Chapter 29

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So the following week after talking to Harry, I guess you can say I was pretty stressed out. I was pretty much counting down the days almost the hours until I can finally leave and to go Aruba. I just want to get away and right now all the stress at home is getting to me. When I would go out shopping, the only thing running through my head would be is that Jeff or one of his workers? Are they going to try and take me? Am I safe? But thank god today we are finally leaving for Aruba and I think this is the most excited I've been all week. 

"I want you to call or something!" Tay says and Nash shakes his head. 

He says, "Tay I'm sorry but there are no phones allowed on his trip!" she rolls her eyes and pulls me into a hug. I say bye to everybody and we get into Nash's car that already has our stuff in it. He grabs my hand and starts the drive to the airport. It doesn't take long to get to the airport, it's the wait that takes forever. We have to go through security and wait for them to start boarding us. We get on the plane at 10:00 and Nash insisted that we get first class, so we got to board first. I've never been in first class but once I see it, I know I've been missing out. The seats are easily 2 times bigger and there is so much more space. Nash takes my carry on and puts it up top as I take a seat. I look out the pretty big window and look at everybody on the ground working on the plane before take off. 

"Please everybody put on their seat belts we are about to take off" the lady says, so I grab both sides and push them together until I hear a click. I turn to Nash and he has a smile on his face. His eyes are closed but I know he can tell I'm looking at him because a grin breaks out onto his face. 

"Are you excited?" he asks and I giggle. 

"How could I not be. We are going to Aruba!" I say and he laughs. The good news is we actually found a direct flight. Don't ask me how but it makes things ten times easier because getting on and off more than once is horrible. I feel the plane increase in speed, which pushes me back in my seat a little more then usual, but flying really doesn't bother me. I look out the window and I see the airport getting smaller and smaller as we climb farther up in the sky. I smile and relax back in my seat. I feel Nash's hand rest on my thigh and I put my hand over his. I feel like this is the most relaxed I've been in a while. No Jeff no Harry just Nash and a great place. I end up drifting off to sleep with those thoughts. 

"Hello ladies and gentleman we are landing in 30 minutes, so please enjoy the food provided. You can order more food if you please thank you for flying with Jet Blue!" the lady says through the speakers. I open my eyes and look around. The flight attendants are walking through with a cart. I'm guessing that's for the food. I look over and Nash is still passed out. I giggle and poke his cheek. After a couple seconds, his eyebrows pull together and he opens his eyes. He looks over at me and I have a huge grin on my face. I can tell he is trying to keep a straight face, but after a little he finally reveals his flawless smile. 

He looks around and asks, "Are they serving the food?" I nod my head and he puts his head back on the pillow they provided. I rest my head on his shoulder and wait for the people to come to us. 

"Hello!" I hear a woman say, so I open my eyes and put a smile on my face. Once she sees that we are both awake, she asks, "What can I get you guys? We have grilled chicken, pasta or a Caesar salad. There are also more choices in the brochure provided" she says guiding her hand to the papers on the seat in front of us. Nash gets the chicken and I get the pasta. The lady walks away with a smile on her face and leaves us to ourselves. I open the meal and start eating. Usually I would think this is gross, but I'm so hungry that it actually tastes good. I finish up pretty quickly and I pat my stomach, which earns a chuckle from Nash who is next to me. 

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