24. 6 Dancers

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*Continuation From Last Chapter *

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I can't believe what is going on right now. These Geminis are at this studio way to much at the moment.

"Oh my goodness not again??" Kate said pressing her hands on her forehead in bordem. "Why are you here again? Do you want to audition or something?"  Kate asked, not really wanting an answer from them. "No. But Amanda does, and we'll give her and any of your dancers in fact, a space on our Nationals team without auditioning." They announced.

"In fact, we'll just run along to the studio now and tell them that!" The first twin said, Kate gasped.  "What no! Don't you dare?"  She yelled out. But then it all came flooding back to her. The Gemini team did say there was dancers in the studio undercover and they didn't know who. She thought maybe it was another way to mess with them.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I don't know what their plan is! But I need to stop them before they ruin everything!

Studio A

"Those of you who want to go to Nationals.... You need not audition! Come to the Gemini team!" They said. A troupe were all stood in shock, how could the Gemini twins just come In and say that. "I don't know if you already know. But we won the Wildcard Competition and we are going to Nationals"  Emily said.

Emily (Co-Captain) POV -
I don't get what the Gemini team wants out of this. It's not like a bunch of us are just going to leave the next step!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I don't know how the Geminis got here so fast. I have to stop this!

Kate blundered into the studio a few seconds later. "Stop this at once!"  She called out. "This is my studio, and you think you can just come in here like this!?!"  The twins didn't seem phased her shouting at all. "The offer is there if you want it, we'll see ourselves out"  they said, suddenly leaving the studio.

Michelle (Co-Captain) POV -
Then they just leave like nothing happened at all?

"Yes, Do. Leave right now!"Kate yelled.

She turned back to the team, "And so are any of you going to take up their offer?"  Kate asked, She didn't want to. But after that melodrama, she had to find out what the dancers were thinking of doing. Piper was the first to speak up, "No. I for one am staying at the next step!"

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I do want to go to Nationals. But with the next step! They are my family and I don't think I could ever betray them.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I didn't really want to ask the dancers that. But I have to find out what is going on with them. I can't make the audition, and I can't make them stay here so I had to find out.

"Alright dancers. We have to just forget the Gemini team. Nationals is coming up, so we will need to get down to business!"Kate said, getting her dancers ready for the auditions the next day. "We're the best studio in the world. We need to start acting like it!"

*The Next Day*

Studio A was filled with many dancers the next morning, from A troupe, B troupe and J troupe. But as well as that, Other dancers from the outside world were stretching and warming up. Everyone wanted to be on that team going to Nationals, most would do anything to Win!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in the office and I can see so many people warming up. I just love seeing all of these talented people and it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. I was just about to walk out into studio A to start the auditions when Amanda of all people come in.

"Oh amanda Hi." Kate began, "What can i do for you?" she added. Amanda waited a few seconds before asking about the auditions or nationals team. "Well. I was wondering... If I could audition?" She asked slowly. The studio head turned on her seat to face the dancer that was stood a little in from the door way.

"and why would you want to do that?" She asked, really testing Amanda to see what her reason was. "I lost the tour, and I realise that The Next Step is where I want to be" Amanda said truthfully, that made Kate smile. That's all she wanted to here, "Yes Amanda, We'd love to have you audition."

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I am a little cautious to let Amanda audition at first because of how she left right at the end of Regionals. But she does deserve to be here and I'm confident she'll do well in this audition.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm thrilled to be aloud to audition. A troupe is everything to me and I have to make it back on the team.


"Alright! Welcome to the auditions for the Nationals Troupe" Kate announced and the auditions finaly opened and were ready for business. "After the recent success of The Wildcard team, this time around only 6 spots are up for grabs on the team. The other 6 will be going automatically to the team that went to the Wildcard Competition and got us to where we are now."

Kate had all of the Wildcard team sit on the beach that ran along her office wall and wave so everyone knew who they were. "But down to business. These auditions are going to be split down into 2 rounds: First the Choreography, then Freestyle. We will then choose 6 dancers to complete the Nationals team!"

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I like the way this audition is going. But the fact only 6 spots are open does make me nervous. I just have to stay positive!

Cassie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
If I don't make A troupe, then I don't know what I'll do!

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm so ready for this audition. Nothing is going to stop me from getting on that Nationals team!

Next time - A troupe auditions start.

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