12 (62). Focused On The Game

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Kate couldn't believe that they had missed the first qualifier, and ultimately she was feeling as if it was all her fault as she is the head and owner of the studio. Riley knew what it was like to mess up like that, and she thought she could give some words of advice. "Hey. Do you have a second to talk?" Riley asked, coming into see a very stressed and upset Kate.

"Don't be too hard on yourself please, it's really not that bad and there is another qualifier we are going to right?" Riley asked, Kate looked up and molded, but she couldn't help but still feel defeated. "And it's not like we lost anything, we just got the dates mixed up - It happens all the time" Riley added, but Kate didn't feel any better. "All I'm trying to say is, I messed up so many times and what got me thorough was focusing on the future"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Riley is right. There is another qualifier and we're going to win it

Studio A - 1 hour Later

The rest dancers came in for rehearsals a little while later. Kate was now ready to begin working on the next qualifier, but Sue had decided to now tell the team about the fact they were going to internationals. They were starting to run out of preparation time. "Alright dancers, we need to get to work right away on the next qualifier.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
After our disaster of the dates getting messed up for the first qualifier, we have to do our very best in the second.

Pheobe (Head Choreographer) POV -
And luckily, they told us about a twist that comes along with it and we can use that to our advantage.

"As only two teams make It into Move It at the final qualifier, competing teams are aloud to bring as many duets to the competition at they would like" Kate explained to A troupe. This was really good news as they had a much bigger chance of winning now in the qualifier. "I'm going to be bringing 2 duets from A troupe and 1 from B troupe" She explained, this was tricky news for Emily, she now had a feeling that both West and Hunter would want to ask her.

Hunter (Break dancer) POV -
Okay, maybe I do like Emily a little. But to much time has passed between us, I thought of the duet so I could spend more time with her.

West (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I want to ask Emily to dance in the qualifier because we've been spending a lot of time together and it's pretty solid, but... I'm starting to have feelings for her, and I'd like to hope she likes me too.

".... So I'm going to be holding auditions and I want to open that up to all of you" Kate announced, it wasn't just West and Hunter who were now excited about this, many of the other dancers were looking forward to it too. "Do you want to partner up?" Riley asked James and vice versa. This was a good sign, the chances at the qualifier looked bright.

Java Junction

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm coming into the Java Junction to find a Amanda, I'm hoping that we will do a duet together at the qualifier.

"Heyyyy. Do you want to do a dance at the qualifier?" Noah asked, Amanda was sat down eating a egg salad sandwich which was one of her favourite foods and one of the Noahs pet hates. "Sure!" She replied in between her bites of sandwich. "Only if you eat some egg salad sandwich." she added. The smile on Noahs face dropped, "Ugh really? Come on?!?" he complained, but Amanda started laughing - "Noah I'm joking, yes I'd love to do the qualifier duet with you, let's get studio A quick"

The Office

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Everyone is coming up with a duet and the rehearsals are underway, I was in the office when the first Letter from the internationals board arrived, this is got me really excited.

"Looks what's here!" Kate said, waving the letter to Pheobe who was dusting down the desk. She stopped immediately, "Shall we open it?" Pheobe asked, coming closer to Kate and the letter. The studio owner shook her head, "No we can't yet. Let them focus on the auditions for the qualifier" Kate said, but she was shocked to see Richelle suddenly in the door way.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Oh my goodness, she is always sneaks up on me - is she wearing some sort of ninja shoes or something?

"You your making a big mistake, you need appoint the qualifier duets and the rest of A troupe can get to work on move it and Internationals!" Richelle suggested, she was a born leader and neither Kate or Pheobe could disagree with her. "Okay fine. But who should get the duet?" Kate said, finally giving In.

"I'd say, Michelle and Eldon. James and Riley for the A troupe duets and Beth and Charlie for the B troupe one" Richelle said, putting everything into its place in a few seconds. "Okay, let's tell the dancers!" Kate said, walking out into the studio to see A troupe.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Kate and Pheobe know I'm right, so they might as well get it over with.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I hope that Richelle is right about this, but we need to start preparing for the actual competitions - I'm glad Richelle made that clear to me or we are seriously going to run out of time!

*To be Continued*

Next time - A troupe learns about the changes and internationals, an old fear alights in Noah.

So what did you think? Not much happens in this Chapter I'm sorry but I'm more sorry for not updating In ages, I've had so many exams and it's all got on top of me. I'm going on half term soon I'll be able to fit some writing in. I'm also writing another TNS fanfic that is set In 2018 after season 5 and I'm wondering if anyone would read it?

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