36. The Replacement

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Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm about to talk to the team about finding a replacement for Amy. She took the tour spot and won't be coming to nationals. So we need a replacement ASAP!

"Okay guys come around for a second. I've got an announcement: Amy is no longer in A troupe. She went on tour with Thaila and we need to start looking for a replacement: I think our best options are someone from B troupe or...

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
While the team is thinking about getting people up from B troupe. I'm thinking about someone a little more experienced, someone like Amanda! She's been on A troupe before, she's by far our best Choice.

"So are we all agreed? Auditions for the 12th spot on A troupe?" The studio head asked her fellow dancers. They all nodded, "Spread the world. 12 o clock today the auditions will be held" She explained, and dismissed the dancers. "Miss Kate? Where's daniel?" Emily asked.

Kate turned back to the dancers, "Daniel took the second spot on the tour" She announced, this was a shock to the dancers, they needed Daniel to help with the Nationals routines. "Well who's going to replace him?" She asked, Kate didn't know at the moment. "I don't know right now. But we will find a replacement I'm sure of it. But right now let's just get to work.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm a little worried that Daniel has gone because Nationals is only weeks away and we haven't even started our Semifinals routine or finals routine. We're servery behind.

The Lounge

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I got a call from Noah telling me to meet him at the studio, he told me it's urgent so I'm not sure what is going on.

"Hey what's the matter?" Amanda asked, rushing into the lounge to meet her boyfriend. Greeting him with a hug and kiss. "What would you say if I told you there is a chance you can go to Nationals?" Noah asked, getting up from the chair. Amanda rolled her eyes and sighed, "Noah lets just not do this again" She said.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
So many times this year I've had chances to be on A troupe this year, and I keep getting my hopes up and getting let down straight after.

"No this time it's different! Any has gone on a tour which is sad. But a spot opens up on A troupe and you can have it which is good" He explained, trying to win his girlfriend over. But Amanda didn't agree with him much anymore, too much time had passed she thought.  "And I bet I won't get in" She said back to him, shaking her head.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Amanda has lost a lot of confidence, and I'd hate for her to miss out. She's perfect to complete our Nationals team. She has to audition!

"Amanda trust me, I'm positive you'll make it. Don't ever think you won't get it - I've got my rehearsals for solo in studio A but I'll see you at 12 for the auditions? Bye" Noah hadn't left much room for Amanda to think, it looked as if she would be auditioning for A troupe, even if she wasn't too confident in doing so.

Studio A - Auditions

"Alright. It's time for the auditions!" Kate said, coming into the studio to greet all of the dancers warm and warming up. Amanda was one of the last dancers to trickle in through the doors, but Noah was overjoyed to see her there and giving it a shot. After all, you have to be In it to win it.
"There is only one spot on the team left, we will be looking for someone who can adjust and prepare for the competition quickly as Nationals is weeks away"

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV —
Now that I'm here, I do feel a lot less nervous. But I'm not getting my hopes up, no one can say I didn't try though.

"Alright, We'll have Sarah up first"

Sarah (Ballet Dancer) POV -
Getting onto A troupe and going to Nationals would mean everything to me. I hope the next step can make my dreams come true.

"Up next we'll have Charlie"

Charlie (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
I've been at the next step for a good few years and I've still never made A troupe. I feel that this is my time to shine, but if not then there is always next year.

"Okay becca show us what you got?"

Becca (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'd love the opportunity to make A troupe, but there is a lot of great competition here today so I just don't know.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Watching everyone dance is making me nervous, but at the same time I just want to get out there and show them they need me and I need them.


Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Everyone has been called now, apart from Amanda. This is her time to shine, and I know she'll make A troupe!

"And last year, Amanda"

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Walking into the space, I'm looking around at the actual A troupe that is scattered around the room. I need them, and I'm going to prove I deserve to be here and go to Nationals with them.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
Amanda is killing it right now, she's turning like she's never turned and doing tricks I've never seen her do before. She really wants this, I can tell.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm hope Amanda makes the team, she's an incredible dancer and friend, I think we could loose Nationals if we don't have her on our team.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I've left my heart out on the floor, there is nothing I can do now except hope and pray that I've done enough.

Kate looked stunned, as did everyone else In the studio. They all could tell who was taking the 12th spot on the Nationals team. "Congratulations Amanda on your spot on the Nationals team" Kate announced, her face letting out huge smile out. The dancer ran over to Kate, giving her a huge hug for thankfulness, then over to Noah. "Thanks for making me audition!"

Amanda (New A troupe member) POV -
I'm back in A troupe! I'm so excited and I'm going to prove I'm ment to be here. I can't wait for Nationals with my team!

Next time - Alfie sees his chance to mess with A troupe when the costumes for Nationals arrive.

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