Chapter 34

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So Soph has been gone for about 6 days now and it hasn't been fun at all. I just sit around the house all day, bored out of mind. She's usually here and the house isn't this quiet. But it's dead silent right now because Shawn is home hanging out with the guys. Trust me I hate it being this quiet because I always feel like somebody is watching me. But with the situation I've been in lately, somebody could actually be watching me. Just to sum it all up, I don't feel safe but at the same time I don't want to tell Shawn that because I know he will get really worked up about it. I think it would've been better if Soph had her phone at least, but of course Nash made that rule. 

My phone rings and I reach over to grab it. I have a text from a blocked number. I open it and it says, Well look who we have here. Sophie's little friend all alone at her house. Watch your back I'm warning you. The smile drops from my face and my phone almost goes with it. Who the fuck is that and how did they get my number. I pull my eyebrows together and grab my phone a little tighter. I can't help but look out the window, just to make sure there isn't somebody standing there staring at me. I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. I pretty much run over to the door and lock it. 

I text back the number, Who the hell is this? I sit down at the island in the kitchen and start to bite my nails from the nerves. I know Sophie has told me about these things happening to her, but I never thought it would happen to me. Like I don't even know how I got pulled into this. I'm just her friend and now Jeff is acting like I'm her. My question is if he tried anything to either Nash or Soph in Aruba. I mean that would be the best place to do something because they have no way to call anybody. 

My phone rings and snaps me out of my thoughts. I grab it and read over the message. It says, Who do you think it is because I'm pretty sure you're right. By the way, those locks on the door won't keep you safe from shit. With that one I run to my room and lock that door behind me. I look around, close the window and grab my phone once again. It's like the only thing I have at this point. I go to call Shawn but right when it starts ringing, his voice mail picks up. What the hell. I leave a voice mail just telling him to call me back as soon as possible. I hear the doorbell ring and I tense up instantly. I walk over to the window, but so whoever is outside can't see me. At least I hope. My breath hitches in my throat when I see who is standing outside. 


When I finally wake up, we are landing but when I look out the window, we aren't back in California. I sit up in my seat and a lady walks by us. "Excuse me" I say and she turns around to me and smiles. "Where are we?" I ask and she chuckles lightly. 

She says, "Oh sorry Miss you must have been sleeping. We need to land here because the weather on the path to California is very bad. We won't be there too long, just long enough so the weather will clear up" I nod my head and she keeps walking. I look to my right and Nash is passed out still. I bump his shoulder and he groans. 

"Why are you waking me up" he mumbles. 

"We are landing because the weather is getting bad so wake up lazy" I say and he opens his eyes. 

He looks at me and asks, "Are you lying to me or is this really happening?" he asks. I roll my eyes and look back out the window. It looks fine from what I'm seeing, so it doesn't sense that we are landing. I just want to get back and see Tay and the rest of the guys. But obviously it's not meant to be if we are landing for god only knows how long. 

We finally get off the plane and into the airport about an hour after the lady on the plane talked to me. "Now I wish I had my phone" I complain to Nash. He nods his head and leads me over to seats by the window. We sit down and he leans his head on my shoulder. Well, looks like he's going back to sleep which leaves me with nothing at all to do. "No no you're staying awake and keeping me company" I say and pick his head up off my shoulder. 

"Whyy" he complains and I giggle slightly. 

I stand up and grab his hand. "Because we don't need to be lazy lets go eat or something " I say and start walking away from the seats. There are actually a lot of places all in this one airport. Probably enough to keep me busy until we get back on the plane. I see a frozen yogurt place and I start to pick up my pace, which earns a great groan from Nash. It takes so much energy to drag Nash behind me because I can tell he's doing it on purpose. "Why do you always make me drag you" I complain and he laughs. He finally starts walking with me, but my pace is much faster. 

Finally we walk into the store and all the different flavors of yogurt look amazing. I go over to the case and glance over all of them. "What one are you getting?" Nash asks from behind me and I shrug my shoulders. I finally end up getting strawberry and banana frozen yogurt and when I get over to all the stuff I can put on top, I go crazy. There is so many different things I can choose from. I end up getting a bunch of candy and fudge and once we both finish piling on toppings, we take a seat in the little place. 

"So how excited are you to get back home?" Nash asks and I smile. 

I respond with, "Not gonna lie I'm pretty excited but I still would rather be in Aruba.. Maybe next time we can bring everybody else."

He nods his head and says, "We probably should like check in with them or something letting them know that we aren't gonna be home for a couple more hours."

"Yeah we can call them before we take off with the payphone or something" I say and we both finish up the frozen yogurt. "Where to now?" I ask Nash. He grabs my hand and starts walking. 

"I say we go back to those comfy seats and sleep some more" he says. I roll my eyes, but just go because I know he doesn't want to do anything else. We find bigger seats and sit down. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I end up just sitting there with thoughts running through my mind for a good hour. I'm pretty sure Nash is already asleep, but I can't fall asleep right here in the airport. If we both fall asleep, chances are we will miss our flight and all I want is to get home. 

I do fall alseep for like an hour, but right when I wake up it takes me a couple minutes to figure out where I am. The dream I had is actually making me really nervous. It was about Tay and the guys. They were in danger at the house and I know that's probably like impossible, but now I want to call her. I look to my right and Nash is still passed out. I groan and look around to see if I can spot any pay phones. I don't want to get up and leave so when Nash wakes up I'm missing. I look up to see if there's any signs, but no luck. I grab my purse and get up so I don't wake up Nash. I start walking, trying to keep an eye out for a pay phone. 

I finally find one and put in the money. I dial Tay's number and it rings a bunch of times and goes to voice mail. She never lets her phone go to voice mail. I leave a brief message and call again. This time it rings 3 times and she picks up. 

"Hey Tay!" I say into the phone, but I don't get a response. "Tay?" I ask and I hear breathing. What the hell?

"Well well well who do we have here?" my jaw drops and my heart beat picks up. 

"How.. Where is Tay?" I ask, into the phone. 

"Well, lets just say she isn't in the safest place ever right now" Jeff says into the phone. 

"Just leave her alone. I will be home soon just leave Tay out of this." I say, trying to convince him, but I know once he sets his eyes on something, he never stops. 

"I'll see you soon Sophie" he says and with that the other end of the phone is silent. I need to get home right now.

Sorry about not updating and how creepy it is! But I should be able to update tomorrow!:) What do you guys think? At least I didn't leave another cliff hanger.. Love you guys thanks for the support!:)~K

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