Chapter 8

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I open my eyes and feel a warm arm draped around my body. I scrunch my eyebrows and squint my eyes from the sun. Why the hell did I drink last night. I look over my shoulder and it's Nash. I jump a little and giggle after. I totally forgot I asked him to stay. I'm not sure what came over me, but I don't care. I know I like him and I think he might still like me, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed and slept in the bed with me. I hear some loud noise downstairs and I take Nash's arm in my hand and remove it from my body. I place it gently on the bed and get up from the warm bed. I get goosebumps and run to my closet and grab sweatpants and a tank top. I go into the bathroom and put on the clothes and put my hair up. I quietly exit the bathroom and out the door to my room. 

I walk through the apartment and into the kitchen. The first thing my eyes land on is all the guys spread out in the living room. I laugh and turn around to look around the kitchen. My eyes fall on Cam with his back facing me. He has the cupboard open and he's looking through it. 

"What are you looking for?" I ask and he jumps. He turns to face me and he looks so tired. 

"I just want food but I'm sooo tired" he complains to me. I roll my eyes and walk over to the fridge. I grab a water and hand it to him. 

"Go down this hall and take a right and go in the second door on your right. You can sleep in there" I say and he takes the water from my hand and follows my directions out the room. I turn around and gather a bunch of food to cook. I know when all of them wake up, they will want food so I may as well make some now. I start on pancakes and make my way to bacon and sausage and waffles. I end up finishing with eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, pancakes and toast. I set it up on the table with plates and cups. I walk into the living room and think about how I can wake them up. I giggle and walk into the kitchen to grab a pot and a metal utensil. I return to the living room and hit the pot as hard as possible. It makes a noise so loud, it hurt my ears. 

"What the fuckk" I hear one of them say. I giggle and hit it once more and walk to the bedroom half of the flat. I open the door to my room and I see Cam and Nash both passed out. I hit the pot really hard, close the door and walk down to Tay's room. I open the door and look around. It's just her and Shawn in the room, what a surprise. I smile and hit the pot 5 times.

"TIME TO GET UP THERE'S FOOOD!" I scream and make my way back to the kitchen. I sit down with a plate in front of me at the island. I hear doors opening and closing and I hear a bunch of yelling. 

"YO BRO I AM GONNA EAT ALL THE FOOD" I hear one of them scream and Matt appears at the doorway. His eyes land on the food and they go wide. He runs over and grabs a plate and starts to pile on the food. I laugh and they all do the same and find a seat anywhere they can. 

"Yo did you make this by yourself?" Carter asks, with a mouth full of food. I nod my head and pick up my drink.

"Yeah I was going to but she sent me to bed" Cam says. 

"Yeah and you took up like the whole bed!" Nash complains. I laugh and Cam flips him off. We all eat and just make small talk to keep it going. I was expecting one of the guys to ask about where Nash and I went last night, or some sexual comment, but they didn't say anything. Thank god. We finish up eating and I walk right out of the kitchen, not wanting to do this dishes. I go into the living room and sit down on the couch. All the guys make their way in behind me and take a seat. Nash sits down next to me and I smile a little. 

"Thanks for the breakfast" he says nudging me. I laugh and nod my head with a smile. 

Jack says, "Get a room it's too early for me to see this shit!" I look away from Nash and blush. 

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