Chapter 6

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I was really nervous when Cam told me Tay and Sophie were coming over. But, once she walked in, it took everything in me not to run up to her and kiss her. I know what happened with her and Harry, so I know if anything does happen between us, we have to take it slow. She looked so good in person. I thought she looked perfect in pictures, but it's even better when I actually get to see her. We ended up sitting next to each other at the fire and it was great. The way the light from the fire reflected onto her face was perfect. I don't know why I still have feelings for her to be honest. There are so many girls around the world that want me, but yet the only one I can think about is the one I liked 3 years ago. The one that wants nothing to do with me. 

Today, we have no plans, but Shawn keeps trying to convince us to have the girls come over again. He really likes Tay and I think she might be falling for him, they just need to spend some more time together.

"Why don't you just ask her out on a date?" Cam asks.

"I don't think that would end well" Shawn says and I laugh. 

"Come on bro just do it. I went out with Sophie and it went great" I say with a smile. It really was such a fun time with her. It was like we were catching up from all the time apart. 

"Yeah but you had Taylor do you dirty work. She owed him something, so she went with you" Shawn says. 

"OOOO BURNN!" Matt screams and I laugh. But, he's right. Sophie didn't really have a choice, but maybe that's what she needed. A little push to go with me and have a good time. I feel like I should try to get Tay for Shawn, but that would mean me going to see her and her and Sophie live together. That would probably turn out bad. 

"How about you do my dirty work for me then you can prove yourself" Shawn says, pretty much saying what I was thinking. I groan and stand up. 

"Fine when do you guys want to go out?" I ask him and he grins. 

"Tonight. But, I don't think you're gonna be able to do it" Shawn says, testing me. 

"What makes you think that?" I ask and Cam laughs. 

"Bro, you're a pussy" Jack says and I flip them off. I walk to the door and to my car. I get in and pull out my phone. I call Sophie since I have no idea where they live. 

"Hello?" she says into the phone. Wow I miss her voice so much. 

"Hey Sophie, what's your address? I have to come over and talk to Tay" I say into the phone. 

"Oh um I'll text it to you.. How long until you're here?" she asks. 

"Not sure. But son." I say and hang up the phone after exchanging goodbyes. I fix my hair in the mirror as I wait for her to text me. My phone rings and I put it into the GPS and take off to Sophie's house. It takes about 10 minutes and I pull into a driveway of an apartment place. I enter and look for which room to buzz. I find it and the door unlocks and I walk into the building. I enter the elevator and press the top floor. The doors open to double doors and I knock on them. 

"Hey Nash!" Sophie says as I walk in. I look around and it's really nice. 

"Hey where's Tay?" I ask her. I turn to face her and she smiles as I look into her eyes. How is it possible to be this beautiful and have no idea?

"She's in the shower right now she said she will be out soon though" Sophie says and I nod my head. "Want anything to drink?" she asks and I shake my head. I take off my shoes and take a seat on the couch. Sophie walks over and sits down next to me. 

"So what do you need to see her for?" she asks and I smile and turn my head so I'm facing her. 

"Don't tell her okay?" I ask and she nods her head and sticks out her pinky. I laugh and we wrap our fingers around each other's. 

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