13. Make Up - Old Friends

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Walking back into the studio after so long, Just makes me nervous. I don't know how they are going to react, are they going to throw me out. I know Kate is back and we didn't leave it on good terms before she left for England.

Giselle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited to see everyone after this long time. Plus there is some new dancers on A troupe so I can see what I can learn.

Riley (Co-Studio Head)) POV -
I'm in the office and I'm just about to get the dancers ready to perform their dances when I Spot Noah, Amanda and Giselle coming into the studio.

"Giselle, Amanda Hi. Noah join the others."
Riley said, directing Noah to the studio space and Giselle and Amanda into the office.  "So Amanda, we need to clear the air. Why did we fall out, Why didn't you come back after Regionals?" She asked, sitting down on the brown chair at the desk.

"Riley, you took me out of the final performance at Regionals. You never know, if I danceed - we could have beaten the Gemini team" She answered, "But that's I'm the past. I've come to make up with you because your one of my closest friends" She said.

Riley (Co-Studio Head) POV -
When Amanda says she's come to make up with me... It's really sweet.

"Look Amanda, I'm Sorry I took you out of the final performance" Riley said, giving her a hug. "It's okay. Come and meet the new dancers, Giselle you too" Riley smiled, it was great that her and Amanda were finaly back on good terms.

"Okay dancers. Some of you know Amanda and Giselle. They used to be dancers on A troupe and were part of the team that went to internationals and won" She announced. Giselle and Amanda were scanning the room for old, friendly faces but they both gasped when they came across Ella.

Giselle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm shocked that Ella is here? She was such a hater on us I mean she stole Rileys solo and they let her dance here. But whatever Y'know, I don't dance here anymore so it's not my business.

"Alright dancers. I want to see what you have come up with so lets clear the space and we'll have Emily and Elliot up first -

Emily (Co-Captain) POV -
I feel very confident dancing was with Elliot. We may not have learned each other's styles but we did a great job in coming up with the dance.

"Next pair please"

Cassie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Working with latroy was great, I learnt a lot of moves plus Hiphop is a really fun style!

Latroy (Hiphop dancer) POV -
Picking a contemporary dancer would always be my first choice. It's my weakest style that I need to improve on.

30 minutes Later

"Guys they were fantastic!" Amanda said, she was glad that she came into the studio that day. It was refreshing to see that the team was still powering through when they had lost the Regional title. Kate came through a few moment's later -

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I just arrived back at the studio because I was away at a dance event and everything is going well and looks in order so that is a good start. Richelle is looking better too since her panic attack at the solo competition but i still want to check in with her.

"Hey guys, how are we all doing?" Kate asked, walking into studio A and surprising most of the people in the room. "Giselle and Amanda its great to see you. Richelle, how are you doing feeling?" She asked. "I'm feeling much better - thank you"

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
That panic attack was just a small blip. I'm Richelle, I never panic or get nervous! The old me is back.

Java Junction

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm in the Java Junction and I'm just Catching up with Amanda. We need to make more effort to see each other now that she isn't at the studio anymore because I don't want to loose her!

"... It's great you came today. I never thought I'd see you around the studio again" Noah said, honestly before taking a sip of his juice. "Well you haven't got to worry. I love you so much and nothing is going to change that - no matter where u dance" Amanda said, gripping his hand at the same time.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
No boy has ever made me feel the way Noah does! I can't help but think... I'm going to be with him forever!

But suddenly, they were interrupted by piper who cam running into the Java Junction - Desperate to find Noah and Anyone on A troupe as they needed to get into the studio right away.

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm looking for Noah because We need him in the studio! Something Amazing has happened!

"Noah... Come on put that down we need you in studio A!" Piper exclaimed at the top of her voice. "You too  Amanda if you like!" She said, "But just come on!"

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so confused! What is going on in the right now?

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so confused!

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This changes Everything for Everyone!

Next time - A troupe is shocked by what they learn. Is Giselle and Amanda going to be removed from The tour?

So what did you think? What is so amazing that has happened? Comment your theories as I'd love to know what you think. This Chapter is a crap filler so sorry about that but the Twsit is coming soon. Thank you!

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