39. Ulterior Motive

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James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
Right now I'm just hanging out in mall with Riley and we're just getting some things that we need to take to Nationals with us in a few days.

Riley (James Girlfriend) POV -
The competition is only a few days now and I couldn't be more excited, there has been so much drama with Alfie everything but we're more or less ready to go to the competition, but I need to just buy some things first.

"I just need to get some new make up remover" Riley said, dragging a reluctant James around the Pharmacy. He was more interested in getting a shawarma and then getting to the studio. But his girlfriend had other ideas.

"I just need that... One"

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
As I'm in the pharmacy, I'm getting my make up remover when I see a girl with the Gemini twins. Great, what are they doing here?

"Oh Hello guys, getting stuff for nationals too I see? Pitty you won't be dancing much there much." They spat, Riley coffed and gave them a dirty look. "Please, This time we're going to beat you. You have no idea what we have in store at Nationals" She added, James could feel the tension rising and it wasn't going to get better.

"Oh really? Well if you that confident then I suppose you could compete tomorrow? Or today even?" The twin asked, Riley gave a stern nodd for a reply. "Fine. Gemini VS The Next Step Dance Battle 4 O clock today!" He said, the tension was getting through the roof. A dance battle is not what the team needed so close to the competition.

James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
Oh Riley. What have you done?!?

The Next Step - Studio A

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
Right now A troupe is all just warming up and getting ready to start rehearsals.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Nationals is only days away and I'm so excited I can practically taste it! We have worked really hard and I know that we're going to come back with the cup.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I was about to start rehearsal for today when James and Riley come into the studio and are talking about some battle and I'm so confused. What battle?

"Riley got us into a dance battle... With The Geminis of all people" James explained as A troupe looked at them with confused and curious looks on their faces. Riley looked quite embarrassed at this time, but Kate looked more angry. "A dance battle? What? Absolutely no, we are so close to Nationals!" Kate protested, folding her arm.

"I think that the dance battle is a great idea!" Alfie spoke up loudly, and raising his hand to make the team fully aware of his decision and opinion. "Same, I think it's a good excuse to practice for Nationals" Noah added, whilst exchanging smiles with Alfie at the idea.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Guess what I'm voting for? Whatever causes the most drama.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I think the dance battle is going to be a great tool to motivate us for nationals. We can also practice and get give Gemini a taste of what they'll face at the competition.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Are they crazy? What if one of them hurts themself? Or if we throw for our focus for the competition? There is a lot at stake!

"Richelle what do you think?" Kate asked, fairly asking the dance captains opinion as they did work as a team to get the troupe to Nationals. The dance Captain hesitated for a moment.

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
I have mixed feelings of the Dance Battle. If I wasn't injured I'd happily want it fight them. But as I'm not at my best yet, I'm worried about it and think it's a risk. But at the same time, it could help us so_

"It's a great Idea, but we must still continue to practice for Nationals!" She explained, at that point Kate looked as if she was prepared to compromise. "Alright fine. But I want to make a deal. The battle has to be done in the dance studio, that way I can monitor the situation" She explained, the dancers seemed to agree with that. But just as well as the Geminis walked in through the door at that point.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I was a little intimidated to see the Gemini Team here so soon, but i know that if we pull together we can beat them like we should have done at Regionals.

"Well hello Steppers. Ready to battle?" The first twin asked as her walked in looking smug with the rest of his team. "Yes, may I ask where are you studio heads. Or owners?" Kate asked, She thought it odd that they didn't come to support them. The Gemini twins looked shifty and hesitant before answering.  "They are busy today. They are preparing are our second performance troupe for a Competition in Shang hi"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
These Geminis may have a troupe in Shang Hi trying to win a competition. But we are going to own them in this dance battle.
I can't wait to see their faces!

"Alright. Let's go over the rules -
1) anyone connected with either studio can dance in this battle.

"Deal" Richelle answered.

"Come in guys!" The Gemini twins both yelled at the same time. A troupe looked confused as around 3 more dancers came to the studio. "Who are you adding for your team? Surely you need better dancers than this if you plan to beat us?" the second twin asked.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This team is strong enough to win this battle, but they need to be taken down a step and put in their place, and I know he dancers that can do that well enough!

"Alright. 30 minutes, then we'll begin."

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
They are taking this really seriously, A troupe will win this battle, even if I don't completely want it to happen!

Next time - A troupe battles with Gemini with 2 Added dancers. Alfie makes his revaluations to the team.

So what did you think? Why did the Twins act odd when Kate asked where their studio head were? Who will the add to the team? COMMENT & VOTE if you enjoyed or have and theories!

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