45. No Plan B? (nationals)

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Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Right now we're all sat in the back at the auditorium as Nationals doesn't begin today until 12:30Pm and Richelle is at a dance captain meeting because apparently a letter explaining a twist didn't get sent out - We're all really anxious because we haven't prepared any other routines or brought any extra costumes.

Emily (Alternate) POV -
I'm really nervous for the team right now. They could throw anything at them and we just won't be prepared.

Richelle came back to the top of the auditorium a few minutes later, "So for the small group round. Each team has to learn a set choreography from the nationals board but have to come up with 4 counts of 8 at the end to add to the dance" Richelle explained. A troupe didn't seem to be that phased about the twist


Across the auditorium was the Gemini team who weren't to pleased with the twist or Alfie for that matter. "You know this jeopardises our chances of winning Nationals you know?!" The first twin asked , the twist had unintentionally foiled the Gemini teams plans.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
The team is mad at me because they only let me on Gemini Squad because I promised to ruin the next step. The Small group was our biggest aim at making them loose and now our plan won't work.

"Why didn't you know about this?" The twin asked, quite angrily. "Look. This is not my fault! Keep calm or the _



"Okay team? Are we ready? Yeah? Come on then. Let's go!" Kate cheered, A troupe left the auditorium with Gemini following behind them.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is going to be my first time dancing on stage since Regionals back in the UK. No one is going to take this win away from me, I don't trust the Gemini team - I'm keeping my eye on them!

The Lobby

Emily (Alternate) POV -
Right now we're all in the lobby. The Nationals board is about to go over the small group Choreography that team have to learn. I know Kate said them I'm good with ever changing situations but I'm glad I'm not dancing in this round, the Choreography is really, really hard.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I'm just so ready to kill this whole round...and I'm just so pumped for this Choreo we have to learn! I'm so sure that we are going to do it in this round.


Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm practicing a little behind the A troupe dancers with the twins. They are pretty angry with me about this whole situation and I don't know how they are going to act with me after this.

Twin 1 (Gemini Dancer) POV -
Our plan was for the next step to be tricked into learning our small group Choreography or have elements so big that it looks as they copied us, so like at Regionals the judges won't disqualify a dancer, they will disqualify the entire team. But now that won't work.

Twin 2 (Gemini Dancer) POV -
It was Alfie who was coordinating most of this. He should of known and had a back up plan B. But he doesn't so we just have to say goodbye to all chances of The Next Step loosing before we beat them.

Auditorium - 3 Hours Later

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Hi and Welcome to the Absolute Dance National Championship I'm Chuck Anderson and this is tré Armstrong. Now the teams in this round have to dance a set routine Choreographed by the Nationals board but may use their own Choreography for the last 4 counts of 8.

Tré Armstrong - SNR Network
The dancers at this point must be feeling all kinds of nervous, they have only had the morning to master the routine and make it work with the costumes or any props they may need on stage. So I think we're In for a treat today.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm actually happy that they sprung this twist on us. When Alfie left the studio Kate gave me his spot on the Small group and I had to learn the Choreography last minute and I still wasn't sure of it even now. So it takes the pressure of a little bit.


Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in the wings with some for the A troupe dancers. Life of Dance have really upped their game since last year, but the real reason we came is because Gemini is taking them on and we wanted to see who won.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Across the wings I see Kate and some other A troupe dancers. I'm in the studio group and we're going to be dancing against Lod and I'm still waiting for a verdict from the Gemini twins.

"You know what Alfie? When we're done at Nationals. Your off the team" The first twin said, as he came to the edge of the stage ready to compete. Alfie gaspsed, "You're going to chuck me? After one mistake?!" He questioned, they just nodded. Did Alfie make a huge mistake even trusting them to begin with. "Look, just focus. We're about to go on" the twin said.


Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm not worried about the Gemini team. I'm sure that LODs performance was enough to send them home. Which would be great, so then we wouldn't have to face them.

Tré Armstrong - SNR Network
This team has masterfully taken the routine and made it something new. I think these are ones to keep an eye on, are they going to make it into the 4 Person Dance round.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
The Gemini team have really upped their game. They're just insane dancers I'm afraid of what that means for us and all of the other teams at Nationals.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We're about to hear the results, who is staying and who is going home?

🌟 🌟 🌟

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Incredible!  Team Gemini Moves on to the 4 Person Dance round, booting Life Of Dance out of the competition!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
That is insane! A troupe really needs to up their game if they want in on the next round!  I hate to say it but the Gemini team could be the strongest team here. But A troupe won't lay down without a fight!

Next time - The Small group takes to the stage at Nationals.

So what did you think? Gemini beat LOD and Alfie is out of the Gemini team after Nationals! Has he finally got his just dessert? Comment and vote if you enjoyed!

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