Chapter 16

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I drop the paper on the ground and my jaw falls open. Is this real or is somebody pranking me because that's not funny in any way. I stand there for a good 10 minutes with the note just in my hands. How did this even happen?! How did he get inside I know for a fact we locked the doors because of Tay running into Jeff. How does Harry even know that Jeff is here? I swear if they are buddies, I'm screwed and I'm leaving. I sit down on the bed before I fall over. 

"Hey what are you-" Tay stops talking once she sees me. She walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. "What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" she asks and I just point to the floor where the note is. She pulls her eyebrows together and picks up the note that was just sitting on the ground. She scans over it and by the end, she looks just as pale as me. 

"What am I gonna do?" I ask her, with tears in my eyes. If I don't go talk to Harry, he will tell Jeff and that will start something I don't even want to think about. But, if I do go see Harry, I'm pretty much putting my life in danger. But then again, I'm putting my life in danger if I don't go see him. 

Tay sits back down and says, "Oh my god Soph I don't know you have to tell the guys. I know they are going to freak out, but it's worth it you're not safe anymore" I sigh and get up. I pace back and forth, trying to get my thoughts straight. 

"I mean, maybe I should go see him.. It won't be that bad and we can just talk or something I can't have him go talk to Jeff" I say and she shakes her head and sighs. 

"Soph, if you go see him, he could do anything to you" she explains and I shake my head. 

"No he won't. I know the old Harry is still in there. The one I fell for. We were such good friends and I told him everything. I'm going to go see him I'll be fine" I say. I walk over and grab my phone and keys and walk to the door. 

Tay says, "Sophie don't!" I ignore her, go to the door, put on my shoes and walk out the door before she can stop me. I get in my car and start it. I back out and start the route to Harry's house. My phone starts ringing non-stop and I reach over and turn it off. I don't need to talk to anybody right now. I made my choice and I'm going through with it. 

I pull into his driveway and I see more than just his car here. I sigh and turn off the car. I take a deep breath and open the door. It takes a lot for me to walk up to the door and knock, but I finally get the courage and knock on the door. I hear a bunch of voices in the house and hear somebody messing with the locks and the door swings open. It's some kid I've seen before hanging out with Harry, but I have no idea what his name is. 

"Why hello there who are you?" he asks. I'm 99% sure he's drunk, but I could be wrong. I roll my eyes. 

"I'm here for Harry" I say and his smile drops. He calls Harry and I hear a groan and footsteps. I take a deep breath and the guy winks at me and walks away from the door. As in on cue, Harry walks into view and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes or do anything to piss him off. 

Once his eyes fall on mine, a smile comes onto his face. "Well look who decided to come. Hello love why don't you come in?" he asks. I step in and make sure he doesn't touch me. I turn around so I'm facing him and he's smirking now. "So why are you here?" he asks, trying to play stupid. 

I roll my eyes and say, "Well, you left me a lovely little note, so I made my choice and decided to pay you a visit" I keep eye contact with him and he's still smirking. 

"So you will actually listen to me this time?" he asks and I nod my head. "Good lets go" he says and offers me his hand. I look at it and then back at his face. He rolls his eyes and starts to walk through the once familiar house. I remember we used to come here almost everyday when we first got here. I used to tell Harry everything and now look what he's turned into. My enemy. We make our way to the stairs and on our way there, all I see is a bunch of drunk guys and random girls on top of them. We walk up the stairs and it gets much quieter. We walk into his room and he closes the door behind me. 

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