7. Inside Competition

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"Come on A troupe - Lets Do This!"

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When I found out that I made A troupe, I was so happy. But I'm a 'Captain' and I'm not sure what that means. But this is A troupe and I can't wait to dance with these talented people.

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so happy I get another chance on A troupe and to become a better dancer! This studio is everything to me and I feel blessed to be here.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer POV -
I'm so pleased that I made the team, I'm very interested to see what's going to happen in the future.

Thea (Lyrical Dancer) POV -
I hope that leaving my old studio was worth it! This place is amazing, I hope that I can improve here

Haiden (Hiphop dancer) POV -
Being a self taught dancer I'm really looking to improve here and then I can compete in a few years times. I can't wait to be an a troupe here!

Hollie (Modern Dancer) POV -
I started dancing because of the next step winning Internationals that time. I was in the audience and as soon as I saw the Solo between James and Riley at the end, I knew I have to dance here.

Zara (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I want to help this studio get back to its former glory. There aren't the only ones to win internationals and have it all taken away afterwards.

Ella (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Now that I'm dancing with the next step, I'm ready to face whatever comes my way! They used to be the best and I want to get them back to the top of their game!

Richelle (Acro dancer) POV -
We should have won Regionals! That Gemini team better watch out after were done here!

Kingston (Hiphop dancer) POV -
I'm just excited!

Kiera (Lyrical Dancer) POV -
This is sure going to be interesting!

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
Last time I was distracted, but now The Next Step is going to see the real Alfie!


Emily (Co-Captain) POV -
I'm ready to face whatever comes at us, I'm a different perosn from when I left the next step last year! This is a new A troupe and a new me; I want this!

Elliott (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I don't see how this studio should have lost. But I want to be a dancer that helps them get back to the top!

Cassie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I was an alternate at Regionals! I need to be at the top of my game!

Latroy (Hiphop dancer) POV -
I got Sloane with me and I'm so happy, but we have Amy and I don't want to cause any drama at the studio.

Sloane (Hiphop dancer) POV -
I'm ready to improve and become better!

Henry (Hiphop dancer) POV -
I'm ready!

Heather (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
What can I say? I'm just excited, l

Stacey (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I could learn a lot here. This is a wise choice I've made

Skylar (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm happy to be on A troupe again, I guess my time as dance captain is over, but at least there is no pressure.

Ben (Break Dancer) POV -
I'm just so pumped!

Charlie (Street dancer) POV -
Let's do this!

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I don't know how this is going to work out, but I'm open to the future I guess...

(Order of Dancers)
(Michelle, Piper, Noah, Haiden, Hollie, Zara,) (Ella, Richelle, Kingston, Keira, Alfie,) Emily,Elliott, Cassie, Latroy, Sloane, Henry,) (Heather, Stacey, Skylar, Ben Charlie, Amy)

"Dancers that amazing! But can you all come in for a second please because we're going to explain how this is going to work." Kate began to explain, "James and Riley are handing out envelopes. Those who have a blue card go to Michelle's team, those who have read cards go to Emily" She explained.

Piper (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When Kate splits us all up, I'm not going to lie in really confused but I forgot about this part of A troupe now. But there is a lot of great dancers on my team so Haha!

"Great. Now that we're all in our groups. Michelle and Emily are your captains, in fact a year ago they were Co - Captains of A troupe when we went to Nationals... And we won" Kate explained, but now they were all in their groups. What would they do?

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
This is were the team work starts.

"So, Both teams are trying to be the best and the best team will have the most points, and when the time comes - you'll know when, we'll have a two teams that are unstoppable and can take on anything!" Kate explained, many of the dancers were beginning to get excited, but some just had a reminder of what they lost.

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
So I'm on Emily's team, which is good because I have a strong leader and she helped us put before but i have Sloane and Latroy and it's going to cause some awkward moments and I just... Don't want any drama.

"But however there is a Solo competition coming up soon and to get the team work element really going and I want both teams to nominate one person who's going to compete in the competition and you all will help Choreograph the solo" Kate explained, this competition was nothing like Nationals. But it was a way to get them working together.

"So get stretching, and warmed Okay and we'll be back in a moment" She said,  leaving the dancers to discuss who would be on the soloist at the competition.

Java Junction

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm sat in the Java Junction right now and I'm just having some time to myself, it's going to be very hard on that team with Latroy and Sloane.

Alfie came in a few seconds later...

Alfie (Jazz Dancer) POV -
I originally came to get a Juice, but i see Amy is really upset and I want to see what's up.

"Hey, Amy. Are you alright?" Alfie asked kindly, he took a seat opposite her so they could talk. "I'm fine, it's just Latroy and...."
"Oh forget about him, he dumped you, his loss. You should focus on Dance and know that other people are here for you" He said, putting his hand on hers.

Amy (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Alfie is right, I do need to forget about Latroy.  Maybe it will all be okay!

Next time - The teams get to work on there solo, but of course, drama begins

So what do you think? I know that A troupe is pretty large but I do have some plot twists coming so don't worry! Which team is better? Michelles or Emily. I separated them up with the dots, comment and vote if you enjoyed! Thanks

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