Chapter 37

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I sit straight up in bed and the feeling in my stomach is absolutely horrible. I look around and Nash still has him arm draped on my waist. I push his arm away from me and I run to the bathroom. I make it just on time and I puke my guts out in the toilet bowl. I hear Nash mumbling something in the bedroom, but I finish my business first. Maybe drinking all that last night wasn't the best idea.

"Sophie what's wrong?" I hear Nash ask from outside the door. I flush the toilet and grab my tooth bush. I start brushing my teeth and I open the door for him. The look on his face is pure worry.

I say, "Just form drinking last night don't worry" he nods his head and grabs my arm.

"Then come back to bed" he complains. I groan and finish up brushing and walk to the bed. I lay down and Nash pulls me closer to him. I end up complaining for like an hour that my stomach hurts, but I have no clue why. Then it hits me.

I sit up in the bed and turn to Nash. "What is the date?" I ask him.

He pulls his eyebrows together and says, "I think it's the 10th.. Why?" I put my head in my hands and groan. Right before we left for the trip, I had my period and that was the beginning of the month, so I should already be in the middle of it now.

"Well, maybe it's just late but it's been 10 days and this usually doesn't happen to me.." I say to him and he puts it all together. His jaw drops and he sits up next to me.

He shakes his head and says, "No it can't be we used protection this is impossible we are too young!" I roll my eyes and get up from the bed.

"Are you joking? You're trying to tell me that you think protection always works? News flash Nash, it doesn't." I spit back to him and I walk over and slide on the jeans I brought over to his house. I grab the shirt and pull it over my body.

He gets up and asks, "Where are you going?" I ignore him and get all my stuff together. My emotions are all over the walls right now and I really don't want to be near him at the moment.

"I'm going to figure out if this is really true because we are totally screwed if it is true" I say to him and groans. I brush past him and he grabs my wrist. I shake him off me and I walk out of the house. Well, guess who doesn't have their car? Me. I start the walk to the drug store that's by their place. I could walk to my house and get my car, but I want to find out these results now. I know the best idea is to go to the doctors, but I want an answer now and I'm not in the mood to call them. I see a car pull over to the side of the road next to me and I glance over. It's Nash and I roll my eyes.

"Sophie just get in the car I can bring you" he says.

I shake my head and say, "Nash just go back home I really don't want to talk to you." he stops the car and I keep walking. I hear him cut the engine and the car door opens and closes. He appears in front of me and stops me from walking. I stomp my foot like a little kid and he grabs my shoulders.

"Sophie why are you doing this? What did you expect me to do? Just sit there with a smile on my face when you tell me that you missed your period? No I'm going to have a reaction, just like everybody else would. I don't understand why you are freaking out on me" he says to me. I sigh and pretty much fall into his arms. I guess you can say I might have been taking my anger out on him.

I mumble into his chest, "I'm sorry" but, he shushes me and rubs my back. He leads me over to the car and I get in instead of fighting. He gets in the other side and grabs my hand as he start to drive. We pull up to a drug store and we both get out. I never in a million years thought I would be the girl that's going to the drug store for a pregnancy test. That would explain me puking this morning. The old lady at the counter smiles warmly at us and I look away from her. Nash leads me to the aisle and grabs 3 tests. I look up and the counter and there isn't a self check out. I really don't want to face this lady she's probably going to be rude about it. Nash pulls me toward the register and I groan quietly.

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