Chapter 13

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"Harry get out she doesn't want to see you" I hear Tay's voice from outside my door. I pull my eyebrows together and rub my eyes. Did I just hear wrong or did she say Harry? I sit up in my bed and look all around my room. Where is he?! 

"Where is she" I hear him demand from the hall. My eyes go wide and I hop out of bed and quietly run to my closet to hide. I push the clothes apart and hide down behind them. I don't know if this is going to work, but all I have to say is, this is the worst way to wake up. I hear my door slam against the wall as it swings open and heavy footsteps. 

"She isn't here" I hear Tay say. I really hope he doesn't hurt her because if he does, I don't know what I will do. 

"Now why would I believe you" I hear him say. The scary part is, I can imagine the look on his face. He is probably scaring the shit out of her and I feel so bad. They exchange a few more words and I'm pretty sure he gives up. I let out a silent breath, but I stay in my spot. I don't want to get out and then have him find out Tay was lying. He would kick the shit out of her. To be honest, he scares me so bad and he was never like that before. 

"Sophie?" I hear Tay ask and I shove the clothes aside and pretty much run out of the closet. I see Tay standing there looking like she is totally lost. I run over to her and pull her into my arms. I don't know what I would've done if he hurt her. 

I pull away and look at her. "How did this even happen?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. 

"Well, I heard pounding on the door, so I got up to get it and when I opened the door, he brushed right by me and into the house and started screaming. He said he had to see you and it was urgent or something. But then he came in here and I was expecting you to be passed out, but thank god you heard him" she explains and I nod my head. 

I look around for my phone and walk over and grab it. "Do you think I should tell Nash?" I ask her and she nods her head quickly. She rns out of my room and I hear her lock the door, which was something I probably never would have thought about. I dial Nash's number and it rings about 4 times before he picks up. 

"Hey Soph what's up?" he says into the phone. I explain everything to him and by the end, he seems pretty pissed. 

"Yeah and then he just left and then I walked into my room and talked to Tay" I say, finishing up the story. 

"I am coming over now I will be there in 10 minutes" he says and the call ends. I pull my eyebrows together and shrug my shoulders. I walk into my closet and grab shorts and a shirt and pull them on. I just throw my hair up in a messy bun and walk out of my room. I can't believe that happened. Why would he even come that early and demand to see me? He must have been drunk or something because since I met him, he never got up before 1 and it's 10:30 now. 

I almost wish I never talked to him that day on the plane because everything would've been normal. I thought by talking to him I could forget not only about Nash, but about everything with Jeff. He made my life a living hell and I told Harry all about it. Now, look at who is making my life a living hell, just like Jeff. I mean, Harry isn't as bad as him since I know him much better, but he's doing something Jeff would do. 

I go take a seat in the living room on the couch and turn on the TV. I almost don't feel save being here with just Tay. I feel like if he comes back, or anything like that happens again and he won't leave, we won't be able to defend ourselves. I mean, maybe we could, but we aren't the strongest people ever. I hear a knock on the door and I tense up. I walk over to the window and look out it. I see Nash standing there, looking very nervous. I relax and walk over and unlock the door. I open it and he smiles at me and walks in. I close it behind him and I'm sure to lock it as well. 

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