Chapter 42

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Just that day without Sophie I was a wreck. I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to do anything. I sat there with a blank expression on my face and I felt one thing. Sadness. I felt like I was all alone by myself and nobody was there. The thing is, there was people there for me, I just wanted Sophie. Never before in my life have I ever felt like that, but when she finally called it off that was all I felt. Now, I know that if I ever loose her permanently, I'm screwed. I was a wreck without her for a day, let alone the rest of my life with out her. But, I think that this was one of our first fights in a long time. Relationships have these things and that's just how it happens, I can't prevent it. Only time will tell. 

When she texted me late last night, I thought I was dreaming. I didn't think she would ever actually answer all of those texts I sent her. I didn't mean to, but I didn't want to go to the guys and say all of that to them, so I just sent them to her. It was just everything going through my mind and I just wanted her to know that I'm not sitting here thinking about other girls or something. Usually she reads the messages, but they weren't delivering, so I guessed that her phone was off. I sent one last message and finally left her alone. I know she needs time, but at this rate I'm not going to survive without her. I tried to go to sleep, but I ended up sitting there with her flooding my thoughts.

The thing that kept running through my mind is the memories of what we used to be. When we were younger, we barely fought at all, actually I think we had one total. But it goes to show that people change as time goes on. I just don't want her to leave with time because she's my everything. But, once I finally fell asleep I only slept for about 3 hours because all the guys came into my room the following morning. Great right?

"Yoo wake up we gotta do something today!" Carter says and I hear all the guys agree. I groan into my pillow, never wanting to leave my bed. Unless Sophie shows up and we make up then I will get out of bed. 

"I'm not leaving my room today sorry" I say and cover my face with the pillow. I feel hands on my ankles and it feels like the bed is pulled out from under me. But I'm the one getting pulled away from the bed. I end up on the ground with a thud. I pull the sheets off my head and all the guys are standing around me, laughing. I roll my eyes and stand up. 

Cam walks to my closet and grabs some clothes. "We are going out to find you somebody else!" he says from the closet. I pull my eyebrows together and walk to him. I take the clothes from his hands and put them back. 

"I do not want anybody else I want Sophie!" I say, trying to make my point clearer. After telling them about five more times that I really don't want anybody else, they leave me alone and I lay in my bed for the rest of the day. I didn't eat, I didn't talk, I just sat there with the same look on my face the whole time. But, when I got the text from her, I jumped and read it over and over again. I smile at even her thinking about me. I know she wants to meet me, but I look so terrible from all this drama, I can feel it. I don't even want to look in the mirror because I know I look like shit. 

I ate dinner and then went to bed as early as possible, just to avoid thinking about her anymore. When I woke up the following morning, I got ready and then we decided on a meet up time. At this point, I don't even care what she has to say to me. I want to see her and talk to her. That's all I want and that's what I got and I really hope it stays this way. It has to.  


All of us thought that they would end up talking to each other the night of the fight, because that's just how they are. They are attached to each other and they don't even notice because they are together all the time. But, when they weren't talking to each other, it was like the world ended. They both sat in their rooms and didn't do anything. The only good thing about all of it was that I got some money, but they are good now. I don't think they would've lasted much longer either they were both about to kill themselves and they were apart for a day almost two. 

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