15 (65). Play The Game

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A Troupe seemed to have taken the work of Move it and Internationals pretty well. They were already starting work on the internationals dances as well as the move it dances. The studio was finally starting to get back to the top. But there was still a bad feeling around the studio at some times...

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm In studio A right now I'm just working on my Solo, I should have got the solo spot for internationals and everyone knows it: I'm Miss National Soloist 3 times running and it's time for me to strut my stuff on the internationals stage.

Michelle had a little plan forming in her head, even though she knew it was low and wrong for her to do it. Michelle was willing to risk her friendships for that chance, but would it be worth it in the long run... Only time would tell...

Toronto Medical Hospital

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm at the hospital with Noah right now because I'm getting some results back on my leg. The other day I did an aerial for th first time and I want to see how healed my leg is.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm hoping that Richelle gets good news. She deserves it and I hope that she can dance with us again soon.

"Are you nervous?" Noah asked.
Richelle shook her head but inside she was freaking out beyond imagination, this was one of the most important appointments of her life. "No... I'm Richelle I don't get nervous" She lied, followed by a small chuckle.

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Richelle is so nervous. And I'm going to be a friend for her today because that is what she needs.

Studio A

"Go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"

James (Break Dancer) POV -
Right I'm in studio A with Riley and Miss Kate as we're going over our Move it qualifier duet, it is going really well but there is something about Riley because she isn't focused of the dance.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I love the dance, don't get me wrong but it's just hard to focus on the qualifier and my internationals solo. But the qualifier will be over soon and then I'll just be focussed on my solo and  getting to internationals.

"Riley are you okay?" James asked.
They stopped dancing and Kate turned the music off so she could talk to James and Riley. "I'm good. My head space is not in rehearsals for the Move It Qualifier right now" Riley explained, "I'm sorry whats wrong?" Kate asked.

Riley (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't tell Miss Kate I feel pressured about having the duet and the solo because I don't want her to think I can't handle it - We usually only prepare for one competition so this is double the pressure.

"Nothing, I just forgot I booked studio B to go over my Solo for internationals" Riley left the studio leaving James and Kate looking rather confused, would Riley be able to deal with the pressure?

Toronto General Hospital

"Okay... So from the last scan"

Noah (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Richelle and I are in the hospital right now and I'm actually really nervous to find out what her results are. I just hope that she is okay.

"We can see that your tendon was torn quite severely but we can see that it is healing" the doctor said, with a little smile on her face. "I hope that you are doing the excersies?" the doctor asked, richelle nodded and glanced at Noah. "Yes. I even did an aerial at the studio the other day" She answered, "I'm sorry. You should not be dancing yet and the studio was off limits I said" the doctor said.

"No no, I've been working at the studio to help my team. But when can I start working as a dancer again?" Richelle asked, cutting the conversation off and getting back to her original point. "Not right now, I'd predict another month at least"

Richelle (Acro Dancer) POV -
I'm so happy! This is the news I've wanted all along, I may not be cleared to dance just yet - but i will be soon and thats good enough for me.

Java Junction

James (Break Dancer) POV -
I'm in the Java Junction and I'm just talking with Michelle. We both agree that something is up with Riley.

"I think she's too stressed about both of the competitions" Michelle said, despite the fact she was pleased that Riley got the solo. She wanted it herself badly herself and would do anything to get it. "I just hope that she doesn't burn out in too much pressure"

James (Break Dancer) POV -
Michelle is right. We don't want Riley to burn out under the pressure, I just hope we can do something to help.

The office

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I've decided to take action. I want the solo at internationals, I want it more than anything and u deserve it!

"Miss Kate, please can we talk about Riley?" Michelle asked, Kate nodded and faced Michelle with a smile.

Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm shocked about what Riley has been feeling, I glad Michelle brought this to my attention...maybe I should have thought a little more carefully about who gets the solo spot.

Next time - Riley is devastated, can we focus on the move it qualifier or will she be cut from the team.

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