behind her left ear. "Yeah... About that... My dad's coming today"  Latroy explained. The smile on her face dropped at the sound of that. "What?!"

Sloane (Latroys Girlfriend) POV -
When I hear about Latroys dad, I instantly know its bad news! Why does Latroy never learn.

"And What does that -"
"SON! I told you no more The Next Step!"

His dad burst through the Java Junction in range. It was clear he didn't approve of Latroys where abouts. "What are you doing here. Why aren't you packing?!"  He asked.
"What do you mean packing? Where are you going?!" She asked. "I'm... Going to be going to boarding School"

Sloane (Latroys Girlfriend) POV -
When I know that Latroy is leaving for a boarding school. I can't believe it! What about me? What about A troupe?

"Come on Dad, you said I'd have a few more months?" Latroy complained. But his dad didn't agree, "They have an open spot and they have a team going to dance competition In Japan!"  He said, trying to win his son over. "Take me to the studio owner. Thank you!"

The Lounge

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm in the lounge with Richelle after rehearsal and she seems, very uptight about... Something....

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm in the lounge because I want to be dance captain! This is my time, so I need to get this speech right!

"Okay Richelle. I think you have proved your point" Noah said, Richelle was in her passionate and strong mood. "No. No its not Noah. I have to be the dance captain! I need to be dance captain!" Richelle said, showing how important it is.

Richelle (acro dancer) POV -
I just really want to lead my team to Nationals. I know in the right choice, I know I am...

Studio A

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in the office right now and I just can't believe what happened. Latroy has left A troupe, with no warning or anything. I have to tell the team.

"I have some news. Latroy has left A troupe!" Kate announced, "What, Why?" Amy exclaimed, sounding as if she cared a little bit than she would like to have sounded.

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe that Latroy left A troupe!

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I don't know what we do now! Where does A troupe got from here?

Next time - The dance Captain is chosen, the team find a replacement for Latroy but is another dancer about leave?

So what did you think? Who is going to leave next? COMMENT & VOTE if you enjoyed! Thank you!

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