Chapter 14

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So, I guess you can say Shawn and I are talking? I mean we both like each other, we just don't want to take things too fast. Soph and Nash on the other hand are getting pretty close from what I can tell. If they aren't together, they are texting each other. It's insane how they were apart for so long and now they can get back together like that. From what Soph has told me, they aren't official, but they kind of act like they are dating. I mean if he stays the night, I would think they are together. 

Now, I'm over at Shawn's and Soph is back at our place with Nash. All the guys are convinced that Shawn and I are back together and the same with Soph and Nash. 

"Hey what are you up to?" Shawn asks and takes a seat next to me. 

I smile and turn to face him. "I'm doing nothing what about you?" I ask. 

"Looking at a beautiful girl" he says and I blush. He pinches my cheek and laughs. "So, I was thinking about a double date.." he trails off. I pull my eyebrows together and nudge him to go on. He groans and continues with, "Well, Nash and I were thinking about a double date tonight and he told me to talk to you about it" 

I don't see why it would be a bad idea. I've wanted to go out with Shawn for the past week and now that I am able to, I'm not going to pass that down. "Yeah I think it's a good idea what time?" I ask. He pulls out his phone and holds up his finger, signalling for me to hold on. I nod my head and I'm left with my thoughts once he starts talking on the phone. When I told Shawn about what happened with Harry, he freaked out. I never saw that side of Shawn until yesterday because he was literally pissed. 

He returns and says, "Ok Nash said we have reservations for 5" I nod my head and stand up. I was about to walk to his room to change, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him. He leans his head down and connects our lips. I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Get a room" Matt says and walks right my us. I pull away and giggle and Shawn flips off Matt. Shawn returns his gaze to me and smiles. 

"I'm gonna head back to my place to get ready and stuff" I say and he nods his head. I walk to his room and grab my stuff and walk to the front door. I smile and he does the same and pulls me into his arms. 

"I'll see you later okay?" he asks and I nod my head. I kiss his cheek, open the door and start my walk back to my place. I don't really feel as safe at home anymore because of Harry, but I have no choice. Nash is there too, so we should be fine. 

I'm about halfway home, when I feel eyes on me. I turn around and look behind me and I don't see anybody. I must be going crazy. I turn my head back and I run into something hard that makes me fall onto the ground. I look up and my eyes go wide once I make eye contact with the person I run into. He offers me a hand and I put a fake smile on my face. 

"I'm sorry, love" he says and I accept his hand and stand up. 

"No that was totally my fault" I say, trying to stay calm. 

The man pulls his eyebrows together and asks, "You look really familiar.. Do I know you?"

I pull my eyebrows together as well and pretend to think. I know exactly who he is, but I'm not telling him that. "I don't think so, but I'm in a rush sorry again!" I say and I walk right by him. I pick up my pace to where I'm almost running. I turn around and the man has returned to his walk and I let out a breath. I keep my pace up and once I see our house I run to the door and burst through it. 

"SOPHIE WHERE ARE YOU" I scream through the house. I hear footsteps as I close the door and lock it. 


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