(64) 14. Progress

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*Continuation From Last Chapter*

"I've decided that the Internationals male Soloist is... Noah!"

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm the international male Soloist for the next step? That's incredible!

Eldon (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm kidna bummed I didn't get the male solo spot this time but I'm happy for Noah, I know how badly he wanted to have the solo Last time and maybe I can help him with the Choreography and give him a little 'Eldony' touch to his solo.

"We're going to crack right on with the Female Solo auditions, So we'll have Ella up first.... " Ella took the stage and shot a look to Riley was stood at the side with James and her sister. But this didn't worry her, Riley was ready and was going to take Ella head on.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm dancing so well right now, I can tell that Kate and Pheobe are impressed with my dance and if I get the solo spot, it's going to become a whole lot better.

James (Rileys Boyfriend ) POV -
I'm not worried about Ella at all, I think everyone on A troupe that went to internationals last year knows that Riley deserves it regardless of what her solo is like.

"And Riley...."

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm both very anxious and nervous about auditioning for Miss International Soloist again but I cannot let anyone know that - all I need to worry about it my dancing and getting the spot for internationals.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
To get the spot of miss international soloist you really need to have the X factor, the start quality and the whole package because that's what makes a great solo and it's what will win is the 5 point reduction against the other teams.

"And finally, Michelle!"

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
As I perform my solo in front of the team, all I can think about is how much I want to dance at internationals, and the worst possible thing can happen - I don't land my aerial right and I fall. This is going to cost my big time!

Michelle kept dancing like nothing went wrong but deep down she knew that her Miss International Soloist dream was over. She knew that they wanted the star quality and she didn't show that in the audition. Kate couldn't help but look a little disappointed, but she had to keep moving. "Okay, thank you for that that, that was incredible but Pheobe and I have come to a decision and the Miss International Soloist spot goes to....Riley!"

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so, so, Soooooo pleased to have the miss international Soloist spot again! This time I am going to perform and I'm going to get the trophy!

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe I didn't get the solo spot! I'm the best dancer on A troupe and she didn't even think to give me a chance, I'm so upset right now!

Studio B

Eldon (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
After the Soloist auditions, Kate sent all of the qualifier dancers to work on their routines as the qualifier is coming up really soon, and we can't find out how the competition will run until we make it to the move it so we need to get on with this.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I should by focusing on my qualifier duet, but I'm so upset that I didn't get the solo spot at internationals! I've worked so hard and I can't believe Miss Kate didn't give me the chance.

"Hey. Michelle what is the matter?"
"I can't believe I'm not the soloist? I'm Miss National Soloist 3 years running and I didn't get picked from the internationals solo!" Michelle complained, still forgetting that Eldon didn't get the solo either, "It's not that bigger deal, I didn't get the solo and we both got this qualifier duet didn't we?" He said, trying to make her feel better about the situation but it didn't look as if it was working.

"I know but she knew how much I wanted this! And I didn't get my chance at internationals or at Regionals this year!" She continued, "Sorry that to keep going on - Lets get on with this duet" She said, getting back into her partner work with Eldon.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Eldon is right. I'm lucky that I got the Move it Duet, but that solo is everything to me - it's going to be hard watching Riley dance it at internationals in London this year.

Studio A

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Right now I'm in studio and I'm watching Riley go over her solo. Pheobe is here to and we want her to have the best solo possible.

"That looks great Riley, honestly its looking good." Pheobe smiled, walking back into the office and leaving the two girls in the studio.  Riley waited until she knew Pheobe couldn't hear her before talking to Richelle. "I don't believe her - I can't get this landing" Said Riley, trying to do an aerial that she had done so many times before.

"You do it like this___

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
Subconsciously, as Riley is struggling to get her move I run into an aerial without thinking about it. Al I was thinking was the pain is going to come any second when I land on the floor...but it doesn't.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so pleased for Richelle, her injury is getting better and I hope it won't be long until she can start dancing on A troupe again.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
After another aireal, I stop as I don't want to re injur my leg...but I'm so happy! I'm making progress In my recovery for sure!

Next time - as the qualifier comes closer, Michelle stoops to another level to get the solo, Richelle has a hospital appointment.

So what do you think? Richelle is getting better and Noah and Riley are the international soloists. But now they are working towards two competitions, is the next step going to crumble? Comment your theories below, hope you enjoyed!

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