34. Alternate Or Not!

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Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Kate called us all together because she told us she has an important announcement about Nationals. I'm really excited but I'm also anxious to find out what it is.

"Thank you for all coming." The studio owner began, she was nervous to broach the topic of Alfie being an alternate with them. He was a very strong dancer and he was an asset to the team. "Alfie is now an alternate for Nationals" Kate announced to the team. They were all as shocked as each other.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Alfie is an alternate? No way, we need him to dance with us, he's a strong dancer. I just don't know, it kind of makes me rethink our chances off beating Gemini and winning at Nationals.

"And Who's the other alternate?" Noah wondered. "I thought you were permitted two alternates?" He added, but Kate was much more nervous about this dancer. She was strong, and Kate knew she wouldn't take that information lying down. "Our Second alternate is... Emily"

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm sorry? Did I just hear that I'm an alternate for Nationals? As soon as I hear that, my heart just drops to the floor, It looks like I won't be dancing at Nationals this year...

Studio B

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I came to talk to Emily in studio B because Kate just told her she's the other alternate for the team. It's time for me to start messing with the next step, and it should be really easy to get her to leave or something.

"Hey. Sorry about what happened back in studio A" Alfie said, the sound of his voice made Emily jolt in her seat at the piano that was in the corner of the room. "Don't worry. It's not your fault, I just thought I'd get to dance this year" Emily replied, rather deflated.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Kate probably made me an alternate because of my knee injury, she must think I'm weaker now or something. But I'm going to speak to her about it and find out what's going on.

"But I guess you'll be leaving then?" He asked, that was the last thing on Emily's mind. Why would he suggest that? "No. I'm not just going to leave because I'm an alternate, Why? Are you?" She said, reflecting the topic back to him.  "Oh no, of course not. The Next Step needs us"

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Oh I will be leaving the next step. Just not yet, there's a few things I have to do first, this is going to be fun.

Studio A

"Go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and stop - James make sure you go left more so you don't hit Ella" Daniel suggested, at that point he was going over the Small group routine for Nationals in studio A and it was good really well at that point. James adjusted himself like Daniel Advised, "Yeah that's much better than before and Amy your doing great picking up Choreography!"

Daniel (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm working with the small group and I'm a little confused when Alfie walks in, he's an alternate now he's not needed in this rehearsal.

"Can I help?" Daniel asked.

Alfie nodded, "Yeah actually. Since I'm not a competing dancer anymore then I was wondering if I could help with this routine. I have some moves I feel can add some sparkle to the dance" Alfie explained, talking to Daniel but occasionally looking at the dancers.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm going to teach them the exact Choreography of the Gemini small group routine. So when we get to Nationals and they perform the same one or near enough same dance as us - they will be disqualified!

"Okay then Alfie, what do you think we should do?" Daniel asked, he folded his arms and stood to one side to give him some room. "Well I feel like you should begin like this... And add a bit of this.... And some of that... And to top it all of.....this!" He explained.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I hate to admit it but Alfie does have some good ideas, and I guess that they could benefit our team a little. So we might as well just hear him out.

Ella (Contemporary dancer) POV -
Alfies Choreography is good. I do think if we use our existing Choreography with his ideas we could create a really good fusion of Hiphop and Contemporary and if we play this right we could do well at Nationals.


Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in the office and I can see that the small group rehearsal is going really well. I was about to go and watch them when Emily came into my office. I think I know what this is about.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm coming into the office because I need to know why I'm an alternate. This is my second shot at Nationals, it might never happen again and I don't want to be stuck in the wings the whole time.

"Hey how are you?" Kate asked.

"I need to know, did you make me an alternate because of my injury last year?" Emily asked, She wasn't wasting any time in getting any answers. Kate stood up and was now standing opposite her. "No of course not. I wouldn't do that to you" The studio owner replied, her voice soft.

"At Nationals, we need the best dancers; and while we need the best dancers we need the best alternates" She began, things were finally starting to make sense to her. "We need the strongest alternates that can respond well to situations. Pick up Choreography well" Kate added, "Oh. I thought you thought I couldn't handle it"

"You can handle it as much as any other dancer! I know you Emily, and while we may worry that you could hurt yourself again, After we win and make it to internationals — we'll need to dance full out and be at your best!"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I had to be honest with Emily. I just hope she understands.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This team needs me, and I'm going to be there for them: Alternate or not!

Next time - Thalia turns up at the studio. What could be her reason?

So what did you think? Emily is now an alternate for Nationals! How will that go down do you think? Please comment any improvements or any other thearoies or anything. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctors so see if I can dance again, wish my luck and hope you enjoyed!


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