13 (63). Getting Down To Business

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

Kate had gathered all of the dancers around studio A as she began to talk to them. "There is going to be a change of plans what what is happening." The studio owner began, "There will no longer be any auditions for the final qualifer duets - I just received a letter from the internationals board and after some careful thinking I think it's best that we start to work on both Move it and Internationals"

Next Phoebe began to talk to the team about what was happening, "We will qualify for move to and we will make it into the competition and we will win but the Absolute Dance Season has started and we're going to be pushed for time so it's best that we start now" She said, the team seemed to be understanding of this.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I understand where Miss Kate and Pheobe are coming from. We are going to be pushed for time, but who is going to get the qualifier spots?

"I've decided that the qualifier duets from A troupe are going to be, James and Riley and Eldon and Michelle" Kate announced, in her opinion these there the best dancers for the job. "But you guys have to win, and I've decided that our rehearsals will be split, but on with the letter...

" This year, Internationals is being held in.... LONDON"

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited to be going to London for internationals.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is so weird, I'm going to be competing at internationals with the next step against England, in London. I'm just glad summerFord aren't going to internationals this year.

"... And the first round in the competition is the Non Elimination Male & Female Solo round... But with a twist" Kate announced, last time at internationals there was a twist where the winning teams got a 5 point advantage, it seems things had changed around this time. "The teams that win the male or female solo round get a 5 point reduction to use on another team"

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Whoa, the Internationals board really stepped it up this year, I just wonder who is going to do the Female solo this year.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I do feel a little bit of between me and Riley because I stole her solo last year and I won. I'm not like that anymore, but I still wouldn't mind another crack at Mrs International Soloist - Legitimately this time.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I remember feeling so devastated when Ella took my solo, can I really set myself up for disappointment again like last year?

Java Junction

James (Rileys Boyfriend) POV -
I'm in the Java Junction with Riley and she looks as if there is something on her mind.

"Riley. Babe, what's the matter?" James asked kindly, putting his hand on her which were on the table. He could tell that something was up and saw it as has duty to help and find out what. "It's just, with the auditions for the Female Solo coming up... I want to audition but after what happened with Ella last year, I don't want to set myself up for disappointment" She explained, James did seem to under - Stand.

"I thought you and Ella we're friends now?" James said, but he was interrupted by Ella who came into the Java Junction and was now standing behind him. "Friends?! Of course... But outside of the dance studio." She said, her arms folded and her serious face on.

"I want that Miss International Soloist award this year, and I'm going to take it" Riley said, getting and leaving the Java Junction.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Sure, me and Riley are friends. But I'm going to prove that I can win Miss International Soloist without stealing someones dance, even if that means turning against Riley for this audition.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I will dance at internationals and I'm going to take the trophy home. If Ella wants a battle for it then bring it on!

Studio A

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm booked the studio for to practice on my dancing before the auditions for male and Female internationals solo begin. I missed out on so much last time the studio was going to internationals, my parents got divorce, and I was an alternate for the competition. This time it's going to be so different, I want to be the Soloist For A troupe more than anything and no one is taking this chance away from me!

The dancers came in to the studio for the auditions around 10 minutes later and by that time Michelle had already planned out how her solo was going to go. "Alright, we're going to go for the Male Solo auditions first, so we'll have West up first -

West (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I'm going to be really ambitious and do for the Mr International Soloist spot this year, I'm hoping that I have a good chance because I'd love to represent the team in London.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
West is a very strong Hiphop dancer, however I don't think that we should put all our faith in someone that does not have technique.

"And Noah.... "

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm showing a lot of my power moves and I'm hoping that I get the solo for internationals, that would be great and I'd like to represent the next step in the competition.

"And Last but not Least, Eldon"

Eldon (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I would like to be the Soloist for A troupe, but after I didn't get the 5 point advantage last time, I don't think my chances are that good.

"Great Job Dancers, Well be back soon with who is the male Soloist for the competition" Kate said, walking with Richelle And Pheobe into the office to make the decision, leaving the dancers waiting in studio A. Who was going to be the male Soloist?

Next time - Male Soloist is announced and Michelle contemplates her worth on A troupe, Richelle takes a risk with her in jury.

So what did you think? Finally I've updated! Hope you enjoyed

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