26. What Now?

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

"Alright! You are all doing fantastically and I'm so proud of every single one of you in here. But of course with every audition, We have to make a cut for the next round. So talk amongst yourselves and we'll be back in a moment"

The Office

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Right now we're are all just deciding who is going to make the next round and we do have a tough decision to make -

"...but she's been to Nationals twice before. She can handle it...!"

"I'm just worried about his technique. If he had trouble with Contemporary that I set out for this, What's he going to me like at Nationals?"

"Now you see, She will have a strength. She's been in a professional tour, she could really help us"

"Okay. So we're all agreed. These 20 dancers are going through to the next round?" Kate asked, sat down at her desk while the others were stood up around her. They all nodded, "Yup. I think it's great, let's tell the dancers!" Daniel said.

Studio A

"We have the list of 20 dancers that are in the second round. But please everyone don't forget if you don't make it, there is always next year!" Kate said, "The 20 dancers are: Michelle, Kingston, Noah, Sarah, Zara, Amanda....

Amanda (Contemporary dancer)POV -
When I get my name called after Noah's, I'm so happy!

...Cassie,Anya, Piper, Skylar, Hollie, Clair, Jake, Robyn, Haiden, Richelle, Charlie, Keria, Ben...

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When my name doesn't get called, I get worried. Am I not good enough to be in A troupe this year?

And Finally, Emily" Kate announced, a huge sigh of relief sounded from the worried dancer. She was happy to be in the next round and safe for another round. "Congratulations on making it this far. But please don't be disappointed. You all did great!" She said.

"If the rest of you could all just head out, the next round is going to begin in a few minutes" Daniel added, Emily noticed her sister looking down in the corner with James and walked over to where they were. "Riley, can we talk for a second? What's the matter?" Emily asked. 

"Nothing, it's just me and James decided we want back in A troupe, but we were too late" She said sadly, James looked sad too, but Emily couldn't help but look happy. "There's next year?"  Emily said, trying to lighten the mood. James made a grunting noise and removed himself from the wall. "Yeah, let's just try next year!"  He said.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I do understand Emily. But i really don't want to wait another year y'know?

"Alright dancers, can you all gather round." Kate called, Emily left James and Riley at the side of the studio and she walked closer towards Kate. "Well done on making it this far. But now it's time for the freestyle round, it's up to you to show what you can do!" She explained, Daniel stood next to her nodding in agreement.

Daniel (Head Choreographer) POV -
Freestyle is personally my favourite round of any dance related audition. You can do the unexpected and really impress whoever is watching.

"Alright, let's get started -

All of the dancers cleared the space in order for the dancers to perform in the freestyle round. The first few dancers we're okay, but not of a Nationals standard. "Yes!"  That's great, Kate was still yelling at the dancers who impressed her and the Wildcard team who was watching.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Even though I'm already on A troupe. I'm still auditioning because it's fun. I just love to dance and I can't wait to make it to Nationals and just win!

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I feel like I'm doing amazingly! Dancing on A troupe is my biggest passion, and dancing with Noah on the Nationals stage is just going to make it a thousand times better!

Jake (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
If I don't make A troupe, I'm going to leave The Next Step! I've been auditioning for the team for years! Why do I never make the team?

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I feel super confident! I'm throwing out tricks that no one has seen before!  But then disaster! I drop straight into the right splits, I feel a pop in my leg, right at the top. But I don't let anyone know I'm injured, this can't affect my chances of making the team!

Richelle walked of to the side, trying not show that she was in discomfort. But the goodnews for her was that she didn't have to dance anymore that day. But soon enough, the freestyle round was over, it was soon time to pick the final 6 for the Nationals team.

"Alright dancers, We have a lot of decisions to make. So I think it's time for us to have a little talk, and we'll be back soon" She smiled, and with that she walked out into the office with Daniel to come up with the final list.


"Now, you do see I just don't think he'll cope in A troupe!"

"I think with the right help, she can do it!"

"Yes 100% She's a strong independent dancer, I mean look at the Regional duet!"

"Noah is a well rounded, very good dancer. He's been to internationals so I'm sure he can do this!"

Daniel (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm confident that the A troupe we have chosen can get us to Nationals!

"All right, Shall we tell the dancers?"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
There is going to be a lot of disappointment out there, but we have to have the best at Nationals!

Studio A

"Alright! We have the list of names that are on the Nationals team So without any further ado, The full Nationals team is -
2) Latroy
3) Alfie
4) Ella
5) Sloane
6) Amy
7) Richelle
8) Noah
9) Emily
10) Piper
11) Kingston
12) Zara

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm ecstatic that I've made A troupe! I'm so excited!  I can't wait for Nationals!

Skylar (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe I didn't make A troupe! I was the dance captain and now I'm nothing? This can't be happening right now!

Ella (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm just ready to win at Nationals!

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I don't have my tour, and now I don't have A troupe! What am I supposed to do now?

"If those unsuccessful dancers could head out? That would be appreciated" Daniel asked, but soon enough the studio was just left with A troupe, Kate, James and Riley and Daniel. "This is Officially The Nationals team!" She yelled loudly!

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't wait for Nationals and I'm fired Up!

Next time -  Latroys Dad turns up at the studio, A troupe gets a letter from the Nationals board.

So what do you think? Will that A troupe make it? Or is it all about the Change? Comment you theories below! Thnaks, hope you enjoy!

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