16. Game On

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Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
We're all just warming up for the duet auditions for the Wildcard Competition. I was seriously out of luck last year. I didn't dance in any of the qualifier Dances, I didn't get to dance my solo and I fainted in the Trio round with Amy and Amanda. It's as if my dance life has been going down hill ever since Internationals. But not this year! I'm going to dance in the Wildcard Competition and then I'm going to dance at Nationals... And I'm going to win!

Henry (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
Michelle looks really determined, and as I'm watching her stretch. I can tell she's going for it.

"Okay. It's time to start the auditions for duet" Kate said, walking out of the office and greeting the stretching dancers. "I just got another letter from the Wildcard Board. The Twsit is that use of the same dancers is going to be considered as 'Cheating' -

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
This means that we can't use the same dancers in any more than 1 Wildcard routine. So we can't use Amy, Sloane or Latroy in any other Routines apart from the Trio.

Daniel (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I like this idea actually. It's actually cut throat and I like that.

"So dancers. Who wants to be in the duet?" She asked. There wasn't a long wait between the question being asked and dancers coming forward. Because Michelle stepped out almost simultaneously. Which did shock a lot of dancers.

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm shocked When Michelle wants the duet. I thought she would have wanted the solo after she couldn't dance the solo at Regionals. But guess not?

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When we win the Wildcard Competition. I want to go to Nationals for the Female Soloist where I'll become Miss National Soloist. If I dance the solo now, I may not get to solo for Nationals.

"Me, I'd like the duet." Alfie spoke up, he had been really quiet lately as if he didn't want to cause any drama around the studio. "And US"  Zara and Haiden, two of the newer dancers spoke up. Karen smiled, "Alright, it looks as if we have some competition so you all have 1 hour to prepare the Duets then we want to see them - begin!"

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm feeling confident about the duet round, I'm sure we'll be very well represented!

Java Junction

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm meeting with Noah in the Java Junction today because he said he has something to tell me about the tour and I'm just hoping that he has got Giselle and I back on good terms with the manager.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I feel really nervous about telling Amanda the Manager offered me a place on the tour. I mean I'm not going to take it, but I feel like I need to let her know what's happening.

"So I went to talk to him...."

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so excited because I'm hoping that Noah has some how got me and Giselle back into the tour.

"...and I spoke to him. And he didn't reinstate your contracts" Noah said. Amanda's face dropped from a smile to a frown. "Oh" She said Slowly.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
At this point, I don't think Giselle and I will be able to get back on this tour. But I think it's time to start looking for another one.

"But, they offered me a spot on the tour... Instead" He said. "WHAT?"  Amanda exclaimed, she stood up in anger. "So they cut us but give a spot to you?!?" She said, Amanda couldn't believe that they would do that to her.  Especially Giselle who had done nothing wrong.

Amanda (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm in disbelief that Noah has been offered a spot on the tour instead of Giselle and I getting reinstated. I thought he loved me, he's not going to accept it,  is he?

Amanda sat down again, "Oh and are you going to accept the offer? Because you'd be a fool not too" She said sarcasticly, "Of course not. I wouldn't do that!" He said, deep down Amanda knew he was right, but she was just to angry to listen now. She stood up again, "You know what, I have to go!" She quickly picked up all of her stuff, "What Amanda Where are you going?!" Noah called out for her.

"To find another tour for me and Giselle. Why would I want to spend my time with a internationals - Regionals loser!" She left the java junction.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe what Amanda just said. I don't know what is going to happen now.

Studio A

"Alright dancers, it's time to start the auditions for the duet!" Kate announced as she came out of the office.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so ready to get this duet, Alfie and I have worked so hard on this duet and I know that we are the best people for the job.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Michelle and I have worked really hard on this, I just hope it's enough to please Miss Kate.

"So who's going first? Alfie and Michelle or Hollie and haiden?" The studio owner asked. She looked around the studio and she waited for an answer, "We'll go first!" Hollie spoke up, she turned to haiden and he nodded too.

Haiden (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Stepping up to dance. I'm really excited because if I get on this duet then the Nationals Wildcard Competition will be my first big competition! I just hope I get given a chance!

Hollie (Modern Dancer) POV -
I feel really confident. I just want to dance at this duet at the competition and win!
But it's up to Kate about this one.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
It's great to see some of our newer dancers stepping up to represent the team. They are really talented people!

"That's great guys, Right. Michael and Alfie up next"

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
As I'm going up to dance! I feel super confident!

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
The duet is ours... For sure!

Next time - The duet is announced and Solo auditions begin. Will Noah and Amanda make up.

So what did you think? Who's going to get the duet? And what do you think of Noah and Amanda's argument? Comment and vote if you enjoyed! Thanks!

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