Chapter 10

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When I first saw her in the dress, I almost ripped it off her right there. She looked absolutely stunning. I have seen so many girls before all dressed up, but none of them look half as good as Soph. I was expecting it to be a little awkward, but luckily we were fine and kept conversation the whole time. I was a little nervous to ask her about our fall out, but I'm happy I did because that has been bothering me. I always thought I did something that made her not want to talk to me. The kiss we shared on the beach was probably just what I needed. I know exactly how I feel about her, but I just want to know what she feels. Sometimes it seems like she wants to be with me and other times it seems like she just wants to be friends. 

To be honest, if that's what she wants, we can just be friends. But, she needs to understand I will always feel something for her until I can find somebody else. During the time we stopped talking, I tried to find other people, but none of them could make me feel the way she does. I don't know how she does it, but just her smiling makes my day a thousand times better. She doesn't understand the effect she has on me. This time, we are older and we have all the time in the world. Before, we just had the summer together and after that it was over, but now everything is different. 

Today, the guys want to have a day together and just hang out. When I got home last night, they all asked me about the date and what we did. They always want the update like teenage girls. It's actually really funny because they all want us together again. I'm not sure why they think we need to get back together so bad, but that's all they talk about it seems like. Shawn and Tay are just friends at this point, but you never know. I tell everybody Sophie and I are just friends, but I mean we have kissed and friends don't just do that. 

"Yo Nash you up?" Cam asks and knocks on my door. 

"Yeah why?" I sit up and rub the sleep away from my eyes. 

"We want to go out for breakfast in 10 so I suggest you get ready" he says. I groan and put my feet on the cold floor. 

"Whatever I'll be out in 10" I say and stand up. I stretch my arms up and walk into the bathroom. I rinse my face, still trying to wake up and brush my teeth. I go into my closet and grab some shorts and a random shirt. I throw them on and fix my hair as best as possible since I'm being rushed. 

"Lets go you're worse than a girl!" Matt yells and I roll my eyes. I grab my phone and walk to the kitchen. We all separate into 2 cars and start driving to the pier. It's noon, so I have no idea why they all think this is breakfast but we find a parking space and unload out of all the cars. We walk together to some random place and sit down at one big table. Some girl walks over, with her chest pushed out and a fake smile on her face. 

"Hello boys what can I get you today?" she asks and pushes her blonde hair out of her face. We all tell her our order and none of us show any interest in her, but she still tries to flirt with all of us. Once she finally leaves to place our orders, we all talk shit about her. 

"She pushed her chest out so far I thought it was gonna break her spine" Cam says and I break out laughing. 

"Yeah and her hair looked so fake it's not even funny" Carter says and we all agree. 

"Yo shut up she's coming" Jack warns us and we all start a conversation with each other so she wouldn't know. With her chest still pushed out, she sets our drinks in front of everybody and returns to the kitchen. It doesn't take long for the food to come and it ends up being really good. We all finish up and wait for the bill. 

We were all just talking, when I hear, "Nash is that you?!" I turn around and my jaw drops. 

"Holy shit" Matt says, which it pretty much what's going through my mind. None of us were expecting this to happen and not when I'm trying to fix things with Sophie. 

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