Chapter 22

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Nash comes running up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist, almost protecting me. I'm actually really scared to even step inside. Anybody could be in there, which makes me nervous because there are so many people that don't like me right now. Nash starts to walk forward but I grab his arm and shake his head. He gives me a questioning look and I shake my head. 

"Why not?" he whispers. 

I sigh and whisper back, "You have no idea who is there we could both get hurt. " he shakes his head and grabs my hand and walks in front of me. He leads me into the house, and he seems really alert. I want to keep my head down, but if I let my guard down anything can happen. I tighten my grip on Nash's hand and we walk all around the first level of the house. Nothing at all. Once we finish the loop, my hands are still sweating from my nerves, but I'm not as tense. 

"Where the hell are they?" Nash asks. I decide not to answer. Even if I wanted to I don't think I could. I'm still nervous and this situation is the cause of it all. I hear a noise and jump so high in the air, Nash wraps his arm around my waist. Usually that calms me down, but right now it's not helping at all. Nash puts his finger to his lips and points outside. I pull my eyebrows together and shake my head with a straight look on face. I'm not going outside and leaving him alone. 

"Sophie go out there you're not getting hurt" he says firmly. I sigh in defeat and walk out the door and to the front lawn. I decide to get in the car just in case anybody tries to sneak up on me or they all run out or something. I turn on the radio as a distraction so I don't hear anything and feel the need to run back into the house. A song comes on that I know, so I close my eyes and rest my head back on the seat. I need to relax everything is going to be fine, I hope. 

I hear an ear piercing scream and my eyes shoot open. I open the car door and scramble up to the house. I run inside, but now there's no noise. Where did that come from? I run up the stairs and stop to listen for any sign of people. 

"GET OFF OF ME!" I hear a girl scream and I run to the voice. I grab the handle of the door and jiggle it. It's locked. Of course. 

"Sophie?!" I look over and Nash looks beyond pissed. 

He makes his way over to me and I say, "Nash a girl is in there I think it's Tay you need to open this door right now." he shakes his head. 

"Sophie what are you talking about?" he asks and I pull my eyebrows together. "I've been in here the whole time and there is nobody in here. They are all out or something and the wind must have blown the door open" he explains and I still have the same look on my face. 

"Nash I am 100% positive somebody is there I heard it from the car" I say and he gives me a look. "Nash I'm tired just believe me and help me open the fucking door" I say and push my weight against the door trying to get it to budge. 

"Sophie" he says and I totally ignore him. I need to get in this door. "SOPHIE!" he screams loud and grabs my waist. He holds me firmly and looks me in the eyes. "Relax babe lets go back to your place you need sleep" he says. I fall apart in his arms. I am so worried about all of them and Tay isn't answering me. I start crying my eyes out and Nash just holds onto me. He tries to calm me down, but I just need to let it all out. It makes sense though. How could I hear something from all the way out in the car? I obviously need sleep or something because now that I think about it, it's totally insane. But, how did I hear it when I was in the house. Is it a sign or something? Actually, I need to stop thinking about it and go home. They are probably fine. I'm just over thinking it. 

Nash helps me up and out of the house. I get in the car and lean my head against the window. I'm just stressed and tired, which aren't a good mix. I feel the car start moving. My phone rings and I jump to pick it up. I look at the caller ID and it's Tay. I sit up striaght in my seat and let Nash know who it is. 

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