Chapter 49

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I try so hard not to fall to the floor and start weeping right there. It is so painful just to look at her and think about everything she has gone through. She looks like a totally different person, and you never know because her face could be ruined under those bandages. The better question, is she hurt severly at all? If she is, I don't know what I will do because I can not lose her. I probably should go get the guys and tell them we are allowed to go in and see them. I walk out of the room and take one last look before turning around and going back to the waiting room. 

"Nash wake up." I say, with the little voice I have left. I shake him lightly, not too hard but just enough to get him to wake up. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around, trying to recall where he is and why he isn't in bed. 

"What's wrong Soph?" he asks, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. I look into his tired eyes and I can tell he's hopeful too. We all are. 

I sigh and look around. They are all still asleep. I say, "We can go in and see them.. I just did." he nods his head and stands up. Before he goes and starts to wake up everybody else, he pulls me into his arms and rocks me back and forth, trying to calm me down. I steady my breathing and try to collect myself. I know I am a mess and I feel like that's all that I have been lately. All this mood changing can't be good for the baby, but I can't help it; it's my life. He releases me and walks over to the guys and wakes them up one by one. I stand there, still, and let Nash do it all because once they all see Shawn and Tay I don't think I can handle seeing all of them upset. 

We all walk down to the room the nurse led me to and stop at their door. I look behind me and all the guys look beat, but almost hopeful because they want to see their friends. I turn the knob and push the door open to reveal both of the hospital beds, both containing my dear friends. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as Nash leads me to see them. I open my eyes and already the tears are formed. 

"Oh my god." is all I hear in little whispers coming out of everybody's mouth. I nod my head and bite my lip, trying to hide my emotions, which I am horrible at. We all stand there for a good 15 minutes just looking at our friends that are lying here, half dead. The scary thought is, we could've lost them tonight. If they got hit just hard enough, they wouldn't even be here right now. Nash and I would've gotten a call and we would've had to plan everything out and break the news to their parents and friends. I cry even harder just thinking about that because I don't ever want to think about calling Tay's parents and telling them that their daughter is dead. 

The door opens and we all divert our attention there, and once we see it is the doctor, most of us return our sad gazes to the patients lying in the bed. "Hello, I'm guessing you are all here for them?" he asks and I nod my head. 

"Well, they should be fine, the boy more than the girl. The only thing major for the boy," he pauses to grab the clipboard from the wall, "Shawn is it? Well, he isn't too bad just a broken wrist and a couple scratches that we fixed up for him." he smiles at us and you can tell it slightly drops when he shifts his gaze to Tay. "As for the girl, we aren't too sure how fast she will recover. She got beat up pretty bad, if I say so myself. One of the worst cases I've seen. But, yeah she broke her leg and her neck is just all messed up. She has cuts and scrapes from head to toe and a minor concussion." Once he said that, it took everything in me not to scream out loud. He continues with, "She should have all of her memory, but don't expect it. She will most likely have trouble thinking and she might have lost some of her memories as well."

I take a deep breath and take it all in. "Any clue to when they will be up?" Matt asks and the doctor just shakes his head. Wow look at how helpful he is. 

"If you want my opinion, they should both be fine, but they will just have different recovery times. Shawn's should be much quicker than Taylor's. But, whoever hit them either was aiming for the poor girl, or they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." he says and talks to us a little longer before leaving us alone. The one thing he said that stuck with me was how whoever hit them must have been aiming, or just they were caught at the wrong place. 

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