Chapter 44

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I am speechless as I look over the picture. Is this a joke, like some edit a fan made? This can't be real I just left him like 15 minutes ago and this happens? What the hell does he think he is doing? He has no reason to be mad with me. 

"Sophie are you okay?" Tay asks and I just nod my head, trying to clear my mind but it doesn't work. "Do you want to go see them or just stay here?" she asks and I think that one over. If we go out there, then we can stop it from getting worse, but he's drunk and it will probably end up in a huge fight. But then again, I don't want to it get any worse than it is right now. She was on his lap, almost naked and her tongue was down his throat. Maybe it was just her on top of him, and he didn't want that to happen, but I can never be too sure. 

Quietly, I ask, "Do you think that he did that on purpose?" she shakes her head no and pulls her phone away so I don't get even more upset looking at it. "Then what do you think happened?" I ask.

Tay sighs and says, "Well, I mean it could be a lot if you think about it. I mean maybe she came onto him and then he just couldn't stop her, or maybe he saw you with Harry and he's obviously drunk so maybe he thought you were cheating? I don't know maybe we should go out there just to make sure things don't get worse." I hang my head in defeat and nod my head. I grab the keys off the counter and we get into my car. Tay shouldn't be driving, so I just drive which probably isn't any better. I could really hurt both of us with the mood I am in right now. 

We pull up to the club/bar and we both get out of the car. We have to walk a little way to the entrance and I am on the verge of tears. If I walk in and he is still sitting there with that girl, I don't know what I am going to do. I don't know if I am going to be able to get over this one because it is a huge thing. I know his excuse is going to be that he is drunk and shit, but come on you should have some sense in you even if you are totally wasted. We show our I.D.'s and they open the doors for us. I scan the crowd, trying to find him and I have no luck at all. 

"Do you see him?" I ask Tay and she's doing the same thing as me. 

Over the music she says, "No I see the other guys though do you want to talk to them?" I nod my head and she grabs my hand. I follow behind her and she walks through the crowd to wherever she sees the guys. I finally see them ahead of us and they are all laughing and I look at each of them and the only one not there is Nash. I groan and we walk up to them. 

"Heyyyy! I thought you guys left?!" Taylor asks, with some girl wrapped around him. 

"Yeah what are youu guys doingg heree!" Cam asks, slurring his words. I roll my eyes and Tay explains things to them as I look around us for Nash. Nothing. 

"We are looking for Nash have you seen him?" Tay asks, and Cam shakes his head with a grin on his face. Either, he's totally drunk or he knows something. 

I move closer to him and ask, "Are you sure you don't know anything?" he nods his head with a grin and looks away from my eyes. I turn around and follow his gaze and there I see the brown hair pushed up with his blonde ends. I try not to scream and throw a fit, so I walk across the entire club and push everybody out of the way. I finally reach him and I get a good look at what's happening. From what I see, they both want what's happening and it's not just the girl. 

"Nash!" I scream, over the music but he doesn't even turn around at all. I grit my teeth and grab his shoulder and pull him back. 

"What the fuck?!" he says out loud and then his eyes land on me. At first, he seems surprised but he recovers and then there's a smirk on his face. "Ohh Sophie there you are!" he says and stands up, or at least tries to. I look down at the girl he was on top of and she has a grin on her face. I try to control myself and not jump on top of her and punch her face in, but Nash starts talking. "How are you?" he slurs and I roll my eyes. 

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