Chapter 55

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Today is the day that Skylynn is coming to stay with Nash. I don't know if he is planing on staying with me since nobody else is here or what. I guess you can say I have been better lately since that talk with Tay. She was right and I think I am slowly accepting the fact that I can't do anything about it. But, at night I do think about it; I can't help it. I don't know if they are bringing Skylynn to Nash or not, but he's at my place now and he's passed out. I hear his phone ring and it pulls me out of my thoughts. I nudge Nash and he groans while pulling a pillow over his head. I roll my eyes and get out of bed to find his phone.

I finally find it and I answer it with a simple, "Hello?"

"Hello this is Nash's mother is he there?" she asks. 

"Um no he's actually asleep this is Sophie," I say, unsure if she knows about me or not. 

"Oh my goodness! I've been waiting forever to even hear your voice! He tells me so much about you! But, we wanted to know where we should bring Skylynn?" she asks and I look over at Nash who is still passed out without a care in the world.

I say into the phone, "Well, he's at my place so I guess you can bring her over here," I say and end up talking with her a little longer and I text her the address. I finally get off the phone and Nash starts moving in the bed. 

"What are you doing?" he asks once he sees me standing on the other side of the room where his phone is. He looks a little.. Nervous?

"Oh your mom called and you obviously weren't planning on waking up and getting it so I did," I say to him and he nods his head. Why did he seem nervous about me answering his phone?

"How long until they are here?" he asks and I shrug. I walk into the bathroom and start to brush my teeth and make myself look decent for their arrival. Once I am ready, I start fixing up the house just so it doesn't look trashed when they come. I wonder what his family is like. I think it is a little strange that I haven't met his parents and he hasn't met mine. But you know who did meet my parents? Harry. My parents loved him and they actually thought he was a great infulence on me. Not anymore though, because he is dead. I need to stop thinking like this, but I can't help it. 

I hear the doorbell ring and I tense. "I got it!" Nash says and I her the door open. I suppose I should go meet them. I walk to the door from the kitchen and the first person I see is Hayes. I think I remember seeing him before, but I don't think we talked that much. Nash and Hayes are catching up with each other while Nash's parents are walking up with all this stuff in their hands for Skylynn. I still don't see her, but I bet she is still in the car. 

"Nash!" his mom pretty much screams and pulls him into her arms. I giggle lightly and his dad has a huge grin on his face. His dad does the same thing to him and they finally set all the stuff inside that they were carrying in. 

"So this is the famous Sophie?" his mom says and I giggle. I nod my head and she grins. She ends up pulling me in for a hug and I greet his father as well. 

Hayes says hello as well. "So where is she?" Nash asks. His mom points to the car and once I look, I can see her in the car with a huge grin on her face. Well, she must be excited to see Nash. 

"Thank you guys so much for taking her," she says as Nash goes to grab Skylynn and the car seat. 

"It's not problem really I know how much Nash adores her," I say and his mom nods her head. 

She glanes down at what she brought and says, "Okay all of that is hers. She wanted to bring some of her stuffed animals and she ended up bringing almost all of them," I smile and so does she. Finally I see the little blonde girl holding Nash's hand as they walk up the driveway. I smile and once they reach us, they all say bye to all of us.

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