Chapter 1

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Okay so this is going to be the sequel to Magcon. Read that one first or else you're going to be really confused by this one. Thanks!:)

"Ready to go?" Tay asks. 

"Yup lets go" I say and we walk out of our flat and into the hot California weather. We get into Tay's car and I sit in the passenger seat. We are heading to Harry's house just to visit as we usually do. 

"So you and Harry?!" Tay asks moving her eyebrows up and down. I hit her and giggle. "No really what's going on with you two?" she asks me. 

"Well, I mean we have been hanging out since that day on the plane.." I slowly trail off thinking about that day on the plane. Harry was the guy that started talking to me and he ended up switching seats with Tay and we talked all the way back to New York. He was a really good distraction, but when school started, I stopped talking to him. Nash and I would text each other sometimes, but not half as much as we used to. It was pretty much a fall out, which is exactly what I didn't want. But, when I walked into homeroom on the first day of school, Harry was sitting there and once we saw each other, it never ended. We talked every single day and we were always together. Once we graduated, we were such good friends and ended up both moving to Cali which worked out well. So, pretty much I guess you can say we are dating, but it's not official yet. 

"Soph?" Tay asks snapping her fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. I shake my head and look over at her. 

"Oh sorry what did you say?" I ask her. 

"We are here" she says pointing to the house in front of us. I nod my head and get out of the car. Tay and I walk up the stairs and knock on the door. It doesn't take long for the door to swing open and Harry is standing there with a grin on his face. 

"Hey girls!" he says and we both smile. 

"Is Jake here?" Tay asks and Harry nods his head. She squeals and tries to fix her hair and walks in the house. That leaves Harry and I alone.

"How are you babe?" he asks as he leans on the door frame. 

I blush slightly and look up at him. "Good how about you?" I ask him with a smile. He chuckles and pulls me in for a tight hug. 

"Good but I missed you!" he says and hugs me even tighter. I giggle and he pulls away and takes my hand to lead me into his house. We walk into the living room and Tay is on the couch flirting with Jake, which is Harry's friend. "Hungry babe?" Harry asks me and I nod my head. I take a seat on the island and Harry opens the fridge to look for some food. My phone rings and I have a text. Hey Soph how are you?:) It's Nash and I really don't want to answer him, like the past 70 times he has texted me. I just delete the message and set my phone down. I should've known better when I date him that we weren't going to last. 

"Everything alright?" Harry asks and I nod my head with a smile. Harry was a really built guy. He has big muscles and curly brown hair, which is to die for. He's really tan and has green eyes and the greatest smile ever. Pretty much, he's to die for and in high school, everybody wanted him. 

"Yeah everything's great" I say and kiss his cheek. He smiles and hands me a sandwich on a plate. I walk into the living room and Harry whistles which makes me flip him off and sit down on the couch. 

"Yo why did she get food?!" Jake asks and I laugh. 

"Because she's much more important than you!" Harry says and takes a seat next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder and grins at me, which I gladly return. 

"Hey Soph!" Tay says and I look over at her. She's looking down at her phone with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask her and she looks up at me. 

"Umm.. All the guys from Magcon are coming here to stay for the summer." she says. It takes me a couple minutes to remember what the hell Magcon even is, but once I remember, my jaw drops and my eyes go wide. Suddenly, my mind is flooded with what Nash could look like. He probably is a lot tanner and fit, which makes me want to see him even more. 

"Who's that?" Harry asks, confused. I look over at Tay and question her with my eyes. She shrugs her shoulders, so I decide to just tell them. 

"Well, you remember the first time we met on that plane?" I ask, looking at Harry. He nods his head and I continue, "Well, we were coming back from Florida, but the reason we went there was for Magcon and pretty much my ex is part of it" I look over at Harry and he's deep in thought. "But," I say, "That was in 10th grade, so there's nothing to worry about" he nods his head and tightens his grip on me. 

"Just let me know if anything happens" Harry says and I nod my head in agreement. I finish up lunch and we make the decision to spend the day at the beach. Tay and I both have some clothes here, so we go up and get our bathing suits on. I pull my shorts and crop top over my bathing suit and head downstairs. We all get into Harry's car and we take off to the beach. I can't believe Nash is really here. I don't know what I will do if I run into him. That's probably why he texted me in the first place. To tell me he's in Cali, but he doesn't know I'm here, unless he's still following me on twitter. Right now, Magcon isn't going anymore, but they are all still wanted by so many girls. I would say they are all famous at this point.

The car comes to a halt and I look up and we are at the beach. I open the door and get out of the car and the hot sun beats down on my skin. I am so excited to get into the water and cool off. Harry takes my hand and we walk onto the hot sand to find a place to sit. We scan around and there is barely any spots, because it's so packed. We finally find a decent spot and put down our chairs and towels.

"Want to go for a swim?" Harry asks me and I nod my head with a smile. I pull off my shorts and shirt and walk to the water. The waves crash and there's a slight breeze, which feels amazing. The water rushes around my ankles and I smile and run into the ocean. I fall under the water an it cools me down immediately. I come up and rub the salt water from my eyes and look around for Harry. I feel hands on my hips and I jump and turn around to be faced with Harry's chest. He's much taller than me, which is an advantage to him. Tay and Jake are on the beach talking to some guys, which I am guessing are Jake's friends. Harry leans down and connects our lips in a passionate kiss, but I won't lie. He can't kiss me like Nash did. Nothing he does ever compares to how Nash made me feel. Yeah, I'm trying to get over Nash, but deep down, I know that I still love him and I never want to let him go.  

We return to the beach and right as I sit down, Tay asks, "Do you want to come get food with me?" she shoots me a look telling me we have to talk about something. I nod my head and we get up and walk over to the cafe on the beach. 

"Soph they are here" Tay says quietly. 

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"They are all here. Shawn, Taylor, Jack, Matt, Cam and Nash." she says and my jaw drops. 

"W-what?" I ask, with my mind spinning. 

"When you were in the water, Cam and Matt came over to talk to me and kept asking me a bunch of questions, which was really freaking out Jake. I think Nash saw you and Harry in the water, but I'm not sure." Tay says and my jaw drops. He's really here? I turn around and look at everybody on the beach, but there are so many, I can't identify anybody. This is bad. If Harry sees Nash talking to me, it will end so bad. 

Okay guys, sorry if it's boring, but I wanted to get up a chapter. I hope you guys liked it!:) Thanks for reading!~K

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