32. Ultimatum

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Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Right now we're warming up for rehearsal and I'm really happy with how our Zoltan show went last week. It was really great practice for Nationals and it was just a lot of fun with my team.

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
My leg was OK in the Zoltan Show so I do have high hopes for it healing in time for Nationals.

Kate came out of the office a few seconds later with a big smile on her face, she was happy too about the way the Zoltan show turned out. But as she agreed with the team, Zoltan and his show was finished and it was time to start working on Nationals again, but this time she had some plans already made.

"Okay dancers. Well done on your show last week but we need to start working on the Nationals Competition." She began, by now all of the dancers had finished stretching and they were all standing and ready to work. "As you were dancing in the show I did notice 4 dancers in particular that impressed me and as we are short of time, I've decided on four dancers that will represent us in 4 person dance and one more who will be added to the small group."

"I've decided that Alfie, is going to be the fifth person on the small group. And that James, Riley, Noah and Richelle are going to be on the 4 Person Dance at Nationals!" She announced, Kate began a round of applause that A troupe followed up on. "Thank you"  Alfie said, this made him happy, he had another way to mess with the team.

Alfie (Jazz Dancer/ Gemini Dancer) POV -
I'm so happy to have the A troupe National Small group. I have two Small groups to prepare for now, this and the Gemini routine. But one thing is for sure, only one is going to win.

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I'm really happy to be in the 4 Person Dance at Nationals. This is just going to be amazing! I don't think I could dance with better people for it.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm really happy that I got the 4 person dance. It just means I'm going to have a lot on my plate over the coming weeks.

"So that's it. I'm going to submit all of your names to the Nationals board and we will be officially on the Nationals System! Get to work" Kate said, and with that she went back into the office and got on to the computer. Nationals got that one step closer...

The Lounge

Now that Richelle had been assigned the 4 Person Dance at Nationals, it was time for Emily to make sure that she was up to it. From her personal experience, she thought it best to just deal with the problem instead of hide it. "You wanted to see me?"  The Dance Captain said as she came in.

"Ah yes, take a seat" She smiled back, they both sat down and the conversation began, "Firstly Congratulations on getting the 4 Person Dance at Nationals, but I need to know what's going on with your leg"  Emily explained, not waiting time on the matter. "Richelle you're the dance captain,  and you have to do what's best for the team"  Emily said.

"Are you going to book a doctors appointment?" The Contemporary Dancer asked, her arms were folded in a serious matter. "No I don't know need one"  Richelle said back, but this wasn't what Emily wanted to hear. "I'll go and tell Miss Kate then" She said, already getting up.

"What No!" Richelle lept up, "Well its your choice: Book an appointment with the doctor, or tell Miss Kate"  Emily said, she had given her a final Ultimatum and Richelle needed to make a decision, after all she was the dance captain.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm not trying to be harsh on her, I'm telling her how it is and she needs to get it checked out before she gets hurt even more.

Richelle (Dance Captain) POV -
She's right, I should go to the doctors but then I have to admit that I really am injured and I can't do that, at least right now I can pretend everything is fine. But if Emily doesn't keep my secret, then nothing will be fine... At all!

Studio B

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Right now I'm in studio B and I'm going over Choreography Ideas for my Miss National Soloist routine and I'm having trouble coming up with new ideas, I keep reusing other moves from previous Solos. If I keep doing this, we're not going to make the next round.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Michelle texted Emily and I to come help her with her solo because she was struggling for ideas. So we've just come to make sure she is okay.

"Hey. Michelle we got your text are you okay?" Emily asked, coming into the studio space with her sister. Michelle stopped whatever move she was doing at that point and met them I the middle of the room. "No. I can't think of anything for my solo. Last year's solo was just amazing, and I don't think I'm going to top it this year"  She said.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Maybe she should perform her old solo now to get into groove of it all again?

"Why don't you dance you old solo now?"  Emily suggested, "It could give to inspiration?!"  She added. Michelle nodded slowly, "Okay I'll give it a chance."

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
The girls suggest that I dance my old Nationals Solo again, and as I'm dancing I get a rush of energy and I feel like I can do it! I get flashbacks from dancing on the Nationals stage.

It's just magical, I know that now I can do this! This next solo is going to be amazing, I'll make sure of that!

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It's just magical, I know that now I can do this! This next solo is going to be amazing, I'll make sure of that!

Next time - Alfie is questioned when he misses rehearsals. Richelle and Emily take a trip to the doctors.

A/n: So what did you think? Alfie is now on the small group! How will that work out and how will the 4 Person Dance go down? COMMENT & VOTE if you enjoyed! Thanks!

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