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Did you guys really think I would leave you hanging like that? Haha noo I just put it off for a while. Enjoy!:)


"Mommy!" Grace says from her bedroom. I groan and get off the couch and walk into her room. Now, she is 2 years old and I couldn't be happier. She can walk, talk and she is absolutely adorable. I grab her out of her little bed and carry her out of the room. (picture of Grace on the side)

"How are you baby girl?" I ask her with a huge smile on my face. 

"Good!" she says and plays with my hair. I giggle and set her in the highchair so I can make her some lunch. I warm up some food and as it is cooking, I look outside at the warm weather here in Florida. The weather reminds me of my time in California a couple years ago. Memories of Magcon here when I was 16. Both places were so much fun, well at least most of it. 

"Mommy?" Grace asks and I turn to her. She continues with, "Where is daddy?" my smile drops and I have to turn around to collect myself. I want to tell her, but I don't think I am ready to tell her he won't be back, at least I think. 

"He's not home right now, sweetie." I say to her and grab her food out of the microwave. I walk over to her and sit in front of her and feed her. 

"Daddy gone?" she asks and I shake my head no. 

"No honey he will be back soon don't worry." I lie to her and she nods her head. I hope he will be back at least. It's been really hard without him and I just need a break. He can take Grace with him or something, but I want to have a normal life, where I am not trying to balance school, a kid and my social life. I finish up feeding Grace and my phone rings. I reach over and grab it and see the caller ID is Tay. 

"Hey!" I say into the food as I place the empty bowl in the sink. 

"Hey Soph, you home?" she asks. 

"Yep! Wanna come over?" I ask her and grab Grace out of her high chair. 

"Yeah I'll be there in 5!" she says and hangs up. 

I take Grace into the living room and sit her down with all her toys surrounding her. I like it when she gets distracted with her toys because it gives me time to think and sort stuff out in my mind. Now that I look back, my teenage years and most of my young adult years were absolutely crazy. I was dealing with so much shit that most deal with when they are at least 10 years older. 

"Hellooo!" Tay says as she walks in the front door. I hear her footsteps as she walks into the living room, obviously hearing the noise from Grace's toys. 

"Tay!" I say and pull her into my arms. Kate runs over to Grace and they start playing together. "How are you?" I ask her and she smiles. 

"I'm well and so is Kate how about you two?" she asks. 

I smile and say, "We are well, but Grace is really starting to miss her dad." 

"When will he be back?" she asks quietly and I simply shrug. 

"I have absoutely no clue. I gave up on trying to call him and it's hard to tell her that he will be back soon because in reality I have no idea." I say twirling the ring on my left hand. It brings me back to the memories of our wedding. All our families were there and it was absolutely perfect. Nash and I went on a honeymoon in Aruba and that might have been the best time of my entire life. The wedding a month or so after I lost the first baby, I was devistated but I guess you can say I am well now with Grace. 

"Well, before he left the two of you were fine.. Weren't you?" Tay asks and I nod my head. 

"I mean yeah we were but when he told me he would be leaving for 2 months, and should've been back about 2 weeks ago what else should I expect?" I ask her. 

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