Chapter 38

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When Sophie first told me that she missed her period, I almost passed out right there. But then she got all moody and left me alone in the bedroom. I really don't know what her issue was, but once I put everything together it all made sense. Once we got the tests and ate she went to go take the test. I'm not going to lie, I was sweating from the nerves. She goes into the bathroom and when she finishes, I go in and we wait. I don't think ten minutes has ever been longer. We were both just sitting there waiting for the answer. But, I know we can't believe a drug store test. We would have to go to the doctors to make it official. The timer goes off after both of us were staring at it, which only made it go slower. We walk into the bathroom and Sophie stands behind me, obviously scared of what the results will say. If you ask me, I think we are both old enough, I'm not sure about how strong our relationship really is because this will put it to the test. 

I walk over to the sink and grab the plastic end of the test. I almost drop the test and Sophie tenses behind me. "What is it?" she asks and I sigh. 

"Well, this one is positive" I say as I look over the pink plus sign. I pick up the next one and it has the same exact pink plus. The final one didn't have a pink plus. It was a blue negative. "So we have two positives and one negative" I say and turn to her. The look on her face looks like I just killed all her family. 

She falls into my arms and says, "Nash I can't do this. We can't do this! We have all of our lives in front of us and now this stupid baby is going to ruin it all! You know what, I'm going to get an abortion." she turns around and faces away from me. 

"Sophie an abortion isn't neccessary. Look this is what we can do. Let's just say that there is a baby in your stomach, we can just let it grow and once you are almost ready, you can decide if you want to give it to a family that can't do this themselves, or we can keep it. This all up to you, I'll support you either way" I say to her and pull her into my arms. Honestly, I want her to have the baby, but it's up to her. I'll let her make the choice on her own and I'll support her either way. 

She grabs my hand and walks into the bathroom. We lay down on the bed and she places her head on my chest and draws circles on my stomach. "I love you" she says and I smile. 

"Love you too, Sophie" I say and she ends up falling asleep not too long after. I get up from the bed and put her under the covers. I throw away the test and take the trash out to the trash bin. I really don't think either of us want to explain to everybody about those tests. I walk back into the house and since it's already 5, I may as well make dinner. I look through the cabinets and end up making some spaghetti. As the noodles cook, I sit down at the island and go through my phone. I feel hands on my hips and I chuckle lightly. I spin around and Soph is standing there with a smile on her face. 

She sits down and asks, "What are you making?" 

"Spaghetti it should be done soon" I say to her and she nods her head with a smile. 

She rest her head on my shoulder and says, "So I thought about everything you said and you're right. I should just relax and let whatever happens, happen. We can just schedule a doctor's appointment or something and we can go from there" I nod my head with a smile on my face.

I get up and start putting the food together since the noodles finished cooking. "I think you made the right choice, Soph" I say to her and she smiles. I put it all together in a dish and grab both of us plates. Sophie gets some on her plate and I do the same. We both start eating, but Soph drops her fork, which makes me turn my attention to her. 

"Nash oh my god.." she trails off into her thoughts, something she has been doing a lot lately. I nudge her shoulder and she comes back and says, "I drank so much last night.. If there was something inside of me, I bet you it isn't there anymore" I set dow my fork and wipe my mouth. 

I say, "Sophie it's okay you didn't know it's not your fault. It's as easy as us going up to the bedroom and doing it again. If you want to have a baby, I'll do it. If you don't, then we don't have to. This is all up to you." she sighs and pushes her plate away from her. 

"Nash I can't believe neither of us thought about me getting pregnant. It's been a month and neither of us put anything together. We killed the baby, at least I probably did from all the drinking I did last night" she explains. With that, she leaves the island and walks away down the hall. I push out my chair and start walking after her, but she's already in her room. I push the bedroom door open and she's nowhere to be found. I can hear quiet sobs coming from the bathroom. I go over to that door and sure enough when I turn the knob, it's locked. I groan and knock on the door.

"Go away" she says from the other side of the door. I sigh and try to turn the knob one more time, but nothing. 

"Soph just open the door it's fine you might not even have hurt the baby! Just open the door" I say and I hear her breathing, unsteady. "Sophie!" I say, just a little louder. I hear somebody touching the door handle and it bursts open. 

She walks toward me and says, "Nash I really don't have time for anything right now I need to go figure out everything that is happening right now" she brushes past me and I stand there, frozen.

It takes me a minute to gather my thoughts and I run after her. But right when I reach the front door, she's pulling out of the driveway with her car. I run out and she takes one glance at me and drives away. I groan and run back into the house. I grab my keys and get in my car. I start in the direction she went in, but god only knows where she could've gone. I go to the main part of town and I don't see her car anywhere. I drive around for a good hour and I finally give up and head back to the house. Maybe she's there and she has cooled down, hopefully. I pull down her street and I see a couple cars in the driveway, but none of them are her car. I groan and park the car on the opposite side of the road. I slam the door shut and walk into the house.

"Who's there?" I hear one of the guys ask from the kitchen.

"Nash has Sophie came here?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. All their eyes fall on me and they all shake their head. I grab my hair and pull at the roots. Where could she have gone? For all I know she could be lying in a ditch, almost dead.

Carter walks up to me and asks, "Yo bro what happened?" he sits me down on the couch and I end up telling them everything, without even noticing. I wasn't planning on saying all of it to them, but I don't think any of them would've known what I was talking about if I didn't tell them everything.

"So you haven't seen her since?" Tay asks and I shake my head, no.

"Do you think we should all go out and look for her, or just wait and see if she comes home?" Cam asks, looking at everybody in the room.

Matt pipes up and says, "I think we should go look for her, or rather half of us go look for her and the other half can stay back here and if she comes back we can call you guys, or vice versa" we all nod our heads in agreement and start to make a plan. I really feel like we are in a movie and this is all fake. If it was, I would be beyond happy because right now I don't think I can deal with Sophie out somewhere. I grab my phone and try to call her, but it goes straight to voice mail. Tay, Shawn, Matt and Cam all go out looking for her and that leaves Carter, Taylor, the Jacks and I. The rest of the guys are like home or something.

I go grab some food, because I honestly think that's the only thing that can distract me at this point. I walk back into the living room and sit down. The guys turn on the TV and we start watching whatever is on the screen. We sit there for what feels like hours but it was probably only 40 minutes. We still haven't got anything from the four of them that are out looking. At this point, I just want her to come home. I don't care if we are still fighting, shit I don't even know if we are really fighting. I just want to know she's safe and not in any danger. But, right now she's missing and nobody knows if she is safe or not.

"Just relax, Nash she will show up" Taylor says, trying to cheer me up. I fake a smile and zone out into my own thoughts as the guys talk about whatever is on the TV. The only thing going through my mind is that she could be dead or kidnapped. With Jeff out there and all the guys that work for him, they could've easily taken her and I'm left with nothing, other than a broken heart. 

Sorry it's short I'm sick and I can barely think.. It's like kinda a lot to take in but love you guys I'll try to update again soon!:)~K

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