Chapter 17

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When Tay first called me and told me what Soph did, I didn't believe her because Soph isn't that stupid. But, when I heard the panic in her voice, I knew she wasn't lying. I pretty much freaked out and ran all around the house and gathered all the guys to tell them what happened. None of them were half as concerned as me. Does she not understand how dangerous he actually is? He could easily kill her and get away with it and she seems to have no problem with it. I can't believe her. We all decide to go over to see Tay so she doesn't freak out. 

We pull up to the driveway and I run inside and Tay's sitting in the kitchen, just staring at nothing. What's up with her? I understand Soph left, but she almost looks depressed? I don't think she even heard us come in. 

"Tay?!" Shawn asks, from behind me. She shakes her head and turns around. Her eyes are all red from crying and she looks totally out of it. 

"I didn't think you guys were going to come!" she says, looking relieved. We laugh and so does she. 

I say, "Tay can you tell them all what you told me because they don't know the whole story" she nods her head and I walk away from the group because I already know the story and I would rather not hear it again. I walk to Soph's room and push the door open. I look around the room and see a piece of paper on the ground. Tay never mentioned a piece of paper? Maybe this is something Sophie just dropped or something. I walk over and pick it up and scan over it. My jaw clenches after I finish the last sentence and I take a deep breath so I don't freak out. I can't believe he left her this note. How did he even get in here is the better question? 

"Yo Nash where you at?" I hear one of the guys scream and I walk out. 

"Do you wanna just wait here until she gets back?" Cam asks and I nod my head. We go and sit down on the couch but I can't sit. I am way too nervous. 

I stand up and say, "I'm going to go outside and get some air" everybody nods and I walk over to the door and go outside. I lay down in the cool grass and look up at the sky. I can't believe she did this. She's probably in so much danger and I have no idea where she is. As if on cue, my phone rings and I have a text from Soph. It says, Don't worry I'm fine I will be home soon. I let out a breath a relief, but at the same time that makes me even angrier. Why can't she call me or something so I know that's not fake? For all I know that could be Harry on her phone, or better yet Jeff.

I'm convinced they are working together because why else would he want to see her? He doesn't have one good bone in his body and she actually went to see him. Between all of us guys, Jeff wouldn't be able to touch her. She should have talked it over with us and we could have made a decision all together. But, should is past tense and it already happened. I know she didn't make the best choice, but I can't do anything about it now. It's happening right now and all I can do is wait. 

I get up and walk back inside, slowly loosing hope. If I lost her, I don't know what I will do. I sit back in the living room and wait for some more news. 

"Who's there?" I hear Matt scream from the kitchen. I look over at him and he has his hands on the handle to the fridge and he's frozen in place. He glances at me and I stand up. I hear footsteps, but nobody shows up. Are they somewhere else in the house? I was about to go look, when Sophie comes around the corner. I let out a huge sigh and run over to see her. I question her and she pretty much blows me off. Is she serious? We are here to see if she's okay and she freaks out on us. Once she goes to her room, we walk right out and get in our separate cars. At this point, I'm not even upset anymore I'm pissed. Why the hell would she act like that?

We arrive back at our place and everybody makes their way inside. I'm last in and I close the door and lock it. I don't want any of Harry's friends coming over and paying us a visit. I walk to my room and sit down on my bed. I rest my head in my hands and let out another breath. I need to calm down and forget about everything just for a little. I know I can't sleep because I will just sit there and think about it. 

"You okay?" Cam asks and walks into my room. I pick up my head and look at him. 

"Yeah but I just want to know what I did wrong you know?" I ask and he nods. 

He says, "You know sometimes they are so hard to understand that you just need to give the girl some time and I promise you that it will all get better. But, don't text her first because then she will think you're the one running after her and it will end bad. Just hang low for the rest of the night and don't do anything stupid okay?" I nod my head and he pats me on the back and walks out. 

I need to get out of this house. I can't sit here because the only thing I can think about is Sophie. I walk into my closet and grab a pair of shorts, a tank top and shoes. I need to go for a run and clear my mind. I throw on the clothes and open my door quietly. I know all the guys will try and stop me, so I quietly walk to the front door and open it as quiet as possible. I get out without any of them saying anything and I grab my phone out of my pocket. I put the earbuds in my ears and put my music on shuffle. I walk down the driveway and start jogging. It actually feels great to get out of the house and not have to tell anybody what I'm doing or where I'm going. 

I turn the corner and I see a bunch of people standing outside a bar. I sigh and consider going to the other side of the road so I don't have to deal with any of them. But, I don't care about what anybody says tonight. I turn up my music, so if they say anything, I won't hear them. I run by and make eye contact with one person who looks pretty familiar. I keep going and think really hard about who the hell that was. Their eyes look so familiar. I know who that is but I can't put a name to the face. Then it hits me. I almost stop moving, but if he's watching me, he will remember me and then it will end bad. I pick up my pace. I swear if Jeff remembers me, I'm screwed because none of the guys know I went out. I turn around and thank god nobody is following me. I turn back around and run as fast as possible back to my house. 

Once the house is in view, I let out a breath and open the door once I reach it. I push it open and close it and I rest my back against it. 

"Yo is that you Nash?" I hear Jack say. 

I catch my breath and say, "Yeah" I can't believe I just passed him. I'm actually really lucky he didn't stop me or follow me. But for all I know, he could've said something, but my headphones were in. I sigh and walk to my room. I go to the bathroom and turn on the water. I step in and relax under the water. I get out and get ready for bed. I lay down and grab my phone. I type a message to Sophie and I was about to send it, but what Cam said came into my mind. I can't text her first. She's the one that screwed up not me. I will wait until she texts me first. I set my phone on the dresser and fall asleep.


I open my eyes and grab my phone that's ringing for the 5th time in a row. I open one eye to read the screen and I sit up straight once I read the name. I wipe my eyes and answer the call. 

"Hello" I say into the phone, still half asleep.

"Hey Nash are you home?" Sophie says into the phone. 

"Um yeah why?" I ask.

"Well I'm here because I want to talk" she says and I get out of bed. I walk to the door, with her still on the phone and open it. I see her car and hang up the phone. She gets out of the car and walks up to the door. I smile and she walks in. We go into my room and she sits down on the bed. 

"Soo?" I ask and she sighs. 

"Nash, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say any of that stuff last night it just happened. I was just really confused and upset by what Harry said and I over reacted. I'm sorry for saying all that shit and I hope it doesn't effect our relationship." she states. I walk over to her and connect our lips. She smiles into the kiss and puts her hands on my cheeks. I love it when she does this. I love everything she does who am I kidding. I put my hands on her hips and get onto the bed so I'm on top of her. She giggles and I pull my face away from hers so I can look at her. I smile and she returns it. 

I lay down next to her and she moves closer to me and wraps her arms around my torso. I chuckle and wrap my arms around her body, which is so small compaired to mine. I close my eyes and she rests her head on my chest like she always does. I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

Soo what do you guys think?! They are back together and happy.. For now. I hope you guys liked it I will probably update tomorrow! Love you guys and thanks for all the support! MAGCON IS ALMOST TO 1 MIL AND WHEN THAT HAPPENS I'M GONNA BE SOOO HAPPY ONCE AGAIN LOVE YOU ALL!:)~K

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