Chapter 54

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I know how bad Sophie feels, but just imagine how I feel. I saw it all happen, although it wasn't my fault it almost feels like it was because of how I was the only one there that didn't want it to happen. I could be seriously hurt if Harry didn't shoot that guy that was about to attack me. Now, as I thought, Sophie is blaming herself and I don't know what to do. I want to comfort her, but I have a feeling if I do that, she is just going to get more stressed out. 

We head back to her place, just because I know she doesn't want to deal with other people because of the mood she is in. I know she's going to be very upset and not herself for a couple days, maybe even weeks. Harry and her were really close so I understand why she would be upset. I will just leave it to her and let her figure everything out on her own. I want to help but I have a feeling I will make it worse. She walks right into her bedroom, without any words once we walk in the house. I sigh and walk into the kitchen to find something to eat. I put a pizza in the oven and go on my phone while it cooks. I don't want to sit there because I know I will think about today and I will end up just like Sophie. I need to be strong for her. 

My phone rings and I jump. "Hello?" I say into the phone once I read that it's my mom. 

"Nash! Why don't you call anymore?" she asks, obviously she missed me. 

"Busy that's all what's up?" I ask, not really wanting to be on the phone with her. 

"Well, I need a favor." she says and I groan. Every time she wants a favor, I end up doing something that I would never do by choice. 

"What is it?" I ask, not really wanting to know. 

"So, we are all coming out there to go on vacation, I mentioned it to you before you left with your friends and well.. We need you to watch Skylynn." my mom says into the phone and my jaw drops. 

"Mom are you kidding?" I groan into the phone. 

She sighs and says, "Nash it's just a week, a little more I don't think it's too much to ask. She wants to see you too!" 

"Mom, I don't think Sophie wants to deal with that right now." I say to her and she sighs. 

"Look, we are leaving in 3 days, so in the mean time just talk to Sophie and see if she will agree. We really need you to do this for us." she says. Once we finally get off that topic, she asks me how I have been and by the time I get off the phone, the pizza is done. Wow can she talk. 

I take it out of the oven and cut out 2 pieces for myself. I sit back down in the seat I have been in since we got home and I quickly eat the food. I grab a piece and start walking to Sophie's room. I'm pretty sure she won't eat, but I need to at least try. I push the door open and she is laying down on the bed. I walk over to her and she is passed out. I know she is really upset, but I have a feeling she is going to make herself sick because she won't want to do anything. I will have to force her to eat and drink because she will feel like she shouldn't be here. It really does make me upset to see her like this, but like I said before, I can't do anything about it. 

I bring the food back into the kitchen and put it all in the fridge so it doesn't go bad. I return to the bedroom and get ready for bed. I lay down with her and turn on the TV, but not too loud so I don't wake her up. I focus my attention on the TV, but it's hard when there is a beautiful girl laying beside me. I don't want to stare at her because I have a feeling she will wake up and make fun of me for staring at her, but she is just so beautiful. Even when she has that crease in her forehead, she still looks flawless. Around 11:00 I turn off the TV and fully lay down with her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. I kiss her head and close my eyes. Maybe some sleep will help both of us. 

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