7 (57). Cross The Floor

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in utter shock right now. Richelle was with me at the hospital during Nationals, she knows she isn't on A troupe and can't dance until the doctors give her the all clear, so why turn up now?

"Richelle please, let's talk in the office." Kate could sense this making a huge scene with A troupe and she needed to take control of the studio. "Miss Kate, may I join you in the office? I may be able to help you with this" Emily asked, after all she had been Through the process of injury before and her advice could really help with Richelles situation.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I want to help with Richelles situation because I know what is is like to be injured and have A troupe taken away.

"Yes of course, please come into the office immediately and could someone get Noah back here?" Kate asked, trying to keep all of A troupe together. Amanda was already on the Noah situation, she had to get him back and on side before he got into trouble.

The Rehearsal Room

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so disappointed that I didn't make the qualifier team. I thought this was my time to redeem myself after the first qualifier at Regionals, but I guess not.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I found Noah in the rehearsal room, what is he doing in here now?

"Noah, Richelle is back and Kate is going ballistic. What are you doing hiding in the lounge?" Amanda asked, coming in to see a very miserable Noah laying on the floor like a starfish. "I'm sulking - I didn't make the qualifier small group for movie it" he answered moodily. "So it's just a qualifier. It's not that important"

"No. You don't understand. If I didn't muck up on the first qualifier for Regionals, then we would have qualified and been more prepared for Regionals, then maybe we could have won and then won nationals and now be preparing for internationals - I'm the reason the studio is in this mess!"
Noah said, finally letting his real emotions out.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I had no idea that Noah felt like this. I'm going to change how he feels about this as soon as I can!

The Office

"You see, Richelle it's best that you can get the best rest possible. If you dance, you ruin all your chances of making a full recovery" Emily said, trying to smooth talk the situation with Richelle and Kate. "I'm ready for dance. I know my own body, I can work around this!" Richelle protested, but Emily knew better as she previously thought that herself. "I said that, and when I tried to work around it, but I felt worse when I couldn't and now I'm fully recovered, and it was worth the wait" Emily explained.

"Yes but that's you! It isn't me! Please Kate just give me a chance! I'll be an alternate or anything just please!" Richelle begged, but Kate wouldn't change her mind, "I'm sorry but you are going to be a great dancer, but right now you need to rest, so I won't be giving you a spot on the team" Kate said. Her decision was final and Richelle had to except it.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm heart broken. I can't dance, and I don't have A troupe, what do I do now?

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I feel sorry for Richelle, but she must make a full recovery and this is the only way to ensure that.

Studio A

Kate came out of the office with Emily shortly after Richelle had left. It was time for the team to start focusing on the actual competition after the qualifier, Kate had been holding back the letters that the move it board has been sending her until she was ready. "Now that we have established a qualifier team, I want to explain the running order of the actual competition."

"First: All 12 teams will dance in the Quartet round, then the top 8 teams go to the duet round. Then we have the top 4 teams in Semifinals Solo dance and finaly the last two teams in the 10 Perosn Dance" Kate explained, this competition sounded very interesting to the many of the dancers.

"Are you going to be holding auditions for who gets those spots?" Piper, who was very keen to do more as dance captain asked. Kate nodded, "Yes but only for the most important rounds. And the auditions will be for the solo round and quartet" She explained, "But enough about auditions, I just want to focus on the rehearsal for the Small group" Kate and.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I do think that it is very important for all of the team to have input on the Small group routine, so I will be asking all of the dancers to help come up with ideas for the routine aswell as Pheobe and myself, but I can't start rehearsals until two people come back: Noah and Amanda!

"But, I think that we have all worked hard today and deserve a break. You can all go home early today" Kate ended her talk with a smile. It had been a long day, and it was finally over, but tomorrow the work would finally begin.

The office

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm coming into the office to talk about earlier, I need to apologise for how I acted. I know that I will return to the next step sometime as a dancer, but for the moment I have another idea.

"Hey Miss Kate, can I talk with you? I'm sorry about how I acted and I understand thats how it has to be. But may I talk with you about another proposal I have for you?" The former A troupe dancer asked, Kate let Richelle explain her idea, and didn't quite no what to say to it.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Richelle as an assistant with A troupe? Working with us in rehearsal, and helping Choreograph routines and taking rehearsals when some of us aren't available? Is that such a good idea?

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Kate said I can't dance on A troupe. But she said nothing about helping the team in a different way. I know that this can help me through until my leg heals and they need me too.

Next time - Noah meets the wrath of Kate about missing practice. Richelle awaites Kates choice - Emily finds her self in a situation she never thought would happen to her.

So what do you think? Is it wise for Richelle to help a troupe as an assistant? Or should she stay away all together! What do you think about the move it rules? Comment and vote if you enjoyed

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