Chapter 48

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We ended up going back to my place once we were finished at the beach and we were just hanging out, since nobody else was there. He's back to normal, but now I just feel out of it. My thoughts keep consuming me and I really feel like it's effecting our relationship. Nash and I haven't really talked about where we want to go after this summer ends, or rather what we want to do once summer ends. I really think we should figure it out because, I am getting really stressed out. 

"Everything alright?" Nash asks and rubs my thigh. I turn to him and nod my head with a slight smile. I really don't know whats going to happen between us and all I want is for us to stay together. I know that's what he wants too, but remember what happened last time. When I left, it all went downhill. We were stupid enough to believe that we could stay together and actually carry on our relationship. I ended up moving on and he never got over me, or so he says. Maybe we could stay together, if we are lucky. 

The thing is, if we do stay together for a long time in the future, we are bound to split up. It might be a divorce we go through, or maybe just we need time apart and that becomes permanent. You never know and that's whats scaring me. None of us can tell what is in the future, and we can only hope. So, that's what I'm going to do. Just think, if I never talked to Harry then I wouldn't be here with Nash right now. I honestly wonder what it would be like if Nash never came here. I would probably still be with Harry, but the better question is would he still be working for Jeff, or would he have called it off? I like to think he would've called it off, but I'm pretty sure Jeff was paying Harry a lot of money. Harry needed to take care of his family back home, so he took the money and took advantage of me. 

I did love Harry, but not half as much as Nash. Nash actually makes me feel special and loved, something not very many people can do. Love like this is rare, and I know some may say it's just a silly relationship and they will be over and done with in a couple years, but I really like to think that's not true. Nash and I have been through too much to just throw it all away. We were together for a whole summer and then there was 3 years between us. The thing is, Nash still had feelings for me, and I pretty much forgot about him. It kind of makes me feel like shit, but now we are good. We have made it past all of the stuff in between and we are happy. I just don't want history to repeat itself. It tends to do that. I don't want to leave him again and forget about him. 

We are watching some random show, which I never end up actually watching and I zone out. I feel like today is so off, I don't know why but maybe it's because I haven't been around Nash like this in a while. But, at the same time maybe it's because I finally know what's coming up. "Hey do you want me to order something for dinner?" I ask him and he nods his head once he diverts his attention from the TV. 

"Like what?" he asks and I shrug. 

"How about pizza or something that's easy." I say and he nods his head with a smile. I get up and grab my phone so I can call in the order. I pull my eyebrows together when I see that I have 28 missed calls and 64 text messages. I slide my phone open and read the texts. A bunch of them are from Cam and Jack, but a couple from the other guys too. I open the first one and it says, Soph, we need you down at the hospital.. It's pretty urgent. What the hell? Who is in the hospital? Everybody was fine this morning, unless something just happened. I walk into the living room, with my phone in my hands reading over the other texts. None of them actually tell me what happened, they all just say we need to come down to the hospital ASAP. 

"What's wrong?" Nash asks, once he sees my face.

"Well, I honestly don't know everybody texted me that we need to get down to the hospital.. It might be a trick I don't know.." I say and he stands up quickly. He grabs my hand and without saying anything, we walk out the door and get into his car. He starts the drive and you can tell he is tense because he has his eyebrows pulled together and he is speeding. I don't say anything because if I try and tell him to slow down, he will probably freak out on me.

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