38. Shop Before We Drop

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Days had past and the costumes still weren't found, and with Nationals right around the corner; it didn't look as if it was going to get solved on it's own. Dancers and the studio head would have to search else where for costumes they can dance in at Nationals. But would they solve all of the problems in time?

Emily (Alternate) POV -
Right now the team is just meeting up in the java junction and we're talking about how we're going to fix the costume situation. I'd love to say that I think it will all be fine, but right now I just don't know how we're are going to play this.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
The Studio doesn't have enough money to pay for Nationals and another set of costumes. We have either get the old costumes back or find a cheap source of new costumes for the competition.

"Maybe we could do a fundraiser or something to raise some money?" Alfie asked, trying to chip in and make it look as if he even cared about what was going on. "No that won't work, we couldn't even raise money for uniforms Last year" Amanda replied, shutting his idea down immediately. "Look. I'm sure something will come up, but we have to get to rehearsal for the finals dance so..."

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I suggest that we get to rehearsal because I think that we could come up with an idea after we have danced and we have it all in our system.

Studio A

"... All I know is that we have to find new costumes for nationals" Emily sighed, walking into the studio with her team. Kate could tell even before she spoke to the team that they were all worried about the costume situation.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I must have heard the word costume at least 10 times before rehearsal had even started. I need to make sure they are focused on their dancing and nothing else, I'll sort everything out.

The Studio Head came out of the office to greet the worried dancers. Kate knew she had to calm everyone down and get them focused on Nationals which was only 1 week away. "OK A troupe. We all need to talk. The Costumes are my problem, You all need to focus on the dances"

Kingston (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
We are seriously running out of time. All we can do now is just practice and practice and practice and hope that we're not completely doomed!


"Alright that is was a good team rehearsal. I only want to go over the Small group now with Ella, Noah, Richelle and James" Kate announced, as was stood by the mirrors in the studio. James walked over to where Riley was standing, "Hey can we talk quickly?" He asked, walking over to the other side of the room with his girlfriend.

"Miss The would it be possible if I could use studio B for the afternoon? I'd really like to get some more practice on my solo" Noah asked, the studio head nodded. He had some old friends coming to the studio later that day and couldn't wait to get started.

Studio B

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
With Nationals only a few days away I called Eldon and West into the studio to help with finishing touches on my Solo. Eldon represented the team in this round last year and I think that he could really help me.

West (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I was flattered when Noah called Eldon and I to help with his Mr National Soloist Solo. I mean who doesn't want abit of West in their solo right?

'... Floating through the galaxy, until we meet again I'll be alone... '

Noah stopped dancing, and he couldn't wait for West and Eldon to give him some feedback. "That's great. I mean really it's really good but what's your storyline exactly, is there a message that you want to portray to the audience or anything?" Eldon asked, drawing on personal experiences and seeing parelles to Noah.

Eldon (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Las year I didn't have a storyline at first for solo. Or a concept until Michelle helped me figure it out. If Noah can deepen his solo and have a great storyline instead of just tricks, it could make all of the difference.

"True. I just know I have to make this solo amazing, because right now if we don't get any costumes I'm going to have points taken away before I even dance. "Wait so you have no costumes?" Eldon asked, making sure that he heard what Noah said correctly. But Noah nodded, things aren't going so well right now.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I come into studio B to get Noah because Kate has an announcement to make in the office. But I see my two bros there, so they may as well come too.

The office

"Oooooooh yes. Now that would look great on you! The pirate hat really brings out your eyes!" Kathy, James aurnt said as she rummaged through a sack full or costumes and clothes. James had thought of the idea of inviting her over the help with the situation, but maybe people were regretting it soon afterwards.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
She just hands me a pirate costume? I don't think I'll score well in my solo at Nationals.
But her heart is in the right place.

"Aren't we lucky to have these LOVELY costumes now...." Kate said, but inside we was almost cracking up of laughter and freaked out at the same time. West did seem to be enjoying the new costumes and he wasn't even on the team. "Look at these! They are just so cool" He smiled.

"So now you have these, I guess those costumes in the charity shop won't be of any use to you then?" He asked them, the office immediately fell silent. What costumes is west talking about? "I'm sorry did you just say costumes?" Kate asked.
The Hiphop Dancer nodded, "Yeah. In the Charity shop on the High Street....

West (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
And you know what the strangest thing is about all this? The costumes in the charity shop are addressed to The Next Step Dance Studio. What are the odds of that huh?

"But these are still cool so..."

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
West has just single handedly saved the studio! I could kiss him because I'm so happy but I'm with Noah so I'm not going to, but finally to costumes are found... If we get to the shop in time.

West (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
Oh right, yeah. I should have made the connection by now. The Next Step Dance Studio has no costume but in the Charity shop There is several Boxes of costumes Addressed to The Next Step Dance Studio.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We're in a good spot right now. We can finaly start getting ready for the competition without any drama!

Next time - Riley accidentally sets up a dance battle between Gemini and The Next Step.

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