11. Undefeated - Part 2

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Richelle stood at the side of the wings, ready to go on stage and perform her solo but she was so nervous. Way more nervous than she was at Regionals, the fact they lost the last competition must have affected her confidence, because she was finding it impossible to think straight.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
This is so nerve-wracking! I need to calm down. But I can't, I feel as if I'm loosing control. My breathing gets fast and my chest gets really tight! What's happening to me?

She began to get into a panic and state, breathing so fast yet it felt like her lungs were closing in. "Miss Kate! I can't breathe!" She mumbled, leaning against a wall whilst rubbing her head. "Kate they are calling the first dancer on stage" Zara pointed out, Richelle was in no fit state to dance at that moment in time, So Zara went in instead of her.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
With Richelle the way she is. I have to go in before her. As I'm walking out onto the stage and I keep glancing back at her - I hope my new friend is okay.

It was all up to Zara, but she was dancing really well. She had taken on Daniel's advice very well and had improved her solo quite a lot.

"Yes Come on Zara!"
"You Doing great!"

She heard Kate cheering and supporting her from the wings, but she was more focused on Richelle. She would be dancing In Zara's spot in only a few Solos time. There was no way she'd be able to suddenly get better in time, Would She?

After what felt like ages, her solo finished. The audience gave her an applause and she ran back of to see Richelle. She was much calmer now, but was still complaining of a tight chest. "How are you doing?" She asked, kneeling down to her level and looking up at Kate then back at Richelle.

"I feel Calmer, but my chest is just so tight." She complained, "Well you can't dance in this state" Kate said. "We Should think about Forefeiting" Kate suggested, she would normally say this. But they couldn't risk Richelles health.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Richelles health is the most important in all of this and if it means we have to pull out, then we have to pull out.

"What if I dance in her spot?" Zara asked.

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Only two soloists maximum per competing team. They don't say that we can't use the same Soloist twice.

"I can free style this one" She added, "If I score well on this one then great. If not, that's life" She said, making it sound so simple and easy. Kate began to think, "Alright but don't be too upset if you don't get marked down for this one" Kate warned. Zara knew that it was a long shot, but they couldn't give up.

The Office

Riley (Co-Studio Head) POV -
I'm in the office with James and some of the dancers have come in for extra practice. Whem I get a text from Kate. I'm shocked to hear that Richelle didn't dance in the competition, she's one of the strongest and I hope she's okay.

Walking out of the office, Riley decided she should be warn the dancers who were in to keep it on the down low as Richelle may feel upset. "Alright Dancers" Noah, Henry, Hollie and Sloane all turned to her. They were working on a small group together. "I've just got a text from Kate, Richelle didn't dance in the solo competition - she had a panic attack" She announced.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
When I hear that Richelle had a Panic attack. I'm so worried!

Noah ran out of the studio, something in Rileys mind told her that maybe telling them what happened wasn't such a good idea anymore...

Solo Competition

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm in the reception area and I'm trying to mark through a solo that I can perform on stage. But it's proving quite difficult, but Suddenly Noah comes in.

"Oh hey, Zara have you seen Richelle?" He asked, She stopped dancing. "This is perfect, Follow me!" She yelled out. What did she think now?


"Okay so I've just seen Noah who's looking for Richelle and it just hit me -

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Noah can dance in the solo competition instead of me!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
This idea to have Noah dance in the competition is a genius one. He should be able to give a good solo no problem, he's been to internationals! He can do this!

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I don't know about this, but I'm going to help the team so I'll do it!

'Can The Next Step please take the stage?'

"See just in time, You got this!" Zara said, and with That. Noah went out on stage, and performed an amazing solo. It was was going well, the dance was full of tricks with a strong element of contemporary emotion mixed into it. Only one team was now left to perform, The Geminis second twin....

30 Minutes Later

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We're all in the wings, and we're waiting to find out who won. They way they mark this is the top three Studios are awarded a trophy, no matter how many dancers they had and then there is five Individual Solo Spots.

'In Third Place is... Dance. Inc!'

There was a round of applause, and the two dancers went up to with their studio head to collect the third place Trophy.

'In Second Place is... The Next Step!'

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Coming second, it's great I guess. But it's second. If this were the Nationals final, we'd have lost.

'In First Place is... Team Gemini!'

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
When Gemini comes first. It doesn't surprise me at all. I just hope we can do better in the solo awards.

'The Solo awards go to -
5) Zara From The Next Step!
4) Sarah From Dance. Inc!
3)Noah From The Next Step!
2) Gemini - Dancer 1!
1) Gemini - Dancer 2!

Zara (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't believe I came 5th! This is unbelievable!

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I can't believe it.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Coming 3rd isn't a big deal to me. It's just the Gemini team is still Undefeated...

Next time - Back from the competition, The Dancers look to the future. Noah attempts to get Amanda back.

So What did you think? Someone needed to take The Gemini team down! Comment and vote if you enjoyed! Thanks!

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