1 (51) To The Future

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*Big Group Dance*

(Starting Line)
(Hunter, Zara, Emily, Piper, Michelle, James) (Riley, Noah, Amanda, Ella)

Hunter (Break Dancer) POV -
The Next Step is officially back from the competition and we still can't believe that we lost Nationals. I wasn't there for most of it, but I felt like I had a connection with this group of people, and now it's over.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This isn't what I thought A troupe would be like at all. I thought A troupe was about winning, not this! I'm not saying I want to leave but things have to change around here and soon.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I went to Nationals as an alternate, and I danced in the Semifinals and Finals. My dreams of being a dancer at internationals are over now.

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This studio is in trouble, Internationals is months away and we won't be competing. We have to say goodbye to the title because after these last 4 months, we won't be the best anymore.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm in disbeliefe A troupe has now lost both regionals and Nationals. But we have to move forward and come out on top, Kingston left the team and Richelle hurt her leg. The recovery is going well, but we still don't know if she can dance yet.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I came back to A troupe to help them win! But now we're loosing everything we enter? Why is this happening?

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
After my terrible leadership last year it was the main goal to get A troupe back to the top level and we've failed. I don't know how we are going to recover.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
My first time to Nationals, and we loose. I just hope whatever happens in A troupe this year, we make it back to our old and higher level.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Things aren't too great right now. It's going to be very tense at the next step this year, we're the first international champions not to make it back to the competition in the history of the entire competition. It's going to be embarrassing when everyone finds out we lost.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We have to redeem ourselves. I'm so nervous right now about what will happen to the studio and all of us. We need to stand together, if not now then when?

(Order Of Dancers Left To Right)
(Michelle, Noah, Piper, Amanda, James) (Emily, Riley, Ella Zara, Hunter)

The Next Step

The team all came out of their ending pose as Kate entered the main studio space, This was the first day back at the studio since the competition and Kate knew too well that it was going to be tough. She wasn't sure about who wanted to be on A troupe that year or if people were moving on.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Today I have to speak to the team about the future and where A troupe goes from here. I was going to suggest starting work on Regionals for after this dance season but something else sprung to mind, A troupe don't know it yet. But this could be just what we need.

"Okay A troupe. Gather round for a second" Kate announced, I'm really sorry about what happened at the competition." Kate said, she obliged as the studio owner to bring them in closer now than ever before. "But that's in the past. We need to focus on the present"

"Which is?" Ella wondered, speaking on behalf of everyone. "Move it: I'm singing up the next step to compete in the 10th move it championship" Kate announced, A troupe we're beginning to try excited about this. Was this finally the break that the next step was looking for?

"Auditions for the move it troupe are tomorrow. Show up if your interested, if you not. B troupe is down the hall"Kate said rather harshly, but things had to change now and everyone knew that, but move it could open up a new chapter for the studio. They couldn't waste it.

Java Junction

"Can you believe how far the studio has fallen?" Emily asked, She was sat down in the java junction with both Noah, Hunter and Amanda at that time. Noah nodded and groaned, "I don't know how we lost Nationals. We worked so hard after Regionals" He said, rather deflated. Emily couldn't really put her finger on why they lost either.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
If we had to loose, I think it's because it got so crazy that it threw our focus of a little bit. Richelle got hurt, Kingston walked out and then I was added last minute as was Hunter, to much changed to quickly.

However it was obvious that Emily wasn't going to be keeping her focus on that anymore, she had other ways to get the studio back to being the best, and it all started with a few texts and phone calls. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to call some people. I'll see you at auditions tomorrow?" Emily asked. Leaving the table.
Naturally they all nodded.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't wait to see everyones face at that audition!

Studio A

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I was going to do some paperwork when the Gemini team just walk in with the trophy like they own the place?! This is not on at all!

"What are you doing here this is private property" Kate said sternly, getting up to face them. "Oh we know. We just wanted to ask for some tips about internationals" The first twin asked, this make Kate sick to the stomach. How could they come all they way to the next step just to rub it in.

"You won't last 5 minutes at internationals. Get your head out of the clouds if you think you can win that trophy too. I heard Sweden made it back this year and they are unstoppable... There is something for you to think about" Kate warned, she could not help but think that the Gemini twins did look a little worried. "Shut the door on the way out."

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We won't take anymore trash talk or anything from the Gemini team anymore. The Next Step is going to be rising back up again, and they better be ready for the battle...

Next time - Auditions begin for the team but unexpected news changes yet everything.

So what did you think? I few people were kind of unhappy about my result of nationals but keep in mind that this is the next step and there is always drama and a lot of twists. What's going to happen next chapter? What news is going to come? Like comment and enjoy.

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