31. Remember Us

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Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Right now A troupe is all just gathered in studio A for Kate is about to come and address the team about the auditions for the 4 Person Dance at Nationals. 

"Good Morning Dancers! Today we're going to start thinking about the 4 Person Dance for Nationals Which is replacing the duet." Kate announced, James and and Riley were looking at each other as they thought back to duet at Nationals. "So we really need to up our game and I'm looking for strong and creative dancers for this round" The studio owner explained, expanding on what she had just said.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm adressing the team when I hear these two British guys come into the studio. At first I didn't have a clue who they were. But as they got closer I recognise who they are, But I still don't know why they are here.

"Zoltan? What are you doing here?"

Kate asked, as she turned on her spot to face the two men who coming closer to the team. "Are you talking to me? I'm Zoltan! People don't speak to Zoltan, Zoltan speaks to people. So yeah, Anyway. Hello Dancers. I'm Zoltan and this is my assistant Mino,  Some of you may know who I am but for those who don't. I'm the designer who designed and made your Team Uniforms!"

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I forgot how ubrupt and in your face Zoltan is. It's kinda funny actually.

"Yes, but what can we help you with?" The studio owner asked, he turned to her and began to explain. "After The Success of your Win at the Internationals last year. Word got around that Mino and I designed your team jackets. Since then we've been making some dance costumes and are holding and open event later today for potential studio buyers."

"So, Are your going to perform in our sample costumes tonight or not?" He asked suddenly. This got A troupe all excited as it ment a break from usual routine of the studio. "Oh Miss Kate please! That would be amazing!"  Michelle said, the thought of performing on a stage got her desperate for the chance." Next all of A troupe were backing up what Michelle had said so it was a full gone conclusion.

"Oh Okay fine, but afterwards we are back to preparing for Nationals okay?" Kate said with a smile on her face. Zoltan seemed to look happy too, "That's great. We'll leave you to come up with your Dance and will be back in 3 hours with details - but if you mess this up. You will have to pay your tracksuit fee from last year!"  He said.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
That fee was huge. We just can't mess up!

3 Hours Later

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Right now we're just putting together our final ideas for our Zoltan Choreography and its going really well, I just hope his costumes aren't as Crazy as his team uniform designs we're last year.

"Go 1,2,3,4,5,7,8. That's great!" Daniel said, he was walking past the dance slowly to he could assess what they were performing. "That's great, but Richelle you need to get into your turns faster because you are very out of time with Amy!"  He said. Richelle huffed and cleared her loose hair strands from her face.

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so confused about Richelle, how could she be lacking and marking at a time like this. We have been given a fantastic opportunity and she's going to ruin it like this.

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
I'm so embarrassed when Daniel Calls me out about my turns, It hurts my leg if they are to fast so I have to go slow. If only they knew about my situation.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I know about her Leg, I don't know how long I can keep this a secret for. But I'm going give her a bit more time to sort herself out because I talk to someone.

"Okay Dancers. Zoltan just called and he can't get away from the venue. But he's sent the details and we're going to be on stage at 6 tonight." Kate announced, "So we have around two more hours of rehearsal before we need to leave" She added.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited about this!

Toronto Grand Performance Hall

Later that evening. A troupe in full costume in the wings watching the crowed from the gaps in the curtain. Toronto Grand Performance Hall was nothing like the size of Nationals, more like the size of the theatre where all 3 Regionals Qualifiers were held.

Ella (Contemporary dancer) POV
Right now, A troupe is in the wings and we're about to perform in Zoltans Dance Costumes.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
You know they aren't too crazy,  I mean there isn't that much Chicken Wire on it so thats a positive.

"Okay Team. The costumes look great don't they? Yes of course they do as I made them. Go out there and sell those costumes" He said, trying to give the team a little pep talk before they went on the stage. "Alright A troupe. Good luck!"  Kate yelled as the curtains rose and The team went out onto the stage.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
The dance is going really well. I mean I don't think his costumes match the style of our dance but that's okay.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Dancing today with my team has been really great! I am so happy that Zoltan came to the next step for help.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is good practice for Nationals and its just so much fun!

Soon enough the dance ended and they came of stage. But not only was there potential investors In the room, but a long serving enemy of the studio.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I'm meeting with the Gemini team because.... I'll tell you why I'm meeting with the Gemini team. I'm on their team! I'm going to Nationals on their team, and I'm at the studio to make sure they do NOT make it or Win Nationals!

"It's time to start messing with A troupe!"

Next time - Kate makes an executive choice about the 4 Person Dance. Emily gives Richelle an ultimatum.

A/n: So what did you think? Alfie is on the Gemini team! How is that going to turn out? COMMENT & VOTE theories. Hope if you enjoyed!

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