10 (60). Falls Down To Us

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm alone in studio B right now because I feel lost and stupid and just awful. Kate took me off the qualifier small group and I have my first strike out of 3 against my name. It thought that when Kate was talking to Richelle about internationals, she ment that everyone was aloud to know, but I guess not.

Studio A

Kate had returned back to studio A to deal with the drama that had now been unleashed, but at that point, Internationals was the most important thing to A troupe, and they needed to find out the truth. "I was going to wait until we won the qualifier, but yes: The Next Step will be competing at internationals this year....

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited, yet so confused! How could we be dancing at internationals when we lost both Regionals and Nationals?

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Miss Kate tells us all that the Gemini team was paying one of the judges to raise their scores and that's how they 'Won', so now that they are stripped of the national title, it falls to us and so does internationals!

"But why are we not focusing on Internationals? We are competing at move it when it's not our biggest priority" Michelle said with much confusion, she thought it made much better sesne to focus on the main competition. But Kate had an explanation for that too, "We need to warm up before showing the world we we can do. And move it is the perfect place to do that" She said.

The dancers seemed to be understanding of this, "Okay but what about rehearsal times? We need to start on internationals right away" Eldon asked, "Of course, internationals is our main priority, but I'm not going to be starting any rehearsals for it until we qualify for move it, then I'm going to the dividing up rehearsals for move it 2 hours a day and Internationals 3 hours a day"

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Miss Kate does seem to know what she is doing, but now that we're dancing at internationals... I'm so excited!

Java Junction

Tensions had now almost calmed down within the studio but piper was still feeling bad and weighed down over how she had treated Richelle back in studio A early that day. Michelle came into the Java Junction for a juice but ended up talking to piper as she could sense something was up. "Are you okay? What's the matter?" Michelle asked, leaning over the table. Piper sat fidgeting with jet hands, "I don't know....

Piper (Dance Captain) POV -
Ever since my argument with Richelle in front of the team in studio A, I feel so weighed down. I feel as if I really layed into her, We all need to work together and now with internationals and move it right around the corner: it's as important as ever!

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Honestly, piper needs to see the brighter more mature side of this. I get she feels bad but a strong leader puts aside their own feelings for the good of the team.

"I understand that you feel bad, you and Richelle are friends and when she challenged your position, you told how it is" Michelle said, almost with a smile of content. "Piper, you are the dance captain of A troupe and Richelle is not - don't feel bad for doing your job" She said, piper was now starting to see things in a different perspective.

Piper (Dance Captain) POV -
Michelle is right, I am the dance captain and Richelle had to be put in her place.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm glad I got through to piper, because being a good dance captain is about putting aside what you want to do and doing what you need to do.

Studio B

Hunter (Break Dancer) POV -
I'm coming into studio B to find Emily, I thought that I'd talk to her about the fact we're going to internationals and to see if she wants to practice our duet.

"Hey" the break dancer said happily as he walked into find a very upset Emily by the piano. His mood was instantly brought down by this, "What's up with you? We're going to internationals don't you know how great that is!?!" he said, still oblivious as to what had just happened to her. "Yes, that's the thing, I told everyone about it when I wasn't supposed to, but I thought we were aloud!" Emily explained in sheer upset, "I've been taken of the Qualifier small group and have a strike behind my name" She explained.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I feel so stupid. Why did I have to open my big mouth!?

Hunter (Break Dancer) POV -
Honestly I'm shocked that Kate is being so hard on Emily. But maybe I can cheer her up.

"Why don't we rehearse our duet to take your mind of it?" He suggested, but Emily was even too upset for duet practice. "Sorry hunter, I just don't feel like it - maybe another time" She answered, getting out of the studio looking really deflated. What would Emily do now?

Studio A

"How are we going to fix this?"

Harry (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I'm in rehearsal for the qualifier small group but we're all to worried to dance, get took Emily out of the routine and we have to dance in the qualifier in a few days.

"We need to think about adding someone into the dance" Zara suggested, Richelle was present with Kate in that rehearsal, she did not think that anything needed to be done. "Well seeing as the rules state the smallest small group can be of 4 dancers, we don't need to add anyone else in"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
The move it qualifier is so close. We can't add anyone into the dance now. We're just going to have to make it work some how...

Next time - A troupe prepares to leave for the qualifier but are shocked at what they see upon their arrival.

So what do you think? What will happen at the qualifier? Comment and vote if you enjoyed! Thnaks!

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